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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Zyxeos

  1. mega_dunsparce_by_dragonith-d6ieig6.png

    I am so glad there are so many people that agree that we need a Dunsparce Mega! The divine pokemon ruler.

    I can imagine it being a huge wall with high defense and can inflict status effects with the added Serene Grace. It would have a large amount of resistences being Normal/Dragon, and making it a pain to deal with. However it would have limited offensive capabilities and speed(though that would be great for trick room teams). I could imagine a moveset like:


    Rock Slide/Air Slash


    Dragon Tail

    Even more possibilities if they could also open up Dunsparce's movepool a bit.

    Not to sound like I am doing self advertising, but I made very interesting changes to Dunsparce in my fan game. I even have a screenshot on the second post of my games dunsparce :)

  2. Hey!! I started with Pokemon Gold too! :D

    Glad to have you on board :)

    I love this community, it is home of many fan projects, and people who just love Pokemon and want the best for the series! I also study Computer Science :) I'm glad you are studying that, it's a really awesome and fun degree, although it is very tricky at first!

    Who is your main in Smash Bros? I like to play as either Villager, Corrin, or Palutena ;)

  3. My trainer would be Professor Oak!

    I mean he has so many Pokemon that if I get the chance to be in his team, then that probably means I am special to him :)

    Also if I were a Pokemon (Because I never got to reply on the other thread): I would be a Snorlax because thats one of the best pokemon ever, and sleeps all day, which is something awesome! I also like that Snorlax is really friendly, but also doesn't care at the same time. A big reason as to why Snorlax is a special Pokemon to me is because when I was 7 years old, I won a GIANT Snorlax plushie at a fair! I've had that Snorlax since, so it's like a 14 year old Snorlax plush that's about 1 meter tall! I have since re-stuffed it so that it now feels like a pillow, because when it came, it was filled with those styrofoam thingies:3

  4. Developer Blog - August 28th 2016:

    Hi! This is going to be a fast developer blog because I wrote a big one last night!

    Here's the big points:

    - Episodes 1 and 2 will be released at the same time.

    - Development time has increased, but dedicated fans of the project will regularly get updates,

    and information about the game!

    - Working on Episode 2 right now!

    That's it! If you want to read more about everything, I have updated the main post!

    Thank you for following the development of Fuji's Tale!

  5. Developer's Blog: August 27, 2016

    A lot has gone on behind the scenes since the Closed Beta Testing began! I had the chance to revamp the game, and received great feedback from my testers that the game

    had undergone lots of improvements.

    Since then, I have taken an entire week conceptualizing, envisioning, and deeply planning out the future of the game.

    First and foremost, you need to know that Fuji's Tale is a very serious Pokemon Fan Game. My goal is that when the game takes off, that it

    becomes one of the best Pokemon games you have ever played to date! The Plot will be denser than most Pokemon games, will feature

    a giant timeline progression, unlike anything else you have ever seen before, and will also try its best to stay true to the facts within the Pokemon universe,

    while staying relatively unique in MANY factors... Every Pokemon has been rebalanced.. the Beast type is VERY different from the Normal type,

    and you will feel that right away! You will need to create unique strategies in order to defeat the challenge that Fuji's Tale will offer you!

    Now, what's going on now?

    I have been working on Fuji's Tale's next big step...

    The point of the intro of this game is meant to deeply hook the player to the story, to quickly introduce familiar elements to you,

    and then let you take off to the amazing journey that is Mr. Fuji's life.

    At first, I had planned for the first public release of Fuji's Tale to have just 1 Gym, 1 Town, 1 Cave, 1 Major Plot... lot's of 1's!...

    However, that's changed... I am planning to bring to you an even MORE complete Episode 1...

    You will be able to dive very deeply into the story with just this first release... I've been working tirelessly for that to happen...

    But expect that to take time. If you are anxious to get into the behind the scenes of Fuji's Tale, you can still contact me via private message

    to become a Closed Beta tester. I will be sprinkling much frequent updates to my closed beta testers.

    I hope you understand that I will try my best to roll out a almost PERFECT Episode 1 for the public... so that process has no release date yet!

    So if this post has made you excited to try out the game, please let me know!

    Want to Volunteer?

    I am currently working on everything by myself for Fuji's Tale. With that in mind, I always appreciate anyone who

    would like to volunteer for the following:

    - Closed Beta Tester (will provide detailed feedback of the game, and bug reporting)

    - Experienced Spriter

    - Musician (I am still looking for unique music)

    - Someone who wants to make me a custom banner / icon for the forum that will represent Fuji's Tale!

    - Someone who wants to make me a game start poster for when the game launches!

    In-Game credit, and In-Forum credit will be given to everyone who helps me out, and it will remain there forever!

    Thank you for following the development of Fuji's Tale!

  6. To elaborate, the problem with doing that is that MP3 is a file format that holds sound, whereas midi is a file format that holds data that can be read as sound. It's like, trying to convert something you see in a picture, into a real life 3d format. It's fundamentally not going to work.

    That said RMXP is capable of handling mp3 or midi files, so if you're making your own music then either format will be totally fine. There's no need to convert.

    Thank you! That makes so much sense! I found that worked after making this thread!

    However, there were a couple MP3 songs that I tried importing and it oddly would turn the song in my BME folder into a 0 KBs file! :(

  7. I really hope that Pokemon Uranium and development of all fan games can continue to co-exist along with the originals.

    It is a shame that fans can't express their creativity and love for the game due to copyright issues.

    Especially when Pokemon uranium has it's own unique Pokemon!!! :(

    Knowing Nintendo, they most likely won't let loose... However, I think the Uranium team deserves support from the fans

    because they worked extremely hard, on a beautiful project!

    I have yet to download the game and try it myself but I will soon!!

  8. I appreciate your hard work, Jan! You deserve a break from Rejuvination! The game is already amazing, and way better than most Pokemon games already, and so it's playability is massive!

    I hope you enjoy whatever else you are doing, and continue to do what you love!

    Thank you Jan!

  9. Perfect starter Pokemon cycles are really awesome!

    For my game, I did not use a perfect starter pokemon because I used Pokemon that had more to do with the main character, which is Mr. Fuji who is all about Cubone, and Poliwag... As the third option, I picked Magby, because that's a Pokemon I really like and thought it would fit well! It's really hard to balance the early game when you don't have a perfect cycle though!

    Nice stuff!

  10. BETA IS OUT!

    DL in OP under Beta Testers -- Please keep in mind that this is meant for Testing! While the game is fully playable, it will be a lot better when Episode 1 launches! Download this if you want to get a taste of what this game is going to be like, as there are many story elements there already! Many hours put into it! Once I finish the full Episode 1, I will add the official download link to the Fan-Game Expose thread!

    I'll add better download links when I get out of work later tonight!!

    Thank you for following the development of Fuji's Tale/Adventure!

  11. Developer blog - August 13, 2016

    I have been working on the Beta for about 15 hours today. I am still not where I want for the game to be released to you guys to play! I want to release the best Beta product I can!

    What I can say is that I will be working non-stop on the game until I get the Beta out!

    So stay tuned... and sorry for not being able to finish it by today!

    I will keep you updated tomorrow, and fingers crossed, as it may drop tomorrow, and I don't wanna pull a Frank Ocean on you guys!

    Thank you for following the Development of Fuji's Tale, ran by a passionate programmer!

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