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Posts posted by Nadrel

  1. I love this mod so much!


    Playing around with a technician-physical Sceptile and a special-focused Flygon feels so right.


    Btw, may I ask what file I should edit to allow mega-sceptile to keep Technician as a hidden ability (same as what you did for Absol with Blademaster)? I have tried a few stuff, but I'm apparently very bad at it.


    In all cases, thanks for the awesome mod.


    Edit: So I'm an idiot and Mega-Sceptile already has technician as a secondary ability. The file to edit if you wonder is "MultipleForms" in the scripts folder, which is not necessary in this case. I'm sorry for wasting your time, have a nice day!

  2. Haven't played in a while, but I will try to answer.


    South of GDC and Darchlight woods, on Azure Shore, there is a mansion reportedly closed by Cassandra. It is exactly the same as the one we see on the cliff when the protagonist dies.


    I kinda remembered that it was mentioned that this house existed before the Storm but this could be wrong.


    Funnily, there seems to be an abandonned mansion in the past Aevium on route 6, which could be Darchlight manor or this house.

  3. So I have finally found the time to finish a new run of the game and I have updated some of the character profiles.


    Notably, the woman who kidnaps the man in Kristiline is indeed Cosmia, the guy who helps you in Valor mountain has the same suit as the red-haired from Kenneth's story and many small details.

    I have also added a few name meaning when I thought they were important.

    Tell me if you have other ideas for the important names.


    Finally, although I really like this game, I feel like most "good" characters seem really egocentric and a bit too similar to each others, which make it hard to like them, but that is only my personal opinion. 

    This doesn't prevent me from liking this game though.


  4. Well... to all those who say that X items aren't overpowered, I used them extensively during my duo run for Reborn and I already found them super useful, even though they were only +1.

    With +2 they make nearly all stats boosts useless and allow you more offensive moves on pokemon who would otherwise need them.


    I have to say I find Rejuvenation a lot harder than Reborn because I can't cheese my way with X items there.


    That said, I would be strongly against the prevention of the use of Battle items during the main game. They really add a dimension to fights and are fully part of the game.

  5. Sorry for not replying earlier, I wanted to play "Where Love Lies" without too many spoilers.


    I have updated the list with the new information (characters concerned in red) and added a timeline to offer a better understanding of the situation. Logically, it should be more or less correct, but as exact dates of all events are not known, there might be rounding mistakes.


    If a trainer class is considered useful, I will add it to the character sheet, however, I haven't noticed one yet.


    On 31/03/2018 at 1:16 AM, DreamblitzX said:

    ( Unknown girl with purple hair: Appears briefly to silence a guy knowing the truth on Madame X. ) Cosmia?

    This could be her ! I will need to screenshot her next time.

    @roboticgamers In Kristalline, a man wants to tell you the truth about Madame X after you answered his questions, but is kidnapped by a purple-haired girl.

  6. @Saish That's what she wants to make you to think HA! ... Well no it was my mistake, corrected


    @roboticgamers Interesting theories!


    5 hours ago, roboticgamers said:

    Nice theories however I believe Cresent is Griselda's daughter based on the fact that she also seems to be extremely powerfull and interacts with Spacea and Tiempa regurarly( or at least thet are familliar with eachother as seen through their interactions when faking Melias death) and that Spacea and Tiempa dont seem to have control/authority over Crescent suggests she is a being stronger then them or at the very least extremely powerfull.

    It's true that Crescent is probably linked to Griselda, after all she was there when the Radio tower where Giratina was held was burnt. I considered Melia the daughter (or at least possessing her soul) as her alter egos were called the "princess" several times during the story, that and her Arceus-like powers. However, it could be that she is called this because her father invoked Arceus (probably "His Majesty") inside of her, she would thus not be the "Princess", but the "King".


    5 hours ago, roboticgamers said:

    And if that gastly is crescent's soul it explains why she is a bit remote of emotions which is a known fact as the same thing repeats itself with Keta/Kenneth.

    I would say that Crescent, if you exclude the fact that many Xen died by her hands, doesn't seem soulless as she is nice both to Melia and to Kanon, and even to the protagonist from time to time. I don't understand what you mean with Keta/Kenneth?


    5 hours ago, roboticgamers said:

    I'll leave you with the last theory i could think of about Crescent. I believe she is a personnification of a certain pokemon as well just as Griselda,Spacea and Tiempa. Particularly Darkrai or Cresseliia comes to mind. As her name would implie her to be cresselia which with her psychic abilities( teleporting you on the ship, accessing your mind beyond death,...). Her clothing would point her more towards Darkrai and Melia to Cresselia (more on that when i return from my vacation).

    I like the idea that she is the personnification of Cresselia, from her name, but also from the fact that Cresselia can be quite hostile to Darkrai and when fighting nightmares, which could maybe mean that there is a link between Darkrai and Team Xen, or that the future Team Xen brings is nightmarish. I'm interested why you think that Melia could be Cresselia.


    5 hours ago, roboticgamers said:

    I also believe through Griselda's story more is revealed about Nim. As we previously knew Nim isn't a person but rather a thing, speciffically an ancient artifact. The story also tell about the chalices that fell when Griselda's daughter killed her. I believe Nim is just that, this explains why it holds so much power as it was owned by the personnification of Giratina, and explains how Crescent knows about Nim's true potential/state of being.

