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Posts posted by kent

  1. Welcome to your Wonderland~

    "We hope to see you again!"

    And your team looks fine to me, although I do notice some things like two moves of the same type on the same Pokemon. In some cases, it's fine, since one move might have a lower accuracy or have a different purpose (ex. Eruption + Flamethrower Typhlosion).

    Yes. You're correct. (: I only ever keep more than one move of the same type on a single pokemon if one has either, low accuracy, or it is useful in double battles for targetting 2 pokes and field effects.

    The only poke I have problems with right now is Psych [Alakazam]. He doesn't have any other decent move to put in place of future sight. I would like shadow ball but i don't have the TM. Tms are kinda scarce to be honest....

  2. Greetings fellow Reborn heros.

    Only after about a mounth of playing the game did I decide to actually join the forum. Should of donnit sooner.

    I'd like to start off first by saying thank you to everybody here, seeing as I frequently came here to read tips about Reborn. Without you guys I'd probably be stuck around Noel (Crazy hard gym leader for a normal type geez). .I've already finished E15, but i plan on replaying one more time. I hope after signing up here i can get lucky and here news on the next episode really soon. ^^

    Anyways, I hope to hear, ask and help away in this forum for the upcoming future. ;)

    PS: Take a look at my team, if you see any major flaw, or have a suggestion to beaf it up a notch, fire away.

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