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Posts posted by sweeetlyyy

  1. Hi guys! My name is Sweeetlyyy, Or well, Sweetly.

    I've been playing fan made Pokemon games and rom hacks for a few years now after annihilating all of the official games. I've been a Pokemaniac for almost as long as I can remember. I've been playing reborn for about a month now and lurking on the forum just as long, and just now finally decided to make an account because it's Midnight, I have work in the morning, and what else is there to do on an average Wednesday night.

    When I'm not playing Pokemon or working I like to binge watch Netflix or fail at making recipes I find on Pinterest. I like to read a lot, mostly post-apocalyptic/dystopian type books. I play a lot of older games (Gamecube/Ps2) Ratchet and Clank is a close second to Pokemon. I'm not the greatest at making friends as I'm a very shy, socially anxious person. From my month of creeping I think it's safe to assume most people here are friendly, and there's nothing to be afraid of. So nice' to meetcha' guys!

    And Here's This. tumblr_n97c36PANx1qksqzko1_1280.png

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