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King Reeses

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Posts posted by King Reeses

  1. i'll be nice and post this and even though jan is going to have my head for it i found a roundabout to get v8 early :^) enjoy

    it's right here

    I'm not falling for that. I fell for it once on April Fool's day with pokemon meat and the fake beta test application with that weird youtube video.

  2. I wonder if we'll collect any other spirits in that spirit collector thing, like we did ten years in the past when Maria's mother got murdered by the cops.

    That makes me happy that I'm on windows 7. I hope the game works for you on windows 10, though.

  3. The time has finally come. Alpha Testing is now 100% completed.

    The Beta Testing period shall being either tonight or early tomorrow. Pretty excited for it!

    That being said though, I noticed that an increasing number of people would like to participate in the Beta, so I've decided to be nice and open this up to more people.

    I have created an application form for anyone wanting to participate in the Beta. Participant's applications will be picked on raffle and reviewed by myself and Zumi.

    If you would like to fill out an application for the beta, click here.

    Thank you for being patient!

    Well, that was a disturbing video.

  4. the Angie picture at the end gave me a jumpscare (plus it scared me little lol) really catches her whole insanity. Full credit to the artist who captured her so well. Me personally I am not looking forward to seeing her again. I'm propbably going to have a "Fun" time dealing with her as im #1 on her revenge list. Mayb she wont notice me in clothes from the past lol

    The whole Angie event along with the Marie/Marienette stuff made me develop a fear of maids.

  5. I'm on version 7, and I'm in jirukala cavern trying to evolve the purified bonsly, just like the guide says, but it's leveling up without evolving. I don't want to catch a different rock type, and it missed out on learning Mimic. I'm training up to go against Amber's OP fire type gym. Help please.

  6. I'm at Blacksteeple Castle in version 7. I spoke with Valerie, Saki and Adam at the beach. I then talked to Valerie in her hiding spot. What do I do now? I've been running around in circles for a good half an hour now.

    I'm at Blacksteeple Castle in version 7. I spoke with Valerie, Saki and Adam at the beach. I then talked to Valerie in her hiding spot. What do I do now? I've been running around in circles for a good half an hour now.

    Never mind. I figured it out.

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