    Your theory about Nim makes sense, but I think the diary found in Kugearen city was referring to her (catalyst of destruction), which would mean she was created by an "old fool" at the time, which would put her existence well after the happenings of this legend. As for everything else, I could be wrong.


    5 hours ago, roboticgamers said:

    Also Xenpurgis could be a play on the word Walpurgis nacht from Wiccan Folklore, look it up it is the day that the spirit world is the closest to our own i believe.

    I'm adding the info about Walpurgis to the post :)


    5 hours ago, roboticgamers said:

    Also I have a theory about you the Interceptor. I'm not sure but it is possible that you are the one who stopped Griselda after her rage tantrum. making you the one who intercepted her from destroying everything?

    Apart from the fact that the protagonist "intercepted" the Decimation from Yvetal, I can't say I have much idea about this "Interceptor" thing. The people who knew about this word were Madame X and the Master puppeteer, I wouldn't be surprised if Crescent knows it too, as she is strongly linked to the character. Now I don't know what that gives us so you could be right any way ^^


    5 hours ago, roboticgamers said:

    ps: just read the info you have about Kanon and i believe he might be a representation of Reshiram. he searches for the truth in garufan magic and has white hair. I might be grasping at straws though ;b.

    For Kanon, I don't know if he is a representation of Reshiram, simply linked to him, or if he is more linked to the three Royal sisters (Dragon trio).


    Finally, another very far-fetched theory: Nancy was only a body possessed by a part of Cresselia's Soul and the protagonist is just a dream. The creator of these two being Cresselia, alias Crescent! ... Okay, now I'm dreaming ^^


  7. 19 minutes ago, Pozyher said:

    Nice idea!

    I havent read it all yet, but from the ones i read :

    The ghastly can be both shiny and not.

    It's MadameX not lady.

    Griselda existed , so her daughter cannot be melia ( unless of course she is the reincarnation of her ).

    Mathew was also friends with Chasity as well as Jenner and Tesla.

    Souta wasn't saved.He died and Spacea and Tiempa revived him in exchange of healing Aelita and later on changed the deal to healing Aelita and also training the MC.He was - you could say - on borrowed time.

    Cassandra is not 100% confirmed to be in team Xen.She is affiliated with them , not confirmed that she is part of it.

    ( Did not even think about Francesca could be Neve's chid. Nice. )

    When did we find out that Crescent is a Garufan ?

     Dylan supports ( or at least used to ) Bladestar , but i don't think he is part of them.



    Thank you for the additional information ! I will edit my post with it.

    I meant to edit the Lady X part but kinda forgot. Will do it right now :)


    For Griselda, this is just a theory, but if we consider Tiempa, Spacea and Giratina as the 3 sisters. This leaves the princess the Queen and the King.

    Different Melia alternates are called princess during the story. This could refer to the princess in this story. In this case, this could mean that her soul was trapped inside the original Melia and is the source of her power?

    This is just a theory, albeit the interrogation mark.


    For Crescent, we do not know if she is a Garufan, but she is at least strongly linked to them, from what she knows, her relationship with Lorna and as she gave a Garufan book to Kannon.

    The Garufans are still pretty mysterious so it is kind of hard to know for sure who is linked to them or not.


    It is hard to classify many characters as they are sometimes part of several groups or we do not have enough info ^^


  8. Hello,

    In order to not be completly lost at every update I've made a list of all Rejuvenation characters with a brief summary of their place in the story.

    Do not hesitate to tell me if I forgot someone or if you think an important information is missing or wrong.


    I will update it depending on comments and with further versions.


    I probably do not need to say, but this list contains major spoilers.


    Disclaimer: I am not a native English speaker and I use a free version of Word with no orthographic correction. There will be faults and bad English and I apologise about this


    Last Updated on 03/05/2018

    Changes in red


    Tentative Timeline:

    Dates written here are based on Storm 9 on Y0. This time line is not perfect and there can be a difference of 1 or 2 years in the real events.


    Y-?????: Garufa civilisation is sent underground (by Griselda?)

    Y-???:-Celesia Altair died

    ~Y-5:-Maria is born

    ~Y-4: -Melia is sent back to the past by Tiempa and Spacea

    -Kenneth and Matthew are born

    ~Y-1: Anathea dies and Marianette is imprisonned in a crystal.

    Vivian dies and becomes Taelia (6 years old?)

    Y0: A Catastrophe destroys a big part of Aevium (Storm 9)

    Y14: Kenneth meets Taelia

    Y23: Amber, Veronica and Nora are born

    Y29: Taelia and Nora are killed, the wispy tower is destroyed and Gearen burns. Aelita appears (as a six year old)

    LDE is opened.

    (I noted that the Wispy tower burnt before Sariah's birth and that she was 15, need to check why I thought whe was 15)

    ~Y34-35: -Jenner reappears in Gearen City with a 9-10 year-old daughter he named Melia.

    Y39: -Team Xen is created

    -Kenneth becomes a gym leader and a member of Team Xen

    -The Aevium League is created

    -Aelita receives her first pokemon

    ~Y39-40: Protagonist's ship is attacked

    Rm: Narcissa defeated Dufaux when she was a child, Goldenleaf didn't existe either when Kenneth came to Sheridan so those events probably took place between Y15 and Y29.






    Protagonist: Main character of the story. Mute and without much personality. He/She easily befriends anyone and is a extremely powerful trainer. However, he/she doesn't seem to get close to anybody and is often mocked for his/her lack of personality and his/her inability to say no.

