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Posts posted by phoenica

  1. Well, Reborn was always made for more Hardcore part of Pokemon community. It's bit like complaing about dark souls being too hard, while it's difficulty it's main selling point for franchise.
    Some people here, actually are disappointed that it's getting easier over last few releases. 

    Also, there is funny read about Reborn difficulty, if you haven't seen it already. You might want to have a look:


  2. 5 minutes ago, Azeria said:


    He has a Golem that can have sturdy. Abra is not a threat whatsoever, and Arcanine fucks up Steelix big time, as well as Noel. He's pretty good to go lol.

    Well, his Golem has Galvanize, and I don't think he remembers there are ability capsules haha

    I can imagine him fireblitzing Stelix instead of flamethrower, becouse he forgets it has very high defense. I guess we will see 😄

    • Like 2
  3. Only think i doubt is lin having full flying / levitate team. I feel that if that is the case, it would be too easy just to set up trick room, especialy since it's duration is boosted in this field to 8 turns. 

    I think she actualy might have gossip gardevoir on her team, and Arc beside her hydreigon. I would bet at her using other creation dragons, especialy giratina.


    Also i think Ana will be the last of E4, since her field can be transformed into New World field. After battling her Lin could arive and use pulse-arc to change field or stuff.

    I predict that whole E4 would go like this:

    We climb E4 from labradora, and fight Heather in the mountains. Than Bennett / laura inside. After that something happens, and we have to return to reborn, (lin finaly opens the gate inside city?).

    El tries to stop us in holy field, and than inside we finaly fight Ana on startlight field, before lin arives and changes it to new world.

  4. Imo roserade is way more usefull in reborn. You get access to Grassy Terrain which lets you cheese so many gym leaders by changing their field 😄
    On the other hand when I tried using dralage, she wasn't as good as I wanted her to be, and ended replacing her very soon. 


    Another thing about dralage,  as far as remember, you get it rather late in game. Even if you get it from other player, it evolves to dralage at lv 48. Soo leveling it will be a bit painfull as skrelp is bit weak 😞

    Budew evolves to roselia by happiness, and can be usefull in early game 😄

  5. Zel - I think he will might end up totaly insane. Does it count as redemption?

    Solaris - Maybe? At least in Reshiram route?

    Lin - Haha. No.

    Aster - I'm pretty sure that he resigned from Team Meteor.

    Dr. Sigmund - Maybe. He is curious one. I belive that he actualy belives that everything he does was in good intention. I feel Lin is only one he regrets, and she what he did to her hunts him.

    Thats why he creeps around Lin, not just curiousity but also guilt. I think he might realize in the end, that he fucked up.

    Blake - I hope not. He didn't care about people starving in Ametrine. He is really just selfish asshole >_< 

    Fern - Yes. We learned in E15 that his behaviour is probably linked to his sister acting like Robot. You can see how emotional he got(probably only once in entire game), when she didn't care about him getting killed in E15 by Meteor. Rini also said that she would follow him and try to change him. Sooo i feel it actualy might happen. 

    El - No, but I don't belive he needs one. He deeply belives in what he does it just doesn't sound right for me, for him to reedem. 

    Bennett - I think he already changed a bit (as suggested by taka)

  6. If i remember correctly, field doesn't convert fire type attacks to dragon, just adds Dragon typing. Which means Flamethrower would be Fire/Dragon attack.

    Steel pokemons are resistant to dragon, but takes 2x damage from fire. So it should do normal damage against pure steel type. 

    Sandslash and Scizor would still get 2x damage from it.

    Also, dragon attacks are 2x damage. (Not sure if it is true for Fire attacks with added Dragon typing as well)

  7. In E16 i always had at least 1 mon that could abuse any given field at the time. Later I got rossarede that would set up grass terrain, and than either typlosion for erruption sweep, or tanky dralage for toxic field. Always had at least 1 trick room user and destiny bound for bosses. It felt very cheesy, so this time i got more standard team.


    4 - 2 special / 2 physical, and 2 tanks/bulky mons (physical / special). I use sword dance lucario / Sniper Kindra for sweep potential, and flygon /gardevoir as more all rounder attackers.

    Though i still have problem with amaria with this setup, even though i have 2-3 water mons for her :D
    Will probably replace 1 attacker for Aloan Ninetails, so it can set up auroa Veil

  8. There are probably 3 issues with this side quest:


    1. When returning to girl, who asks us to give chocolates to her crush, she gives us INCINIUMZ twice:



    2. Not sure if bug or working as intended, but:
    After reciving chocolates, crush is not present in computer room. She only becomes present after talking to chief in spice. This is caused by this variable:


    Which i guess is by default set to 0, and is bumped to 12 only after talking to chief in Spyce:image.thumb.png.e7af52f4eabf17ff48c433cffc191c6a.png
    This also will cause problem if player finishes Spyce part of quest before delivering chocolates to girl, since she will not be there anymore, so player won't be able to complete Crush part of quest and recive INCINIUMZ.


    3. Probably a minnor bug:

    Patrons talk about new food player got for Spyce. But they talk about it only durning quest, when player may or may not supply them with said ingredients. Also they won't talk about it again after player finishes quest.

     Isn't it supposed to display this message to player only after quest is completed?

  9. 1 hour ago, Linkz said:

    Do you know where i can catch a skrelp.


    Not really, I know you can fish it in poisonous water in reborn city, before restoration. Not sure how to get it after :(

    I guess other poison types that can use this move, and is tanky enough could do it.

    You can check this list to check what pokemons can learn it:

    And this outdated list to see where you can catch them:



  10. Using grass terrain and than following up with fire attacks to set it on fire and change to burning field, destroys tania, if you have strong / fast fire mon. There is also item that extends duration of this changed field (you give it to pokemon that sets up grass terrain), but i don't remember it's name. I think i nuked 5 of her pokemons that way, using just roserade and typhlosion

  11. If El would be droped becouse of ties to meteor, so should be lin. Also i dunno about fighting 2 elite 4 that would probably share same field effect (garden).

    To be fair, laura never struck me as Elite 4 material. I mean, durning meteor attack, sapphira seemsed much more usefull than her, even though she "just" a gym leader.

    She even loses to sigmunt (she was attacked instead of her pokemon, but still). 
    I don't know, i always feel that she wasn't really that strong, and got E4 title only becouse of her parents or something (I think we hear in game that inherit her title or am i wrong?)

  12. 1 hour ago, Mr. Divergent said:

    That could work but actually, it's not that effective. Consider that the doors are found in really hard to access places. It would take a greater time to traverse it compared to simply flying or walking even.

    Thats not really a point. We know that current reborn city was build atop of older city. There is still one gate left under the stairway, and i still think we will get to see whats behind it. 

    Having this ancient location, have enterance all over places in reborn, would just make a point that old city is massive, without a need to make humongous map of said city. Also, it would serve as cool factor :D

  13. 6 minutes ago, hope4896 said:

    Huh?! I'm pretty sure there was one really broken fire type when I fought Charlotte. Or was it some other trainer's?

    That might have been Typhlosion. It had energy ball few episodes ago(at least when shofu was doing charlotte)

  14. I think we all agree, that lin is most likely going to be last boss of this game. Calling it now, she is going to have pulse arceus and hydreigon on her team and will most likely use new world terrain. Any idea what other ideas, what other pokemons she might use? :D

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