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Posts posted by LonerPrime

  1. Lovely. Thank you for clearing that up folks. Almost thought Ame added a new level of sadism to her arsenal. They weren't kidding when they said that environmental effects do play quite a lot in this game. A big jump in game play coming from vanilla Pokemon games.

    Thanks again.

    PS to the Mods: Apologies, not a bug apparently. Just an inexperienced newbie.

  2. Hello,

    So I did read some words of advice about being wary about 7th and 11th gym and even though I am getting comfortable with the whole idea about game being made difficult on purpose to encourage creativity, I couldn't for the life of me understand why Noel's Swellow was eating rock and electric moves without breaking a sweat. Only 1x damage instead of 2. I mean the Porygon z and Cinccino are headache enough but not impossible. Yet that Swellow didn't even flinch on 2 of the moves that are its weakness. Could someone shed some light since I didn't read about any issues in this regard in the bug list.

    Kind Regards,


    PS: Playing the 15th episode at the moment.

    PPS: I have beaten him already so allow me to assure you kind folks, there is no intention of whining behind this post. Just clear curiosity, in case if this is on purpose and I should be prepared for stuff like that in the future. My whole strategy went out of the window after I lost Emolga early.

  3. Hello PR Community,

    So I have been bulldozing through gym leaders during my first playthrough so I thought I would take a break and tackle event pokemons/leftover sidequests before attempting the Ice gym. But it seems I am kinda stuck in my pursuit to find 7th street. Allow me to recall events step by step in a brief order.

    1) Finished Shelly Gym first.

    2) Entered Aqua Gang HQ.

    3) Battled and Won i.e became one of them.

    4) Went to Old Hag's house. Battled and won against Magma.

    5) Got water stone and Ponyta. Scrammed out of there.

    6) Later talked to the police officer in the Old Hag's house. Got the bicycle voucher.

    7) Reported back to the boss. He wanted to take down the Magma HQ

    8) Water Pokemon too low so decided to raise a Starmie.

    9) By the time Starmie was any stronger I had finished Aya's Gym and the Wasteland.

    10) Headed back and finished off the Magma HQ.

    11) Came out and ran into a Magma Lackey who was really pissed. Defeated him and then watched him whine about some rare Pokemon.

    12) Came back to Aqua base. Got a Carvanha.

    13) Went back around in Lapis ward and ran into a Aqua lackey near two dumpsters who said something along the lines of selling a "rare pokemon" to a 7th street vendor.

    14) Found a building with a lady who kept denying me access as it was for "tenants only" which I believe is the intended 7th Street.

    15) Went back to boss hoping for help. He keeps saying that I am part of the gang and if I ever needed help, he will be happy to lend a hand.

    That is about it. An endless loop in my quest to get access to 7th street going nowhere. Fast forwarded the date hoping time change would affect the dialogue. No luck there either.

    So as the title says, am I missing a step? Appreciate any help in advance.

    Kind Regards,


  4. That place is available; just head west of Peridot from the street where one of the alleys are iirc.

    Elekid's been axed, btw, there's a Blitzle now.

    I apologize as you folks are indeed correct. I just never went past the area where the fire pokemon takes refuge during rains. For some reason I was under the impression it was a dead end due to some npc saying the rail network was caved in. Thank you both. Unfortunately all I am getting are level 5 to 8 woobat and noibat. I guess for now poochyena/purrloin grinding is the only way to go.

  5. Another interesting place for training is under Opal bridge. You'll only find low level Noibat and Woobat so it's not the best for xp, but it also does EV training for speed at the same time which can be useful

    Thank you for that tip, though I don't think I have access to that area as of now. All the wards are closed until I defeat Julie which is being a bit of a pain. I am about 7 levels above her voltorb and she still makes the first move. No choice but to level my budew by beating some pooches repeatedly. Wish I could get a storm so I can get my mits on that Elekid :(

  6. Unforunately, there isn't any other place to grind. The alley is the best place to do so.

    However, the factory trainers aren't very high leveled, and you have Fern as a partner who will always heal your Pokemon after each battle (think of Riley in Iron Island), making it a good place to train (despite the battles being limited). You can leave whenever you want to, though. Be warned that the final battle in the factory is a bit tough, as the Pokemon are a bit high leveled, but you have Fern to help you, so you should be fine.

    In E16, I think Ame said she'd make it easier to grind before Julia by making the rebattle-able trainers in Grand Hall available from the start.

    Thank you for that bit of information. Very nice addition if Ame is considering adding the trainer feature. Not sure how long it will be before episode 16 arrives though. Still, as you mentioned, the boss battle in the factory, is a bit of a pain. I attempted that battle when I had the episode 12 version of the game and Fern got his teeth knocked out in the last battle. I didn't do so hot either but I was mostly unbalanced and under leveled, but his pokemons were budew and snivy and he got rekt by Magby. I am really not feeling so hot depending on him again unless his pokemon choices have changed. Hence my quest for a decent leveling ground, but I guess I'll have to go and hunt purrloin and poochyena only. :S

    Edit: I worked a bit on leveling my grimer and butterfree and that did the trick. Fern got rolled again >_>. 2 grass and one water hybrid pokemon against a fire and electric type... Anyhow I leveled quite a bit while going through the factory and I did so by alternating between grimer and butterfree. By the last battle I was a level lower than the enemy pokemon but sleep powder/stun powder combined with mud slaps and some good amount of luck where the sleep didn't break too fast, I managed to finish the enemy team off. Now onward to Electric.