    He/she used to live with his/her mother Nancy in GDC. He/She was supposed to come live in West Gearen but his/her ship was sunk and his/her mother kidnapped and later killed by Madame X.
    Constantly defeats Team Xen and Theolia Church. He/She seems like an irregularity in the timelines as, according to Madame X, "He/She wasn't there the first time". Died twice but got saved first by Crescent and then by Madame X. He/She also seems to be able to revive when dying.
    Is described by Madame X and the Puppet Master as the "Interceptor". Warned to fear XenPurgis. Got the red vaccine.


    Crescent hints that he/she could be from the house on the cliff from the afterlife, which is identical to the house South of GDC.


    Main Supportive Cast


    Amber Von Brandt:: An ex-friend of Venam and the spoilt-rotten fire Gym leader. She is foul-mouthed, childish and egoistic. She resents Venam because her family was exiled from Gearen because of a fire which she was accused of starting.
    While her stuff was found on the place of the fire, the way it looked intact makes it seem like she was framed.
    Her mother is an Elite 8 member, Tesla and her father used to be the Dark type gym leader, Deagan, but resigned after leaving his wife and daughter.

    She came to GDC to become a judge and referee for the Festival of Dreams, she needs to give something to the Protagonist, but later.

    In the Lost Future, she is a very violent inhabitant of Teila's refuge.

    Veronica "Venam" Vasile : Poison gym leader of Gearen city. A fan of loud music, particularly DOGARS (by Roxie) and a delinquent with kleptomaniac tendancies. Her attitude gets worse after she thinks Melia died, but gets better after they get reunited. She even promises to change for Melia.
    Her best friend is Melia and she used to be friend with Ren before his betrayal and with Amber and Saki till the great fire of Gearen which got her father and Amber's family exiled.
    Gets petrified in GDC by Lorna. She got the purple vaccine.

    Erin: Very Sharp and curious girl who uses Gardevoir and Absol. She is quite lazy and was found sleeping in a cave, she can be a bit of an idiot sometimes. Laidback and rude she is kind of a friend with Aelita. Doesnt trust the media. Melia shocks her with her appearance when she met het. Her grandpa is the healer who healed Aelita.

    She starts feeling unwell after some events in Sheridan in the Past and disappears when the timeline is altered.

    Not much is known on this character and there is probably an interesting story about her origins.


    Secondary Supportive Cast


    Adam Might: Possibly rock gym leader, Adam Might is a stage name. Friend with Valarie, Braixen and Saki. More muscles than brain and often mocked by the girls.
    Appears later in GDC, relooked and without memories of the protagonists. His type is short haired, muscular with a smoothing voice (Braixen?). His memory-loss could be associated with the legend of Darchlight Woods.

    Braixen : A Braixen who gained the ability to speak thanks to Saki's device. Friend of Saki, Valarie and Adam (who she loves to tease). Has some rudimentary informatic knowledge but is not a strong fighter.


    Huey: Close friend and roommate of Rhodea, he has a Flareon and likes Lavender.

    Kriess: Real Ice type Gym Leader, imprisoned by Angie and freed by the protagonist. While he doesn't help you to defeat Angie, he still saves you from her afterwards and gives you the Ice Badge.

    Lavender: Psychic Gym leader with asthma. Roommate of Huey (more than a friend). She found the petrified Talon and is determined to find the real culprit.
    She gets sent to hospital when Venam is attacked by Lorna and explains the situation to the main team. It doesn't seem like she will get out of the hospital any time soon.

    Matthew Vasily: Scientist very interested by the Xen Lab under Wispy Tower. Ex husband of Chasity Vasily. He became a father at 27 (Y23), and named his daughter Veronica even though he wanted to name her Hellonearth.

    He was schoolbuddy and band member with Jenner, Chasity and Tesla and gave his daughter her taste for loud music. He was exiled of Gearen after he took the blame for the fire which destroyed half of Gearen.

    His lab is built on Cella's old house.

    Mosely: A foul-mouthed 9 years-old girl who the Protagonist saves in Goldenleaf because people wanted to hang her. She has a Pangoro and likes to steal things. First orphan raised by Maman.
    In the Lost Future, she leads the orphans and is the adoptive daughter of Tesla.

    Nancy: Mother of the protagonist. A very strong fairy specialized trainer. She is probably an actor or some kind of star.
    She gets kidnapped by Team Xen, notably for her informatic knowledge.

    She tells Nastasia that she wasn't made like the others, who seem versed in programming. She was thus probably an artificial being.

    Although Crescent and Madame X call her emotions fabricated, she deeply loves her son/daughter, who she seems to have the mission to protect. She dies shielding the protagonist from Madame X's blade. From a later letter, it seems she knew she was going to die.

    Narcissa: Ghost gym leader and an opera actress as well as a great cook. Married to the director of the radio tower Sirius. Her gym is built on the old thief hideout where Taelia got kidnapped.

    A woman with black haired (possibly Crescent) burnt Radio Tower and killed many people including her husband more than 10 years ago, which made her blind with hatred. She and the inhabitants of Goldenleaf became very hostile to strangers after that, but the protagonist changed their minds.

    When she was a child she defeated a demon named Dufaux which she sealed in the Odd Mansion. Her beloved Chandelure died in the fight and was buried in Amethyst Graveyard. The protagonist releases Dufaux who switches her with her young self. What happened to her after that is unknown yet, but she was replaced as a gym leader by Spector.

