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Posts posted by Talkla

  1. Yeah, there are so many things you can do with that ult it's not even funny, and lining your E along it really punishes champions that can dash through it as well.

    Speaking about walls, PBE is foreshadowing Zed and Azir nerfs. :s Zed nerfs are given, but I'm primarily upset about the latter as they're already making him more and more difficult than he already is. Reduced Zed's Q/R scaling but (but upped extra damage of additional Qs) whereas Azir can't poke towers with his W anymore and his R lasts only 3 seconds and doesn't give movement speed.

    No one can deny that both of them deserve some sort of nerf, with their extremely high win, ban, and pick rates.

  2. She has deceptively good burst, but isn't entirely focused on it. You'll be spamming Qs to do a majority of your damage and going for kills with Wing enemies into your E and throwing more Qs at em.

  3. HaWJqvG.png

    This is an absolutely massive hit to Middlesticks, one less bounce means one less chance to boop your opponent a second time, and it's all about booping your opponent ;n;


    But you get the massive buff through being a scarecrow after standing still for 5 seconds. Much stronger than that one extra boop!

  4. The whole 'reformed' thing was something Tyler himself said he was. His league name was something like Tyler1Reformed or something, and then right after he went back to buying 6 tears on Draven and running into turrets.

  5. I'm surprised most of the people who have commented so far have been upset about this. Then again, I haven't looked too deep into Tyler1. I've seen only a few things regarding him that just gave me the impression that he was severely toxic.

    He's self claimed "the most toxic person on LoL". Good to see he's gone, guy took toxic to a new level. He had a "intentionally feed" list, which had quite the nasty things written in it..

  6. Supposedly she's supposed to be a support according to someone on reddit who called the whole 'earth mage' being revealed a few hours before it happened. We'll find out next Monday/Tuesday when the new PBE cycle starts anyhow.

  7. If you use it for offensively in teamfights, it's akin to a Vayne tumbling into the enemy team, any competent tank is gonna CC you immediately. The item itself won't fit many traditional mages either, and it'll probably only really see use on low-range mages, who would appreciate the CDR and slight bulk the item provides. The REALLY scary stuff is gonna be new Malz and Veigar.

  8. Hey !

    I'm curious to know, what is the level of people here on LOL :P - Silver here, I was never able to climb up to gold hehe ^^

    Name is razkarkapat on lol in case someone wants to play in a funny-way not so seriously (but actually trying to win)

    also, I have a question: Do your favorite lol champ and your favorite pokemons look like each other ?

    For example in my case that would be Wukong/ Infernape, so yeah they do :P

    I'm currently Diamond 4 on the NA server, looking to climb a little higher.

    Favorite champion is Fiora, pokemon is Mawile... I guess they both have something sharp?

  9. First time posting an image, so I'm just using my first time with Jhin in this case.
    Rate my build please.

    I don't normally play TT, but the build looks pretty solid, except for no IE. (Does TT have IE?) On SR, your standard build would look a lot like that, swapping the macethingy with IE.

    Also 51 minute TT game. How'd that happen? o_o

  10. Don't acknowledge the issue anymore people. Whether he's seeking attention or not, acknowledging it will keep the topic going.

    So, I tried nami today and I've been liking Blitz recently. Janna and Morg are still my faves so barring Alistar and Braum, any other good supports right now?

    At the moment, the strongest supports that you didn't mention would probably be Soraka and Thresh. All the ones you mentioned are really strong as well. Oh, and Leona is still really good too. Tanky engagers and really strong peel are the power picks the past few patches.

  11. Good job? I don't understand the noob part though. But, what do you guys think about the new Xin? Is he weak now?

    TO THE ARENA! In all seriousness tho I think Xin is still pretty similar to where he was strength wise as he was before this patch. He still can't teamfight, but dare 1v1 him and you'll feel his wrath. I feel Master Yi with sated/guinsoo/deadman/maw build is a lot scarier at the moment.

  12. RIP Dominion. Can't say I'll really miss you myself, but I'm sure some people somewhere will.

    Crystal Scar was by far my favorite map, now they're going to have to find a new place to do Skin Spotlights. Unless they developers keep a version of that map for themselves.

    Skin Spotlights hasn't been using Crystal Scar for spotlights for awhile now.

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