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8bit Moonside

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Posts posted by 8bit Moonside

  1. It really is a shame nobody really talks about Super Monkey Ball these days, although that might be because there hasn't been a game that's been...memorable, I guess? since the first 2 on Gamecube and also Deluxe. The DS and Vita games were good too, but they lack the same appeal the first few games had.


    shadow the hedgehog was actually kind of a good game

    It's nowhere perfect, and it's definitely not the best Sonic game, but the gameplay is kinda fun and the graphics and music are very good. The level design, on the other hand, is atrocious, especially in the latter half of the game.

  3. I agree that the lack of special episodes is really disappointing. There's so much that could have been explored, but nope!

    For example (spoilers, of course):

    -Krookodile is built up as being this huge criminal but it's hardly explored, and then after he gets turned into a lawn ornament by Nuzleaf he completely drops out of the plot.

    -The fact that nobody in the Expedition Society bats an eyelash at you being human must mean there's someone in it/they know someone who was human. But who?

    -I'd also wanna see something involving Hoopa, because the fact that it has such a unique way of being in your party is neat and I wish there was more to Hoopa in this game.

    Still holding out hope for a re-release of some kind that adds in something akin to special episodes but I doubt it'll happen.

  4. I really wish Super didn't have the Connection Orb, or at least didn't have it the way it was. I kinda wish they did something where you still had the random missions like the old games, but the Orb was there in addition to them. But other than that, I do enjoy the gameplay, even though I thought the story was kinda weak.

    I also wish the continents had more story to them as opposed to just being towns with lists of dungeons attached to them, but that's kind of a minor thing.

  5. Welcome to Reborn, 8Bit!

    I hope that you enjoy your stay!

    I too enjoy some good videogame music. Which game has your favorite soundtrack? :o

    Anyways, see ya around~

    Ooh, that's a tough one haha. Probably...F-Zero GX.

  6. Heyo! I'm 8bit Moonside and I enjoy Pokemon a lot despite being terrible at it. I haven't played much of Reborn yet (only at the first gym orz) but I'm liking it a lot so far.

    I also enjoy listening to music and video games (as well as video games about music) in general. Nice to meet you all!

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