    This latter says that she was so strong that she could have gotten a far higher rank, but she refused to leave Goldenleaf.

    Reina: Sister of Ren. Not very patient, she is searching her brother and helps protagonist a few times. Protagonist saves her from Team Xen and she swears she will repay him/her one day.

    Her name comes from "Reine" which means queen in French.

    Tesla Von Brandt: Elite 8 member, ex-wife of Deagan and mother of Amber, wielder of the Golden Flame. An absurdly nice woman. She saved the protagonist from the sinkage of SS Oceania and later proposed to adopt him/her.

    She spoiled her daughter rotten because her parents died when she was very young. Her dream since young was to create an orphanage because of that.

    When she was young, she used to work as a waitress for Blakeory while trying to become a model. She was a friend of Jenner, Matthew, Kenneth and Chasity, but lost contact with them after she was exiled of Gearen in Y29. She gave Kenneth a shiny Vulpix as a goodbye gift in Y14.

    In the lost future, she was taken by the Renegades to serve as a fake mother to their Princess.

    Valarie Kersey: Akuwa Water gym leader. Grumpy, hostile, susceptible and self centered. Friend with Adam, Braixen and Saki. She loves to swim in frozen water. She helps the protagonist to escape Blacksteeple Castle and fight Crescent on Valor Mountain with Saki and Adam.
    After she leaves for GDC, her appearance and memories are altered. Her memory-loss could be associated with the legend of Darchlight Woods.
    In the lost future, she is a captain of the RENEGADES, who considers her crew as her babies. She tries to ditch them but is stopped by Madame X. She later joins the good guys after the world is saved.



    Melia and co


    Allen: Alice's 8-bit World brother (or sister). He is sensitive about being confused with his sister. His soul used to be jointed to his sister's , which made them unable to interact. This is no more the case after he is sent back to the real world by the puppet master for Melia's birthday.

    Melia: 15 -> 18. A kind and friendly girl with a big ego and with the gift to make pokemons shiny. Adoptive daughter of Jenner, she was supposed to become the Normal Gym leader with her Gym located in the Blakeory Atheneum.

    She leaves Jenner after discovering he worked with Team Xen.
    Her best friends are Venam in the present and Kanon in the past. Other friends include the protagonist and Ren, at least till she discovers he works for team Xen too. Her friends disapprove her tendancy to take everything on herself and to try to deal with problems alone. She is also insecure about her abilities to lead and gets easily irritated, which make her a tad too authoritary.
    She was adopted by Jenner while she was still very small. (Madelis says that she was given to him as a baby, which would mean she is totally different from Maria)
    She passed herself for dead to escape Team Xen while she trained for 3 years in the past with the Time travelers Foundation. After that she reappears as EMMA to investigate Blacksteeple Castle on the orders of Spacea and Tiempa. There, her similarities with Maria are highlighted as she is familiar with the tale of Zorua and Pangoro.
    She seems to be able to invoke her latent power thanks to her friendship with Venam. In the lost future, she restored the world. It is hinted that she possess the power of Life (similar to Grisolda?), it may also be the same power used by Marianette on Indriad.
    It takes time, but she eventually understand that she constantly gets manipulated and she never takes her own decisions. Thus she lashes out to Tiempa and Spacea for the first time after her trip to the Lost Future.

    She received the Golden Vaccine in GDC.

    She becomes able to use her Light powers freely after she returns from the Lost Future. When she does, some kind of tiara with wings appears, she gets a golden aura and 4 cross with gems gravitating around her.

    Her name can mean either "Nymph" or  "work". It can also be a diminutive of Amelia, which means "that can stand on its own"


    Maria: In the Past : A 5-years old girl who lived happily with her mother Anathea and her father Vitus in Theolia Mansion. She is very intelligent and very good at piano, her best friend is Anastasia, her 2 favourite plushes are Pangoro and Zorua. She got frozen in some kind of stasis by Darkdevoir after the death of her mom and the descent of her father into madness. A portrait of her family was found in the old house on Azure Coast and is exposed in the museum of GDC.

    It should be noted that she is referred to as the Princess by Darkdevoir.

    The opening scene shows her apparently being prisonner of a Temporal loop, as Madame X mentions that she has lived the situation many times. After her mother is sacrificed, her father calls her Mariannette.

    Mariannette : In an unknown dimension : Identical to Maria in nearly all points, even her original name. The house she lived in is different than the one of Maria. In the Mansion in the sewers, she helps the protagonist to escape her father, Indriad. When the latter tries to sacrifice the protagonist and her to Arceus, she finds some lost memories and remembers her father already sacrificed her in the past. After that, she gets some kind of power and possibly vanquishes him. This could be the moment she gets out of the temporal loop which always ended with her sacrifice.
    Her name is similar to the French word "marionnette" which means puppet. It could also be a contraction of her name "Maria" and the name of her mother "Anathea".

    Maria8-bit: Alice is her nickname. She lives in the 8-bit world with unowns and hoothoots. Her 8-bit name is blurred. Has a brother as her alterego who calls himself Allen. "He" wants to save his sister from team Trappus. She got trapped in the unown dimension by her father, but she was born in the real world. She stays there as long as her father wishes so.
    She gets freed by the Puppet Master.

