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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by pokemaster102

  1. Lastly, (And this is the reason why this post was late, but it was #worth) we have new official artwork for each of the protagonists! (Drawn by Zumi!)













    Thank you guys for sticking around with me! Of course there will be other updates in the future, but they won't be weekly anymore. I'll update what I think is best to update you all on.

    Until then, see you guys next time!

    cool artwork and names (im pretty sure they had names before but they probably weren't as widely known) that makes them easier to ship lel

  2. You're referring to the Mysidia(?) region, yeah? I am curious about that, since we basically know....pretty much nothing about it. Mayhap we'll see that poor train conductor's daughter? Maybe we'll give her an Eevee and receive something in return, that'd be neat as hell.

    i thought it was just a final fantasy reference honestly (didn't it originally say mystic mysidia?)

  3. Oh, I guess.

    Mde Plays Rough.



    And I answered why not the last time I got this question like two weeks ago.

    By proper size, what are you referring to? The Pokemon backsprites are sized to 5th gen, and the trainer backsprites to 3rd gen. That said, I don't have any plans to redo either.

    Finished the general teleport connections and whatnotever. I say general because that's not counting coming out of buildings or anything like that, which is a kitten caboodle I'll handle when I start really getting into eventing. Map cleaning shouldn't be too bad now.

    EDIT: Tfw you get got by your own wynaut prank.

    i love how there's one rubber duck that just shoots off the corner like "i must go my rubber duck planet needs me" lol

  4. And I appreciate that immensely. The continued support this community gives drives me to work even harder.

    Since I haven't posted anything in quite a bit, have something small, but very much deserved.

    A sprite update for our lovable, but problematic poison queen!

    (From old to new)


    ...the previous version of the sprite looks bad after the update...im both happy and sad about this sprite update lol

  5. #GetBetterJan

    And here are two great tits for you to feel happy


    These are amazing tits.

    Wish they were mine :(

    I love tits. If I had some, I would play with them all day long... *Sigh*

    i laughed for like a solid minute at least

  6. So, let's go back a few days ago. While planning out the story and the next main island of Aevium, it came to my attention that only mapping places on the town map as we got to that location was lame.

    I think it would be better for the player to see the whole world laid out before them. "Whoa, I wonder when we're going to THAT island?". Things like this don't usually cross my mind because I already have a world

    envisioned in my head. I can see what the average player cannot.

    As a result of this, I took the time to completely sprite out the entirety of the Aevium region.


    Now of course, even though I said I wouldn't omit places, there are some places not shown on this map. For now we'll call them "Hidden Islands". Places that no one is supposed to know about until an event takes place, etc.

    ...if aevium is in the sky then what was the purpose of that story about aevium falling out of the sky? (i think it was by the fountain)...also could aevium falling out of the sky be the disaster of aevium (or something closely related)

  7. I just hope that Jan, if he is planning to add it someday, implements a relationship system, like Reborn is getting, as soon as possible. It feels a bit like having wasted a lot of time if you can't do story-heavy stuff that has been added later on, moreso if it's only implemented in a very late version, imo.

    wasn't that the entire point of erik asking your ideal girl though (and the 4 options seeming like the 4 main girls) "for science" *that moment when you want to reply to so many things but you know you will get posts merged and striked* with one comment this thread turned into a needless waifu war

    I just hope that Jan, if he is planning to add it someday, implements a relationship system, like Reborn is getting, as soon as possible. It feels a bit like having wasted a lot of time if you can't do story-heavy stuff that has been added later on, moreso if it's only implemented in a very late version, imo.

    can you please tell me where i can find that i want to read the reborn relationship thing shelly is the best

  8. *FAN GIRL SQWEEEEEE* (im a guy by the way) cant wait to play...now if only the new insurgence update would come out some time next month/march my life would be complete *laughes in corner because Valarie was easy for me*...probably because i choose turtwig at the beginning and my team was good against her lol...then again i had amazing luck in v6 (shiny starter on the second try)

    (double edit i know...bite me) now ANGIE WAS ANNOYING TO FIGHT

  9. (this post is just for the purpose of merging my spam wait a second please too complicated to copypaste everything and keep my quotes dang it) but just wasn't the only one that enjoyed everyones agony

  10. ...my face lit up when i saw 100% then i scrolled and say "beta test 0%" i was like "...GOD DANG IT JAN" i feel like i should be mad but i have no right to be...hurry but take your time to perfect it...#conflictingemotions

    Assuming if you round it up. In this case no.


    it was actually an obscure reference to pokemon zeta/omicron where a random trainer says something like "there is a 99.99999 percent change i will beat you" and then when you beat him he says "did you know thats actually equal to 100%"


  11. Hihi Neppy ^^//

    I also like anime and video games, especially Hyperdimension Neptunia owo

    that plutia profile picture tho... that is plutia right? i don't know neptunia very well yet oh and welcome nepnep

  12. Used correctly, this new item makes options that once might have been written off as gimmicks into something practical. It may be for themed teams or just those looking to exploit an opponent's strengths as much as their weaknesses... After all, come E16, one line of Pokemon will be able to use it to reverse a type match-up completely. Can you guess which?

    dang it ame another cliff hanger/leave you with an almost unsolvable question post

    If this amplifies trick room, would a field that also amplifies TR double this? Because items like these usually amplify it for an extra 3 turns, however the several part is ambiguous meaning it could be more or less than that(More likely more). Radomus could get a large boost from this if this is true, and he actually starts using TR more frequently. Regardless, nice item. Gravity is an interesting choice, stuff like Hydro Pump Spam and other moves are much more useful with this.

    YES my empoleon will finally be more useful again :edit can someone merge my posts please i realized i double posted sorry
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