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Posts posted by honeybutterfly

  1. 11 hours ago, Chrisna Satria said:

    It's not bugged, if you know the pbs files, pokemon.txt, just change the position on this pokemon

    like this, find tandemaus and maushold, change "BattlerPlayerY=8 to BattlerPlayerY=18". It should work

    Hey there, I actually tried that but to no avail... it still remains in the same position

    edit: NVM, I forgot to compile lol. THANK YOU very much

  2. I have a rather annoying bug. Before I describe the bug I have to say I gave the magma stone to Cera.

    I'm in Crawli Gym to gain access to Valor Mountain, I go through the door and after the "Jenner lesson" I got teletransported to the other entrance of valor mountain (as if I kept the Magma Stone and therefore gained access to Magma Drift). 
    Then I go downstairs and the protag completely freezes.

    I have removed all mods so it's not because of that, Thanks in advance.



  3. 17 minutes ago, walpurgis said:

    I opened your file and I was totally able to go up the stairs. Have you tried waiting for the black screen to go away? Maybe it's just lag. If not then I have no idea, maybe try redownloading?



    I figured it out, it was the mod from reborn semi-converted to rejuvenation. I turned it off and now it works.


    Thank you anyway!

  4. Politicans and politicians only should have political roles and be legislator, civilians should do civilians instead.
    I say this because everywhere and on every level of importance, elected civilians with no political culture/experience have messed up (most recently -of course- Trump himself but he's not the only one).


    So no, as much as I love Oprah as a journalist/media personality she should stick to support a candidate and not being one herself.


  5. Yeah, reading it right now thanks

    Just finished listening to the song and it's truly a wonderful one! In my opinion musically it has both elements of the 1990s rock and early 2000s poprock glossy sound.
    Lyrically it's closer to the 90s absolutely

  6. Thank you very much, dark_stalker, SkyRunner and DarkSpite :))

    Music is your life, eh? Either personal or professional, we're gonna get along. What sort of music are you into?

    Regardless, enjoy your time here!

    Right now, personal but I'm starting to think I might make it professional someday!

    Uhm, I love a lot of different kinds of music but my favorite type has got to be 90s R&B, I believe that was a magical time for music.

    However, Thank you very much for your welcoming!

  7. Hey y'all.

    My name's Mauro, first of all I am finding this topic AWKWARD, I just hope it's not TOO awkward. I would have prefered not doing this but whatever!

    I started playing Pokemon Reborn a few months ago and totally got caught by the game, it really is MORE than the average pokemon game.

    anyway: I'm writing all the way from Italy, I'm 18 and I love a lot, like, a LOT Mariah Carey (nobody cares but lmao) and music in general (music is my life!), I also enjoy speaking English, really don't know why.

    Oh, and I'm obsessed with tv shows, I watched e v e r y s i n g l e tv show ever existed.

    Okay this is already too awkward so I'm gonna finish this right now. Byeee

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