    Melanie "The Princess": In the lost Future, small girl in Blackstep Castle who considers Tesla as a mom-like figure. Pretty unpleasant, manipulative and intelligent, a true psychopath, she is probably related to Melia. She also possess a machine with the DNA of every being on Earth, so that she can restore it if she wants. However, to have everyone in her grasp, she destroys any land that is not under her power. Uses French words, like many other characters in the story..
    Wants Melia to touch her, so she can end the world. She owns an Yvetal in the Lost Future.

    "Melanie" means "Dark"


    The Royal Family


    Griselda: Mentioned by the voice in the box in wispy ruins. First-born of 3 to the Queen and King of the East Kingdom. For her loved ones, she fought for their safety befor anything else and she conquered many lands, because she thought that if all lands served under her rule, peace would be obtained. She was more feared than loved by her subjects and she eventually was betrayed by her two sisters and her daughter who poisoned her to stop her wars. However, she rose again with her tiaras becooming her face, her ribcage becoming her claws and her spine her wings. She began to rampage and tore through her own people bringing her entire kingdom underground. Eventually, she took the soul of her daughter and locked it away (inside Melia?). She was sealed in the distortion world by her sisters in an act of desperation.
    Her younger sister became queen of the kingdom of time (Tiempea?) and her youngest sister of the kingdom of Space (Spacea?). The 3 of them governed time and space (see trio of creation).
    Cherishing Dawn and Dusk. Her tale was told by a Ghastly.
    As Giratina is linked to both Arceus, Palkia and Dialga, I would assume she indeed is Giratina. Leaving thus Arceus as either the Princess (Melia?) or the Queen or the King.

    Griselda can mean "Grey Battle" or "Grey Hero".


    Protectors of Aevium and their families


    Aelita : Fighting specialist of Sheridan Village. She is the adoptive daughter of Keta and the reincarnation of Vivian after Taelia's death. She was raised by the Eldest (Cel) and apparently looks alot like Vivian. She was a nice and determined girl but changed until she fell in a coma caused by Garufa magic.
    After she was cured by a spirit healer, Souta, her personality took a nasty turn. The reason was apparently that her soul which used to be restrained was freed from some chains at the same time. Even her appearance changed with her hair turning pink and she developped a huge psychic power and became very violent. She was finally brought under control by special clothing and pendent. However, she still kept a nasty temper.
    After she learns that she isn't really the daughter of Taelia and Keta, but in fact another reincarnation of Vivian, she gets crazy again and becomes a Rift Being. The Elder then opens a path to her heart for the protagonist to free her from her curse.
    After that, Aelita is back to normal, but leaves on a journey to awaken her powers linked to the Earth, inherited from Vivian. To do that she must seek the 3 springs of life belonging to the protectors of Aevium. The first spring was in Sheridan, the Spring of preservation and the spring of rejuvenation which may be in evergreen forest
    Her name could come from Code Lyoko where another character is named Taelia, which is an anagram of Aelita.

    Anju "Angie": Girl from Sheridan who liked to sing. A friend of Nymiera and Vivian. Angie is the name given to her by her people of Kristiline. She was a prophet of Arceus and member of the Protectors of Aevium. She possess the Ice golem (Red Regice). After Taelia's birth, she gives Cella a jewel able to encase her in ice for 24 hours, to protect her from the catastrophe.
    She later became a prisonner of Indriad with powerful ice powers (Code named "Ice Guardian Angel"). She failed to save Hiyoshi city (City which probaly was in the Badlands (see journal)) and is very emotionnaly unstable. Has a son who she yearns to see (Neved?) but cannot escape because someone else needs her protection. However, she still gives the protagonist her pendant, a symbol of loyalty and wellbeing, to show to her loved ones. Strangely, in this timeline, she doesn't know what happened to Vivian, she hints that only a couple of years have passed since Storm 9 at the time.

    A scene apparently shows her fusionning with Indriad to become Angie. She used to own a shrine in Evergreen Forest.

    Cella (Eldest) : Before Storm 9, she was the assistant of Vivian who she joined after she thought her fiancee, Souta, died and she lost her job as a lawyer. She became the protector and adoptive grandma of Taelia after the catastrophe, but years of surviving and multiple treasons have made her bitter, sad and angry. Although she starts suspicious of Kenneth, she warms up to him after he helps rebuilding Sheridan Village.

    She eventually became th Eldest of Sheridan and the mentor of Aelita. She is very protective of her, as she reminds her of Vivian and Taelia and hates the Garufa who she lost loved ones to.

    She is apparently used to being thrown down waterfalls and is addicted to tea.

    Hazuki: Woman. Member of the protectors of Aevium. From Hiyoshi? As Vivian had Regirock and Anju, Regice, she probably has a Registeel.
    Hazuki means either Augustus or Moonleaf.

    Nymiera: Friend of Anju and leader of the protectors of Aevium, original owner/Princess of Blacksteep Castle. Was said to be loving, caring and motherly. She looked like Nim with a crown with 6 jewels and apparently prepared a hidden ritual requiring 5?6? souls to save the world. 2 souls have already been taken (Shadow Aelita's? And Kenneth's)

    In the lost future, she is considered as an ancient goddess and all girls are considered her children. A painting of her is visible in Blacksteep Castle, where she holds the Arceus'symbol basked in Light.

    Miera is also the name of the region devastated by a nuclear event. Her name could be related to this. A rapid google search tells me that Miera means Peace in Latvian and "Ny miera" means "the permission" in Malaysian. No idea for this name.