  7. Hello again PR Community,

    Excuse me for coming back to the forums so soon again but I kind of got a bit confused regarding my starter team and the training spots that I can use. For starters here is my team setup. Please let me know if any improvements could be made to the rooster:

    1) Torchic Lvl 15

    2) Grimer Lvl 9

    3) Espurr[F] Lvl 11

    4) Budew Lvl 11

    5) Butterfree Lvl 12

    6) Zigzagoon Lvl 4 [Pickup ability] / Panpour Lvl 10

    I am at a point where I have basically defeated all the trainers upto the factory event and have no other choice but to tackle it to advance the storyline. All other sections of the city are still closed off and I am not feeling too confident going into the factory unless all my pokemons are at least over level 15. I have only found 4 training spots:

    1) Outside Grand Hall

    2) The bug Garden

    3) The juvenile alley on the way to the caved in tracks

    4) The hobo alley next to the western rail tracks

    Of all the above, only the hobo alley is the one that has poocheyana that spawns at level 12 and giving any decent xp though it does hit like a truck with it's bite. I tried reading the forums extensively but the training guides are over 3 years old and basically jump around to higher levels.

    So what I am really wondering is, are there any other training spots before the factory/electric gym where I can take my pokemon for leveling apart from the ones I mentioned above? I haven't really caught a lot of pokemon in the wild mostly as to conserve money for now. Any tips for a newbie before I walk into the valley of shadow?



  8. Thank you for the offer Lugruf. That might not be necessary as Captain Breakfast sent me a link to the game posted on DropBox. I am in the process of grabbing it. Hopefully I'll have it in a few hours.

    Much appreciation to both you and the Captain for helping me out.



    PS: Dear Mods, issue resolved. Lock the thread, if that is done on these forums. :)

  9. Mega's working on my end, so, assuming you still have issues, it's region-specific. Otherwise, they've fixed whatever issues were going on when you tried.

    I really hope it is just that and that it is temporary. As of now, mega is still down with whatever glitch is happening at their end. I am at the point that I am actually considering giving the local server link a shot just in the hopes that it might run without breaking in between. :(

    A request to the admins, with gamefront going down and the local server option being not recommended, may I request another file storage be added to the fray? Depending on mega solely seems like all pokemon eggs in one daycare only.



  10. Thank you both for your suggestions. Very much appreciated.

    @Lugruf : That is definitely a useful thread. Unfortunately your version are backed at Mega as well which for now isn't working for me at all. All I see is Mega opening and then a blank page followed by an error which I'll post below.

    @Captain Breakfast: Thank you for the gamefront info. I had no idea that they had shut down. My firefox does have extensions so I tried opening mega in my chrome which is basically extension free apart from google docs, docs offline, slides and sheets which are installed by default. Same blank page there as well unfortunately. I did get an error pop up on both of my browsers though. Not sure if it was on my end or mega because the message came from the server. Gonna upload it here for the consideration of experts.

    Chrome Error


    Firefox Error


    Once again, thank you both but I am still stuck in a typhoon on a boat without any oars. Much appreciate your offer for uploading on Google Drive/Dropbox Captain Breakfast. I can even work with MediaFire since I used it to store files online when I was active with an anime subbing group couple of years back. So if possible I would really like to take up on your offer.

    Kind Regards once more,


  11. Hello PR Community/Admins,

    Recently I revisited my hard drive to play some of the games in my backlog and came across this gem. Unfortunately back when I did download it, it was on episode 12 so I decided to head here and grab the newest version. Unfortunately I am having issues with the posted download links.

    1) For some reason, that I cannot fathom, the gamefront link is doing a redirect to "The Escapist" website. I tried various posted links for gamefront on other threads but all of them are doing the same. No go there.

    2) The mega link is displaying a blank. Refresh or Hard Refresh isn't helping and the website, though online, just shows a blank white page without errors. I did read a couple of days ago that mega might be heading for a bad end with Kim Dot Com not in control of the storage site anymore and that it is now the property of some Chinese gangster. Not sure how much merit is there in that news or if that has anything to do with the issue I am facing but all together, this option isn't working for me either

    3) The local server download link, which isn't recommended, is the only one working but the speed is fluctuating way too much and I fear the download will die mid way and with my speed (60kb/s, yes I am not kidding. gg India) I doubt I'll be able to grab it reliably via that option.

    Respectfully, I would like to ask for help regarding this so I can get my paws on this game.

    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards,


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