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Peter An

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Posts posted by Peter An

  1. 21 hours ago, Waynolt said:

    "Can", yes.
    "Will", on the other hand, is a completely different matter... you see, maintaining mods that I (mostly) currently use for a game I'm still playing isn't a big problem (because I'd be doing that anyway), but porting them to a different game that I'm not playing is.

    I'm willing to help someone else make a port for that different game, but testing and actual maintenance would then be up to that "someone else".
    For example, this modpack does have a Rejuvenation version only because @DreamblitzX made it; I only helped fix the most glaring issues.

    By the way: it *is* possible that this modpack will work in Fullmoon without making a port for it, but only if the game's scripts are the exact same as Reborn's or Rejuvenation's (and even then the ChooseStarter component wouldn't work anyway, because it needs to know where exactly the starter selection room is)



    I'm test mod with pokemon fullmoon working any mods, but i like it mod "NoTMXNeeded" not working in pokemon fullmoon 😞

  2. 12 hours ago, Waynolt said:

    Well, not really, since you couldn't have known it would happen, but at least now we know how it happened. So... #worth, I guess?
    Anyway, have fun with the game!

    Hello friend 😉


    Can you have apply mod with pokemon fullmoon version 9.3.3?

  3. 19 hours ago, Blontary said:

    Well the locations are still the same, the only child that changed place was the girl east from akuwa town, but you'll eventually find her surfing. Follow the tutorial and you won't have any problems 🙂

    i'm find all location in guide tutorial, but i don't know miss 1 child?

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