    Taelia: Keta's late wife, reincarnation of Vivian and pre-incarnation of Aelita. She has a soul disease caused by Vivian's ritual which causes her to enter Hyper Mode when she gets emotionnal, like Shadow pokemon, in those case, she is very powerful and very dangerous. This ailment is reduced by Vivian's amulet.

    While young, her goal was, as Vivian's, to rebuild Sheridan. During Storm 9, she was traumatised by the attacks of Nihilagos. She met Kenneth in Y14, married him and had a child with him in Y23, Nora.

    Eventually, she and her daughter were killed by an unknown person owning an Yvetal and a Bisharp.

    Buried in Amethyst graveyard, her name is an anagram of Aelita.


    Vivian : First sensei of Sheridan who Aelita is said to look like. A friend of Anju. Her grave is in the Amethyst graveyard.
    In the past, she saved Katsu from a meteorite. A disappointed Arceus religion follower and a member of the protectors of Aevium. She knows of the incoming catastrophe, but ignores how to prevent it. She received a book from Kanon, when he came to her village.
    With it she plans to use a self-sacrifice spell to save the world, but the protagonist and co prevent her from doing so, leading to a desolate future.
    In the alternate timeline, they do not interrupt the ritual and Dakdevoir attacks to prevent her from stopping Indriad's plan, she is saved by Mimikyu. She disappears after the ritual and a child appears in her place, Taelia.
    She possess the Rock golem (Regirock).

    "Vivian" can mean "Alive" or "Life"


    Timer Traveler Society


    Her Majesty: Master of the organisation. Probably part of the Royal Family.

    Irvin: Creepy, supposedly nice, old man who houses times travelers and help them train. His daughter used to be a fashionista in Kalos, but seems to have been killed by people adorning the "X" Letter. He sent Melia back to the present to get the Soul stone, notably in Amethyst cave.

    His name means "White" or "Friend"

    Kanon: A young boy who was saved from a catastrophe that killed his family, probably Storm 9. His best friend used to be a Bagon (which later evolved), but he considers Crescent and Melia like his new family. He is said to be important by Tiempa, Spacea and even Madame X, who he meets in his travel. On the advice of the latter, he studies a Garufa boof and learns Garufa magic, which makes his hair go white. His clothes were changed to better fit his destiny.
    Easily provoked, he doesn't like Venam and is in love with Melia. Krystal says that he has the potential of the Dragon when she meets him. Unoffical member of the Protector of Aevium, he worked with Vivian to create the protection spell.

    He got the purple vaccine.

    From what Damien says, he could save us all, but he must remember something first. He left Gdc to find Alexandra.

    Kanon could mean "From the Church" or "Sound Flower".

    Karrina: Gang leader in Eastern Gearen. She is actually an operative of Spacea and Tiempa, who saved her from Karen when her parents were killed. She deeply loves her city and is ready for anything to protect it. She is also the guardian of the hidden library and a Garufa descendent.

    Sandra "Rhodea": Karrina's contact in GDC and a member of the Time Traveler Society. She is the Community Manager of GDC and owns a huge house.
    She used to be 9 in the timeline when Kanon and Melia trained.

    Souta: Erin's grandfather and a spirit healer. He used to be the fiancee of Cella but was saved from death by Spacea and Tiempa, when he died assassinated by a jealous doctor. He was then obliged to follow their orders and later to heal Aelita. He is actually the Alternate Flying gym leader. He grows wings and disappears after the protagonist fights with him.

    As Erin said, he was a stupid liar and a pretty bad person. The way he treated his "granddaughter" may explain her bad temper.

    Spacea: She takes the appearance of a pinked haired woman and describes herself as beautiful. Able to manipulate space, she teleports the explosive orb and Kanon to West Gearen City, supposedly, to save the "Lost Soul" of the sewers. She gives an amulet to Aelita, which she steals a bit later sa that she isn't taken in the Lost Future, for unknown reason.

    Tiempa: She takes the appearance of a silky silver-haired woman and tends to speak very highly of herself. She says that she is everyone and sees everything. She posses the power of travelling through time and her crystal has the same colour scheme as Palkia/Dialga. Probably the Time sister in the Royal family tale.
    Together with Spacea, they created an organisation to prevent a catastrophe (named Storm 9). For that, they need Melia, who they saved in the present from Team Xen, and recruited her in their organisation. With Spacea, she is probably responsible for bringing the ship to Terajuma Island, as they use the same kind of fog as then.
    Finally, with Spacea, they can only appear during eclipses "when time and space are linked together. She doesn't like Crescent and loves to test people, interfers with people only if they re told to do so. They both serve "Her Majesty"and refuse to act when it is not in their orders.



    Team Xen


    Cassandra: President of GDC, she is suspected by Flora to be behind the stone phenomena and has a serious temper. Although it is not confirmed if she is part of Team Xen, she at least works for Madame X. She loves to taunt Madelis about her demotion. However, when she sees Madelis is hurt, she still helps her.
    She apparently was in Jenner's lab (Cass?) at one moment and she is responsible for locking the house on the beach.

    Other actions include building unoccupied towers with an unknown function in the Judicial District, forbidding the sale of Yui'sranch milk in GDC and preventing haircappers from haircapping for free.


    Eli : Xen mid-rank grunt. Doesn't speak very good Engrish and is always helped by Sharon, although he can't say her name correctly. Quite clumsy. A tomb with his name is in the Amethyst graveyard, may not be the same.


