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Posts posted by Zounds

  1. I'd say Butterfree has carried my team the most throughout my playthough. Emolga has also been an incredible sweeper for the squad and gave me wins I never would've expected. Now I am in an awkward position where I should replace one of these two pokemon for my main team but I am too attached to both of them!

  2. I am really enjoying the game so far, but the lack of strong male characters is quite jarring to me. The story is full of women and girls with deep emotional story arcs, and then as far as guys go we've got Cain who's just there to lighten up the mood and remind us that he's pansexual. Judging by the way the males in this game are written I can't help but feel like the writer has some sort of resentment of guys. The few guys that are around are just kinda there or had some hand in causing trauma for a girl in the plot.

    I also find it strange that this one orphanage seems to house a legion of pokemon prodigies despite the fact that there would be no way for them to actually go out, train, and become experienced enough to become leaders of the pokemon league. Seems like even the more mature and darker pokemon stories can't get away from the expectation of children accomplishing incredibly unrealistic tasks in a few months whereas adults train their whole lives only to be beaten by those children.

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