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Posts posted by Locomotion

  1. Yeah since it seem that the new ep will take a bit to be released, i started a new game (charmander) where im doing a better job in selecting my mons (iv wise).

    It shouldn't take long to end ep 15 now that i know the story already(now i'll get a better ditto).

  2. Yeah it take a bit of time(03 shinies - 0 with good IV's):


    About the trading, im not sure if i'm confortable with 3dr person intervention in my save file... I couldnt find a way to trade between my own save files tho =/

  3. Yeah i dont want perfect ivs(mainly because of the time and effort to get there in a game that isnt possible to link battle...). My goal is just getting like 25+ iv's on main stats and 20+ on secondary.

    I feel like i messed up when i got my ditto (soft reseted only enought to get 3 iv's on 30+... Is there a way to get another ditto ? Or breed the one i have ?

    Desperate edit: will i have to restart to get a decent ditto ? O-O

  4. The guide is great. I struggled a little with the ponyta in my first few tries but after dumping the little blue flame horse at the pc it worked as a charm.

    I really apreciate the good work you have done with the guide im making a damn good use of it.

  5. @~Derpy Simon - Dude... this speed A LOT the breeding... I mean, its MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH easier. Almost too easy :P.

    @Dragon116 - i did it by a mistake :P. Didin't had noticed until now.

    @Lostelle - The ponyta is in the first slot.

    @Lyra ty for the tip.

  6. Hello.

    I recently finished ep 15 (rushed the story a little) and now that there's no progression (unavoidable story wise) i'm making a team for the future episodes.

    So, im trying to get nive IV's wihtout freaking out but its really hard to get a nice IV eevee.. Im breeding with a ditto with 3 stats close to 30 and a female eevee with 4 nice stats 25+ (and equiped with a destiny knot) and i lost count of the number of eevees i released already (1 or 2 shiny).

    Also, im using a ponyta with flame body in my party to halve the steps for egg hatching and speedhacking the game... And even with all this the eevee eggs take really ... REALLY long to hatch. Am i missing something ? Is there anything else to help me hatch eggs faster ?

    For now i got these four on my team (im still working with the EV's):


    (what do you think of the clawitzer EV's ?)

  7. 1 - Lag. There's soo much lag... Maybe my computer tho... But there are some placer where even with speed hack its very laggy. This is by far the worse thing in the game...

    2 - Route 2 puzzle was excessively slow and boring... Not hard, not challenging. Only slow and boring.

    3 - I get it: the city is destroyed. But the pathways are so clumsy... Its really hard to get from one place to another (and especially if it's in a laggy area);

    But the game is awesome.

  8. Hi. Firstly : Is possible to 'jump' with the bicycle? And if yes, How do i 'do it ?

    Secondly: This game needs a wiki ASAP. I mean.. Theres the forum but to find anything its a journey than can lead you to 10+ topic not related to what you need... Or worse... Posts that should have exactly the info u need, but someone doesnt answer at all because would 'spoil' the game experience.

    I mean... I'm serching for a solution because i tried A LOT ... The spoiling of the game sould be MY choice -____-''''.

    The game is awesome, but the lack of easy access to usefull information is really frustrating.

  9. Damn... The shiny rate in reborn is really high '-'. Just found 1 shiny panda pokemon (my head pokemon database just go as far as 3th gen - max).

    This feels so weird :P. I mean, I have a GBA legit save with like 7 or 8 shinys and it took me FOREVER to get em(now trying my shiny aerodactyl. (Its 6 months now...) ...

    Now... SHINY TEAM GO !

  10. Hello, i've just started the game and got an old rod.

    Then i headed to the closest water source i saw and i think i got a shiny grimmer... It have a star on the side of it's name and its a little darker than other grimmers (i always tought that shiny grimmers should be green ? ).

    So.. Is this rare ? Is it really a shiny ? Is it worth keeping it in my team ?

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