    Kenneth "Keta" "The Reaper": Born in Y-4, a black-haired pony-tailed man, coming from Four-Islands, in the Sevii Islands. He is not very bright and easily manipulated, while courageous for some things he can also be a true coward for others. His signature pokemon was a shiny Lucario. He left his mother, brother and friends to follow the steps of his late-father and to help other people, answering to a call for volunteers by Mr. Blakeory. After he arrived in Aevium, he became a friend with Matthew, Chasity, Jenner and Tesla durin an epic board game nigth (the best nights). However, desillusioned by Blakeory's true goals, he was easily manipulated by "Red-Hair" to leave for Sheridan in order to "fall in love" with Taelia. It is possible that he would have stayed with Tesla otherwise, but as Amber was born anyway in the alternate timeline where Vivian did not die, it would probably not be the case.

    During the 15 next years, he rebuilt Sheridan with Taelia and they had a kid, Nora. In Y29, he and his wife opened the secret cove of Amethyst grotto and his entire family was killed. As a result, Aelita was born and he adopted her.

    10 years later, he became gym leader but, manipulated by visions of his late-wife and daughter cause by "Red-haired", he went to meet his brother on the advice of the Oracle of Carrotos. Although they reconciled, Deagan died. As his visions didn't stop, he attacked the Oracle, was sent flying and was saved by Madelis, who recruited him to the newly founded Team Xen. He agrees then to change his name to Keta (Keta+ Taelia) and to sacrifice Mount Carrotos and its inhabitants to Team Xen, in exchange for Aelita's safety.

    To erase the pain, he asks the Oracle to separate a part of his soul to get rid of his feelings. He died by protecting Aelita vs Team Xen Mewtwo.

    In the lost future, he is known as Kenneth "The Reaper". He saves Melia and the protagonist from Mosely and bad kids. He leads Teila Refuge against the RENEGADES. Violent, he is the step father of Amber in the lost future. Originary from Kanto, he survived thanks to a ship which his mother gave him

    Gregory "Geara" : Xen Admin. Narcissic psychopath. He took the name Geara in reference to Giratina. Known by Narcissa since along time ago. Something happens to him after Crescent sends him back to Madame X and is apparently no more functional. Madelis seems affected by his condition. Has a tomb with his name in the Wispy tower which could mean he was in it when the fire started.
    A journal that could be his can be found under wispy tower and describes his joining of Team Xen.

    His Giratina has the prefix "Renegade".


    Grunts: They just want to survive and are forced to serve Tem Xen. Their soul is pretty much confirmed to have been stolen, it could be what Madame X was supposed to do to the prisonner in Blacksteeple castle. The X on their chest is the symbol of their slaving (Garifa curse?). High ranking grunts are called the Deathwings.

    Pr. Jennerson : Head scientist of Gearen Lab and foster father of Melia. Secretly worked for Team Xen, he still deeply cared for his daughter.

    He survived the mysterious fire which destroyed half of Gearen city 10 years ago but is uneasy about explaining how. He reappeared 2 years later with a foster daughter named Melia. Together, they visited many places of Avium befor installing themselves in Eastern Gearen.

    He was killed by Geara while trying to save Nim on Valor Mountain.

    When he was young he used to be in a band with Chasity and Matthew and had the "5th year syndrome". Fear his Death Hand!

    Madame X: A mysterious woman clad in a red and black armor, which seems to have been manufactured in Amethyst Grotto from an alterated Time Stone and one other vital component core. Her mask could be exposed in GDC Museum (if not one from the 3rd org). She possess superhuman strength and powers and uses an Yvetal as her signature pokemon. She is able to manipulate time thanks to a Time-stone.
    Although she seems evil, she saved Kanon from Darkdevoir in the past as well as the protagonist a bit later, When she does, she mentions that she saves you everytime. She contacted Kanon to ask him to help against the Theolia Church.
    In the present, she kills Nancy while trying to kill the protagonist. She is very interested in Melia too because she wants her Light.
    Finally, any person who has information on her or Team Xen seems to get silenced.
    She gets transported to the lost future with Melia and the protagonist and helps them by killing half the crew of the SS Paradise. She was in possession of a Time Diamond which shattered when she tried to reverse the saving of Viviane.
    Apparently, her mother gave her life to protect her and follows her father's steps, a trait that she shares with many characters in this game.

    She seems to resent an unknown actor for making Maria relive the same situation every time and she encourages her to stay strong and to keep hope.

    It seems probable that her final goal is also to prevent the destruction of the World.

    Madelis : One of the first Xen Admin, was in charge of recruitment. Her name is the combination of two other names (Maddie and Elisabeth?). Head of the shadow pokemon program. She is violent, ambitious and fiery. She even dares to speak back to Lady X, who demotes her to a mid-rank grunt.

    Related in some way to Narcissa, it is hinted by her she used to be a clerq. She is also a big fan of Tesla and is quite interested in the fate of Geara on Valor mountain.


    Manny: Xen Grunt who was fired for deleting Nastasia's file. His mother died of a sickness and he wants to see her once before dying too.


    Nastasia : The highest grade member of Team Xen after Madame X. She still got in trouble because her mission to retrieve Nancy on the SS Oceania was not authorised.

