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Posts posted by Taboo

  1. And now I'm kind of just wondering, should I just leave the game be for now? If in the new episode the various relationship values and whatnot built up over time are supposed to be reset with the update...if I read correctly. Whats the point? Because I don't think I can remember all the choices I made up till now and wanna see the extended reactions of who I may have pissed off and who I may have befriended.

    If It's no use, I will be kinda sad but won't be the end of the world, I bred a pretty good eevee with stats in all the right places for jolteon so I'll be grumbly about that but with some patience and luck I can replicate him.

    So unless I'm being an idiot and overthinking something or misinterpreting something, anyone else having this dilemma?

  2. I feel like I'm spamming but couldn't help but reply quickly because I hadn't even thought of abilities and got myself excited thinking of them.

    The dark/Ghost typing does seem to making sense more than normal/ghost for the last evo...that'd make it almost a triple type throughout it's life though...which would be kinda cool but I feel like I'd be pushing my luck with that.

    Normal -> Normal/Ghost -> Dark/Ghost

    It is kind of satisfying to see the normal slowly snuffed out by total spoop factor though, like you're watching this little dog turn into a full hellhound.

    For all the abilities, maybe something like;

    Puperie - A1: Prankster A2: Cute Charm HA: Cursed Body

    Howlinger - A1: Levitate A2: Insomnia HA: Cursed Body

    Wendigeist - A1: Shadow Tag A2: Strong Jaw/Gluttony? HA: Graveyard Shift (Boosts Ghost type moves by 50% at night)

  3. Thank you!

    And an update to this thread since it is for my sprite edits and I don't wanna spam, I've been working on my trainer, making her a bit more personalized. Most everything has been replaced with the new hair and clothing colors except for the map icon and the trainer card sprite.

  4. Download



    Ponyta Line

    Fennekin Line

    Poochyena Line


    Glaceon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Flareon


    Hope you guys like black, white and warm colors...somehow a theme developed here. I'll probably add more in groups as I edit them because there are still a few shinies I'm a bit meh about. These are free to use for everyone and if you include them in your game I'd love to see screenshots.

    To install just go to where your reborn files are located > Graphics > Battlers and drag+drop+replace the ones you want to use.


    Also redone the MC sprite to reflect her starter; Fennekin


    • Upvote 2
  5. Would we be allowed to share edits of shiny sprites for example? Nothing big like fusions but recolors, I redid a handful of shiny sprites in the game because a few of them weren't really my cup of tea. I'm starting to get quite a few of them and wondered if it'd be okay to share them for others to use on here?

  6. Nowhere else to post this and figured I'd try and further test the waters of this community. I sometimes make random fakemon when the mood strikes me and figured I'd share some, these are all drawn by me and likely a little wonky as such.

    The images seem very tiny to me but I went by the dimensions that matched up best from across various pokemon pixel guides. I'm an idiot.


    My favorite fakemon project, based on wolves and wendigos.

    Puperie (Puppy + Eerie) | Dark Type

    Harmless Puppy Pokemon

    Most often found in northern regions, Puperie can be found wandering through snowy forests and tundras. Their double coat keeps them warm in harsh environments, it is ill advised to approach one in the wild as the parents can not be too far. It is a very good dog.

    Howlinger (Howl + Linger) | Dark/Ghost

    ??? Pokemon

    No desc ideas yet

    Wendigeist (Wendigo + Poltergeist) | Dark/Ghost

    Ravenous Spirit Pokemon

    Wendigeist is always ready to eat, even going so far as dine on inedible items such as plastic bags and tin cans. Above all they seek the taste of flesh, many trainers go missing in their forests each year. The ghostly flames on it's body do not give off light, allowing it to hunt easily in the dark.

    Weak To: Fairy (x2)

    Immune To: Ghost, Normal

    Resistant To: Fighting (0.5) and Poison (0.5)


    Kitling (Kit + Hatchling) | Dragon

    Elegant Hatchling Pokemon

    No desc ideas yet

    Ryurret (Ryu + Ferret) | Dragon/Fire

    Scaled Ferret Pokemon

    No desc ideas yet

    Valuryu (Valuable + Ryu) | Dragon/Fire

    Avaricious Pokemon

    Valuryu are very fond of expensive things such as jewelry, money and other valuable trinkets. Trainers are likely to find things missing if they lay shiny objects out in the open, only to find them months later in a hidden stash. The dens of wild Valuryu have piles of pilfered goods crammed into every nook and cranny.

    Weak To: Fairy (x3), Dragon (x2), Flying (x2)

    Immune To: n/a

    Resistant To: Bug (0.5), Grass (0.5), Fire (0.5)


    Celestial Fox Pokemon

    galafox_by_noctenata-dafxnga.png Being redone

    Evolves from Galakit (Drawn but I hate it so not sharing)

    • Upvote 1
  7. I was aware of the shiny rate being heightened, but still don't find an awful lot so it's still pretty even I'd say.

    Actually I went in and further customized the shiny houndoom sprite because I wasn't a fan of how it looked, now it's a nice contrasting black and white with red eyes.

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