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Posts posted by NiroSakuraba

  1. Name:Niro Sakuraba,

    Age:15 birth date 10/31/


    History:Parents where famous trainers but when he showed no signs of being a good trainer they left him at there parents and went off to the kalos region,now he's trying to be the best Trainer and person to show them they where wrong.

    Starter:Jewel the Shiny Dratini.

    Look like:He has a light tan colored skin with medium long grayish black bangs that slightly bend and are spiky and lean to one side of his face and one single spiky bang and went downward on the opposite side of his face.He usually wears a simple long sleeved blue tee shirt ,and tan kahki pants with black and blue hightop checkered shoes.

    Personality: He's quiet and friendly unless hes feeling akward or threatened.Quietly cares for not just his own pokemon and friends but others also. He will get mad if people or pokemon are threatened ,when faced with challenges can act unsure of himself depending on the challenge at hand.

  2. HI Welcome to the Niro plays soul silver nuzlocks current team- UPDATED 9/26/2015

    Glaciaun the suicune

    Tyrant the larvitar

    Solan the espeon

    Leon the luxray

    Charp the gabite

    and a egg

    to those who have been following this forum you may notice my groundon and rhyperior are gone....the gym leader had a sceptile... and a tortera...... what the *bleep* so yeeeeah.... they died... Q.Q...... they will be missed

    Deaths:Gurren the rhyperior,Fortre the groundon.

  3. Oh wow nice graphics, good story, non traditional but in a good way,nice trainers,oh and did i mention the graphics, but....POKEMON FOLLOW YOU !!! havent seen that in forever.. or atleast a few months atleast, anyway i can beta test if u need me to but my comp is very very very bad so i wont know whats my comp or the game.

  4. Hi ive been playing the game , dont know if ive finished it yet but i just wanted to say ITS A GREAT GAME, the graphics are good they all look well the character sprites are very good and the starters i love em , the plot is also unique , in a good way. and the rival...XD hes great not the usual rival also im suprised at how orginized this is iwas blown back at how good not just the game but also the orginization and work that the team mustve put into this.anyway overall i just wanted to say keep up the good work and.....i wonder how fried krabby would taste ....hmmm one of the questions of life..

  5. hi ive been playing pokemon for a while now but im getting sortve tired of it , even though its really good ( especially the fangames like seriously half of them are better then the main stream and originals) anyway any one got some suggestions ?

  6. it taught me that even though i just play pokemon for fun and that i sucked sometimes its time to stand up,put on your poker face and act serious to over come the challenge ahead of you...... no matter how hard it is.....wich i am still learning because im still playing the game.

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