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Posts posted by xxAngel

  1. Celeste's heeled boots tapped dully on the floor of the Hall of Freedom's entrance corridor. Her telepathic exchange with the Kadabra Senator had left her wondering if Chancellor Rhombus' urgent summons was the result of a premonition. The stars had revealed nothing to Celeste directly, but the Chancellor's ability worked differently. If the Absol had felt something...well, they would all find out momentarily.

    Stepping into the Hall proper, Celeste found two figures already waiting. One, not surprisingly, was Chancellor Rhombus herself. The other Celeste recognized as Ariel Ringo, a Senator who was something of a troublemaker but whose status and accomplishments as an Enlightened warrior deserved genuine respect that Celeste was willing, if not obliged, to grant.

    "Chancellor," Celeste offered the Absol a crisp salute before addressing the Gardevoir with a courteous bow. "Senator. May the stars smile on both of you. I stand ready to aid and defend."

  2. Countless images whirled past, carrying out their lives with intangible forms and muffled voices, flickering in and out of focus. Above, the stars continued their cosmic march, moving through eternity in a heavenly mirror of the events beneath them.

    There. If I can just--

    The stars stretched into lines, blurring together as the phantoms of the future were pulled away into the heavens. When the swirling light faded into the image of her outstretched hand, Celeste Leclair was once again standing alone in her quarters. The Gothitelle lowered her arm, bracelets falling back to her wrist with a soft clink. "As fickle as ever," she mused, a small smile gracing her pouty lips.

    Celeste moved to the window, the stone floor cool on her bare feet. The city of Nalin stood proudly under the sun in testament to the noble ideals that founded its great Republic. It was that institution, that hope, that she had pledged to defend to her dying breath. Finding just one event that might bring it all crashing down was like trying to pick out a single snowflake in a blizzard. There were so many possibilities, so many futures...and they were always changing, reflecting the choices and loyalties of those who shaped them. But Celeste would keep searching. Patience would win out in the end.

    It always did.

  3. Okay here goes!

    Name: Celeste Leclair

    Gender: Female

    Species: Gothitelle

    Age: 39

    Personality: Passionate in her support of her faction but otherwise somewhat lacking in emotion. Self-righteous and has a pragmatic mind. Kind to those under her command but is ultimately an extremist and will sacrifice them if it will accomplish a goal. Generally a little creepy.

    Appearance: Average Gothitelle with one exception - her blue eyes shimmer and dance with light due to excessive amounts of time spent meditating in the Astral Plane. Wears a light armor chest plate and leg guards, silver in color and adorned with mystic symbols. Speaking voice is low- almost sultry- and breathy, akin to flowing water or rustling leaves.

    Occupation: Military General

    Faction: Empiricals

    Primal Desolation: No

    Backstory: The fanatical daughter of an equally fanatical family, Celeste was subjected to propaganda and indoctrination from a young age and took to it with enthusiasm. At age 14 she discovered that she could read the stars to predict minor events, and has been honing that ability ever since. Celeste joined the military feeling it was the best way to put her talents to practical use for the Republic. Her family is proud and supports her, but is also concerned by her obsessive mysticism. Celeste is aware of her tenuous position strength-wise due to her inability to Mega Evolve, and over two decades has worked to carve out a niche for herself in the Nalin military by focusing on strategies that require finesse over brute force as well as attempting to develop techniques to combat or neutralize Mega Evolution. Celeste firmly believes the Republic is at its height and attributes any view to the contrary to "poor education."

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