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Tempest Admin Eon

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Posts posted by Tempest Admin Eon

  1. Iv put alot of time into this Minecraft like RPG called TROVE. Wanted to know if anyone else played it. Its basically like a RPG with Minecraft elements cept this time it takes building to a whole new level. Also introduces Classes such as the Gunslinger, Boomeranger, Knight, Lunar Lancer, ect. If anyone would like to try it out and join my Club world (Kinda like a guild) Just download it and Add LokiRagnarok (Meeeee)

    Its really fun!

  2. Yeah i saw the post but i couldnt find them for the life of me ;-; Thank you!
    Edit: Also i did say i couldnt find them on the post you mentioned ergo the reason i made this post

  3. On an earlier post i asked for suggestions for Ice and Fire types

    Now i need the location of the mamoswine family if anyone would kindly point me in the right direction. I checked the posts with the locations but my eyes may just be bad becasue i didnt see it.

    Thank you kindly!

  4. So right now for my team i have


    Now the question is Where can i find a better fire type and ice type to put in rotation with the team

    I did the Aqua gang event and got the ponyta but i wanted to know if theres any other fire types i missed. I heard theres a numel event but iidk how to start it and im so bad at finding them on youtube and forums.

    Also is there any ice event pokemon?

    Im at the Saving the twins chapter so im pretty far in if that needs to be said

  5. Hello everyone! Name is Jordan Blake but you can call me Eon or Tempest or Blake It matters not :)

    I am 22 years old and I live in South Carolina
    I play VGC competitively and have played across 5 different states

    My goals in life is to eventually become a Psychologist and Own my own buisness
    But enough of the boring stufffffff :o

    I love pokemon to death its gotten me through some hard times in my life, My favorite pokemon would have to be gardevoir for various various reasons ;)
    I also love anime and videogames. Hit me up if you guys wanna play some games tooo :o

    You can reach me and add me at the following places!

    - Skype: jordanblakekelly
    - Facebook- Jordan Blake

    Art of myself and Gardevoir haha


  6. I just finished getting my 5th badge and i ended up back at the grandhall on my way to clear out getting all the event pokemon in obsida and Peridot. In the grandhall theres the salesman who sells you a mon for 500 but a guy jacks it from you. You follow him and you end up fighting him and the salesman and forking over 500 more. It use to be a ducklett but i heard the event was changed and now the guy said to go to obsidia and look for it but i have no idea who im supposed to be looking for. Could anyone shed some light on this for me!

  7. Gardevoir

    Shiny: Yes
    -Heal Pulse

    Porygon 2
    Shiny: Yes
    -Trick Room
    -Tri attack

    Shiny: Yes

    Shiny: No
    -Drain Punch
    -Mach Punch
    -Knock Off
    -Poison Jab

    Shiny: No
    -Earth Power

    -Kings Shield
    -Shadow Ball
    -Flash Cannon

  8. I am close to beating Shelly and wanted to know where to find the dull key to start the Pangoro/Scraggy event. Any help would be appreciated!

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