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Posts posted by Alpha_Blitz

  1. Don't sleep on most of the mons you encounter,you'll never know when they might come in handy,maybe for the next gym or one of Ame's troll boss encounter,(Garchomp anyone?)but still you might be surprised how most mons that are weak like mightyena and kriketune can still put in work(mightyena's moxie,best early sweeper in the game.)

  2. Normal:Raticate,cause top%.

    Bird:Missing-Jk,Noctowl cause I like using it in its own tier as screen support and toxic staller.

    Bug:I really like Leavanny,I don't know why....maybe cause of its design cause it sucks to be honest.

    Pikaclone:Not a fan,never was a fan,never will be a fan(If I have to,then Pikachu screw it.)

    Pseudo:This is your Metagross,this is your Metagross on Metagrossite.Any question?(that old drug commercial never gets old).

  3. Hmm,could you please give ous the level of youre Pangoro?according to bulbapedia,Pangoro gets crunch at level 42,which is over the leve cap(lvl 40 If I am not mistaken)and this might be your'e pokemon just disobeying and giving the "there was no target..."when they still attack while disobeying.If the issue is still present,I would suggest putting up your Save file for the mods to fix.

  4. Pick up boldore and evolve it with a link stone if you have one,buy a bunch of cotton candy,set up stealth rocks cause birds don't like rocks,Gigalith is a pretty good poke to take down most of Ciel's team but Gliscor pretty much walls him so you might want to pick up a water/ice type to help you out with that,to beat most of her pokes you'll just have to continue reviving your gigalith/boldore cause stone edge is a nuke.

    I dont have any tips for that Altaria but to pick up an ice type,thats about it.Hopefully this is going to be useful for you.

  5. None of youre pokes can really do anything to mewtwo,but I suggest you don't train up Pawniard cuz its typing is normal on that field,but tbh you might want to grind up that Ditto of yours and get a poke that can give mewtwo a status effect (para and toxic would be suffeicent enough,if it can't take a hit,you might wanna sash it)with the pokes your working with....its not gonna be easy,ther0 reason I'm saying that is because of Mewtwos moveset (thanks Ame),if you dont have a sash,then your going to be needing a wall,train up porygon(if I am not mistaken it gets signal beam?)so you can heal up your team,I'll edit this post if I think up of more ideas to help you.

  6. Hhmmmm....you seem to haven't done the other half of the event,there should the same situation on the other side of the slums(as you can see based on your picture that you posted,theres another button on the other side,in which another scraggy needs to press[much like the scraggy in your face])

  7. I like shiny crobat,hey its better than shiny crobat that nintendo made e_e.Other than that shiny metagross all the way.

    EDIT:I just hatched a shiny heracross,,looks pretty good,its the small thing that count right?

  8. Look, I'm usually prepared to add in pokemon for people starting mono runs (particually for rock, ice and other types with no early pokemon) but I'm not sure about how I feel about adding a pseudo let alone 6.

    Look, I'll have a think about it but not promises.

    Thanks for even considering mate,I myself am not even so sure of doing this mono run now that I'm thinking about,maybe we can tone it down to just 3 or 4 pseudos,maybe that would be more challenging and "FAIR" ex(Deino,Larvitar,Bagon and Goomy)But still,its your choice to whether or not help me at making this a thing,also you can put whatever pseudo you want,idc which pseudo it is as long as its a pseudo right?I just really wanted to try this out ^_^ .Also,I promise that I won't abuse the pseudos if you give me the pseudos,That's my promise if you help me out,but I'm worried you might get into trouble because of this so yeah,don't force yourself.

  9. I'm going to be up front and say nobody is going to help you. Pseudos are meant to feel rewarding after going through hell to get one. The Beldum event took about a month (or was it two weeks) for everyone to figure out and it was only found out early by accident. There's a lot of hard work and you're simply just asking to give them to you all for free. It ain't right and if you are so desperate to use one, you'll have to tamper with Cheat Engine which has a good chance of corrupting your game. Cheating comes with a cost.

    Yeah, I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to notice I have the knowledge to do such things. If somebody asks to bring a certain weak or decent Pokemon available late in the game for a monotype, I might consider helping them out, but I will not give people OP Pokemon for the start of the game because they don't feel like using skills to win. I really did consider giving you a miserable version of your request that'd take 20 hours to get past Julia, but...I had second thoughts. So yeah...I'm just giving you a reality check that this ain't gonna happen.

    Welp,Thanks for crushing my dreams X_X(just joking btw).Looks like this was just a dream,I can still make my brother hack the pokemon in,I mean he always put lagendarys on his save file(I usually delete his save files to piss him off ^_^ ) if enough people have the same opinion as you regarding this matter,then I won't tamper with the game.When I first thought about doing a Pseudo mono-run of pokemon Reborn Hardcore,I was like that would be fun and awesome ^_^ ,but now that I realize it,giving someone OP pokemon ( That you don't even know) is quite irresponsible so yeah,guess i wasn't thinking straight or had a rock hit my head or something.The more I think about it, the more I feel stupid actually like,you don't even know me and I could pretty much do anything with the pseudos like trade them away or just brake the game in general.

  10. You can just pick up a Piplup which evolves into a water/steel type,you don't need a Beldum,it is actually possible to go with Piplup,I would know cause I too did a mono-steel type run myself.Still,hopefully someone comes to you and actually put in the Beldum onto your save file.Also,goodluck on your mono-steel run ;)

  11. This is actually for Pokemon Reborn Hardcore,I know going trough the game with pseudos is going to be too easy,I used Metagross on my main save and it destroy lives.

