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Posts posted by Mrlolster

  1. Hey so I'm not exactly sure if this is old news or not but I discovered(I think) an absolutely catastrophic bug, I'm positive I'm on the latest version and patch and everything.

    I was going to the hospital of hope for the first time with aelita after exiting out of souta's house, I came to the train and took the right door, which somehow sent me to grand dream stadium.

    I accidentally sequence broke without even realizing it then, i was smart enough to be confused  about why i was there, but not smart enough to realize i'm not supposed to be there yet.

    i played all the way beyond beating Adam Might, still very confused with my lvl 75 mons and 11 badges. I can't believe i beat him.

    It didn't dawn on me that i'm not supposed to be here at all until i saw the title card for ep 14 show up, after that i reverted to an old save and checked, It's that train entryway on the right that does that.

    If this is old news I'm sorry for wasting your time with my paragraph.

  2. To be honest, I think the whole silent protagonist concept is lazy and mundane, I myself am not asking much about this, all I want are a few more dialogue options, they don't even need to be impactful, just anything at all would make the game better.

  3. 2 hours ago, AIOEH said:


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    So i was doing de ANA sidequest and following the main storyline, and when i got to the hospital of hope i visited officer jenny and then went to see Venam. After that, when i got out of the hospital the Aleitta scene came up but the ANA one didnt, now i belive i have lost the sidequest, is there a way to get it back ?




    You have to progress further in the story to continue the quest.



  4. My way of beating her is pp stalling yveltal out of  Decimation and then switching to a destiny bond mon and praying to RNGesus that it misses so I can land destiny bond

  5. 10 hours ago, Rorroto said:

    How close to complete is Pokemon Rejuvenation: Version 10? Is the basic storyline complete? Can you get all 18 badges? Can you beat the complete game? 


    I'm hoping all that's left to be added in are small things, because I don't like starting games without being able to finish them for a long time.

    If that's how you are, You're better off being patient and wait for it to finish entirely.

  6. 20 hours ago, thatoneguy9718 said:

    Okay so Angie I was wrong i just got my typing effectiveness mixed up, thats my mistake, but for flora grass resists electricity and magneton/zone would be effective against only one pokemon during that gym, in regards to the building the bridges quest i attempted that as soon as i could after battling valerie and tried my hardest to complete it with a max sp atc Xatu and an Altaria and i was getting swept everytime (and i was outspeeding his team too) plus theres the battle in Battle Me Once More that will also give them a hard time for level based factor alone. like i said earlier its ultimately up to the player how they want to conduct their time in the game but im giving my advice based on how the game played out for me

    Just use steel moves against Flora, and grind up to beat the bridge quest, I never had much difficulty with it honestly so i don't see how it's a problem

  7. On 7/3/2018 at 12:01 AM, thatoneguy9718 said:

    Magnemite would be a viable option however the methods to obtain magnemite is where i hesitate. Now this may have been just my problem but to complete some of the Kakori help quests you need fairly high level mons or serious luck. Do i think magnemite is not a viable option, of course not, its just that there are equally good electric types that they could get now to fulfill a purpose later...plus if they got magnemite i see two immediate problems. 1) This may just be personal naiveness but i dont know where you could level magnemite up to get a magnezone and 2) even if you were to get the magnemite now, due to its typing it would be useless against Amber, Angie, and Flora (two of which are considered to be the hardest gyms in the game) whereas a solid electric only is useless against Flora, but thats my reasoning the choice still goes to the player and I'm sure Ive missed some things that may convince me otherwise

    You can evolve magneton in the generator room in the electric gym, Also how is it useless against Angie and Flora?


    Besides, it'll help massively with the flying gym.


    And the bridge help request isn't that hard, plus he has 2 psychics.

  8. On 6/29/2018 at 11:11 AM, thatoneguy9718 said:

    Personally I would recommend a few more ways to resist electric, also with your setup as it currently is you look like youre going to have a tough time with the grass gym when you get to it (field effects will end your team on that gym). I would also recommend investing some time to either combat fire pokemon or to eliminate weather (cough cloud nine ability) that will help you in certain fights that I will not name specifically to not spoil the game for you. The ice gym should be fine if you can melt the field, if not then have some fighting moves on standby. And lastly youre going to get annihilated when you get to the flying gym, unless that is the bulkiest lycanroc in the world. My advice on the whole would to get a solid electric type i now you can get a mareep from a help quest somewhere i forget which specifically, or get the electrike from the Chrisola Hotel and get the manectrike evo.   and then in regards to dragon types i just got a swablu when i was still working in Sheridan and my Altaria has been with me ever since.

    What about Magnemite for a decent electric type?

  9. If your Swoobat isn't simple then get rid of it, if it is then just get rid of Medicham and do the help requests in the next town, you'll get a Magnemite as a reward for doing all of them.

  10. 22 hours ago, andracass said:

    Personally, I think Crescent sees how everything is playing out and just wants to enjoy the show a little bit. 

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    I don't think Crescent is Madame X because Madame X is too busy being Melia.


    Why would Madame X need Melia if she's Melia?

  11. On 9/5/2017 at 5:19 AM, Rainlove said:

    As for Madame X, I think she is actually Marianette/Maria from the future, and try to capture Melia to probably save her mom/dad. 


    I personally believe Crescent is Madame X for the following reasons:

    1-They both have been shown to have impressive supernatural powers

    2-They both don't have much regard for human life

    3-In the prison arc,Crescent sent Melia to Blacksteeple to save the MC and the rest of the captives and find out the motivation behind Team Xen,Why would she send Melia when she can just simply teleport over there and do all of those things in the blink of an eye?,Think about it,Crescent and Madame X have never been in the same place at the same time.


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