    \o/ I get recognition! This is more or less a better Dragon mono which is shown can be done...but this would be leagues easier than that. If you want to play hardcore, just go to my run for the link or the official fan-game post.

    As for rules, this is how to make a game a challenge:

    1. No items other than Super Potions and Ultra Potions bought from Poke Marts

    2. Limit of 3 times to heal your Pokemon

    3. Battles must be switched to set

    4. No resetting when catching an event Pokemon (a one and done rule)

    5. No common candies allowed

    This is exactly how I wanted to play Reborn Hardcore with a pseudo team >:D,nothing but getting destroyed by everything in the game,alright its settled,I'm gonna use this sets of rules for my run.well,I'm still waiting for someone to actually put the pseudos into my game...

  12. While pseudos are monsters,none of them reach Ubers level(other than megas,yes I'm looking at you Salamence)the challenge is too beat the game with one of the most strongest pokemon (non-legendary) in each generation,with the fact that most of them being dragon (looks at Tyranitar and Metagross)and see how fast I can reach the end of the current episode with a pseudo team,without revives its actually going to be hard (nice and Serra),I'm still waiting for someone to actually put in the Pokes,hopefully someone can.Anyway,nobody seems to give me any rules to go through with the game,please give me some rules to go through the game(cause pseudos are monsters) 5 or more rules should be good enough

  13. Sup guys,I finished playing Reborn (for the 17 time actually :mellow: ),I've played through Reborn(monoruns) with almost every type in the game,well,except rock,ghost and fairy for obvious reasons.Then I have this crazy idea,what if I do a pseudo monorun of Reborn?Not sure if this is allowed but can someone put in the pseudos (no Dratini or Beldum) onto my save file?of course there's going to be rules,so I'm gonna let you guys make the rules,but there's already one rule I'm going to stick to;No usage of revives/Max revives/Cotton Candy.I'm new here so expect me to run into some troubles here and there,probably something about rules or where to put this thread ^_^ .


  14. I just finished my water mono type run,and it seems one of the Pokemon that helped me out a lot early/middle of the game isn't here,so I'm gonna do him justice!

    Dewgong:(Water) Class -C/D

    Abilities:Hydration/Thick Fat

    Movesets: Perish song,Surf,Ice Beam,Sheer Cold/Frost Breath

    Reason:While some people may laugh at the face of Dewgong,you might be surprised at what it can actually do,before we get into his advantages,lets talk about his disadvantages.First of all,you can "Have" a chance of either getting a Canea(If I am not mistaken)or a Seel egg,so thats a 50/50 chance to get him.Second,His stats arent quite that high,with a total of 475.Now lets talk about his advantages,You can get him as soon as you kill the first Pulse-Tangrowth,which is a bit early than any other ice types in the game (I think).Secondly,for a water mono run,the second gym leader and those pulse-Tangrowths can be a huge problem,but thanks to Seel having a chance to get perish song,its pretty much a free kill.This actually helped me beat the "Impossible" Bosses,you just need to sash it and wait for 3 turns than boom,the threat is gone.Lastly(this is all that i could think of,maybe i'll edit something later.),This is Pokemon Reborn,Hax are bound to happen every battle and because this is Reborn,it also rain 24/7,Dewgong gets to counter hax with its ability,hydration which removes all status that is inflicted,such as poison and burns when rain is active,this can be very helpful if your very unlucky like me ( :unsure: )and its great for a rain team,Oh and I almost forgot,with your rival,Fern using grass types,your going to be needing a counter for that,and Dewgong with its ice typing comes into play.The reason why Dewgong isnt higher on his class,beside his disadvantages i have written above,Dewgong gets out classed by many Water Type that you get Late/Mid game such as Lapras,Heck,even Swanna is better than him,but still,theres no other early game poke that gets perish song, so thats got to be a plus right?

  15. I was grinding up some Pokes at the Grand Hall (I'm trying to complete the Pokedex BTW),but when i pick up some Pokes from the PC,I accidentally clicked on the books next to the sofa/couch/long chair thing and the same text kept popping up and at the end my character endlessly walked toward the chair facing the TV,I would put a picture here but I don't know how too.

    Can someone check this to confirm this,or maybe its just my save or game only.

    EDIT:My computer crashed and when I rebooted I see two of the same topic that I have posted.....can I like delete the other cause Idk how to or do I have to call a mod or something :(

  16. Sup peoples!I've played Reborn for over two years now,I finally made an account because its kinda awkward to just be able to see all these amazing threads that I have been using over the years but don't have the mouth(or hands to type for this matter)to say anything.But now I am finally here,and I'm gonna say thanks to all those dang threads that helped me out.Thats all really,not much of an introduction eh,welp,it can't be helped :P .

  17. You can get a Zororark or Skuntank,these Pokes help me beat Radomus in my own playthrough,also Malamar is poke that is also worth mentioning cause its quite good if you get the ability contrary cause superpower plus your attack and defense so you will eat up the hits and pack a punch,also good luck on the battle~


  18. This event won't lead you to any new pokemon,cause its not finished,(I think we are responsible enough for a god-damn *BEEP* Ame!its been too long!),

    anyways~The kid sold the pokemon to some gangs in the Lapis Ward,if youre already at the Lapis Ward,you would know which gang the kid was talking about,if not just talk to everyone near the area,

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