    Cold and clever, she doesn't hesitate to eliminate anyone for her benefits. An incredibly strong trainer, she still loses to Nancy. Her name and hair colour are similar to Anastasia's. Madelis says that she isn't concerned with the failure or success of their mission as she doesn't have anything on the line.

    Neved : Team Xen admin with a blue eye and a red eye. Chief of the prison in Blacksteeple Castle. Cold-hearted and cruel. He tortures Aelita because her father was a traitor who he hated and recruited EMMA because she looked like his daughter who he seems to deeply care about. Specialised in ice pokemon. Related to Angie? Her son?
    His daughter might be the girl prisonner in the basement of the Hospital of Hope? (she doesn't look like Melia though.

    Ren : A young boy who left Goldenleaf one year ago. Friend to Melia and Venam, at least till he joined Team Xen. He has a sister and his mother lives in Goldenleaf.
    He had feelings for Melia and feels devastated when he learns her death. Furthermore he failed to change the ways of his people before the protagonist which makes him angry and disappointed in himself. He then joins Team Xen officially because he thinks he was betrayed, but maybe on Crescent's orders. Nastasia thinks he might be the traitor mentionned in a prophecy. He is happy that Melia is alive but angry at Team Xen for lying to him.

    His name can mean Raven, Ruler or Lotus.

    SEC : Security Drone. Has a bad sense of humour.

    Sharon : Xen mid-rank grunt. Her name gets constantly confused by everyone. Doesn't like her job but knows she will be killed if she refuses to do it. Tries to help her friend Eli to learn Engrish. On Valor Mountains, she contemplates suicide, but is pushed by Crescent and saved by Saki before being scolded by Eli.


    Sirius: Narcissa's husband who died in Wispy Tower. He was the head of the Radio tower and thought it was possible to use the radio to deeply influence people. He worked on Giratina and wanted to destroy this world to bring another. It is possible he only married Narcissa to gain influence.

    Tohmmen: Xen grunt imprisonned in the Garufa settlement under Carotos Mountain. As he didn't die from the Garufa curse of soul stealing, this could indicate that Xen grunts have already had their soul stolen.
    He dies when he tries to leave the Garufa sttlement.

    Zetta: Xen Admin. Actually a Solosis modified by Madame X with Melia's DNA and Rift matter. He was meant to be destroyed but was finally used by Team Xen to create Rift Pokemon. He can be cruel and mercyless but is still uneasy about Geara killing Jenner. When his hair are down, he looks exactly like Melia.
    He got transformed back to a Solosis by Crescent and captured.

    His last wish towards Melia is to not be forgotten.



    Garufa faction?


    Krystal "April" "Alexandra": Nim's "sister". Wears garufan style purple and green robes. She is first met in Amethyst grotto where she wanted to get a phase dial for her "sister" and later in the train to GDC. Like her "sister", she possess psychic power associated with a golden aura and some kind of foresight.
    It seems she needs to stay incognito and needs to keep moving. She apparently knows Kelvin, but she seems afraid to meet him. She is also uneasy with talking about the master of the League, who she tries to defend at first, she hints that it could in fact be her.

    Furthermore, she is pursued by Damien who wants to get back someone she stole from his tribe, probably Nim.

    Crescent: Rogue member of the Time traveler society. A scary, authoritary and insensitive lady with great psychic powers, also an extremly powerful trainer. Crescent is not her real name, but she likes it. She hates Team Xen and probably killed more than a few of their members. She seems to know things about the protagonist and wants to keep him/her away from danger. When he/she doesn't heed her advices, she even saves him/her more than once. The only other person she showed some feelings for is Melia (although she was nice to Kanon). Her signature pokemon is Gothitelle which is a pokemon venerated by the Garufa.
    She knows of a catastrophe coming and fears that it is unavoidable (to a point where it haunts her dreams), however she hopes that the future isn't set in stone. When talking about people who died, she says that nobody is lost, they are just on their mission. She seems under quite some stress in the end.

    She was instrumental in the changes in Ren and Lorna.

    As many other characters, she likes using French.

    Damien: A weirdo and a jerk. He belongs to the Garufa tribe, probably. Dragon-type leader. He chases Alexandra with his Latios and calls Nim an enemy of humanity and a very dangerous weapon. He says that she is only pretending to be human and that she needs to be eliminated. Skillful sculptor, he created a statue of himself to have himself passed as petrified. Always dreamt of being a dark-type leader.
    He thinks that Nim will bring the end of the world.

    He seems to know Alexandra very well and they may be related.

    Dranna: Her pokeball was originally found in Theolia Mansion in a Time Capsule by Kenneth. However she was later seen in Team Xen's pokeball, under whose orders, she killed Kenneth. She later became Crescent's Mewtwo

    Karen : Elite 8 member with Garufa origins. She has big psychologic problems and normally has to take pills. She is able to use Garufa magic and doesn't mind killing people, although she misses her mother (in a mad kind of way).
    She is obsessed with the secrets of the Hidden library and killed Karrina's parents to get to them. She finally recruits the protagonist to help her find it. She loved the 8bit world and would probably have stayed there if not for the Puppet Master sending her to GDC.

    She usually resides in Alvavors ruins.

    Nim "Lorna": Strange but nice girl with psychic powers and a purple pendant. She used to have no name but she is probably Alexandra's "sister" (not literally). With Crescent, one of the character who tries to prevent the protagonist to get involved in the story.
    She is able to bring people to a parallel dimension but it consumes alot of energy from her. She probably works for Crescent as Jenner was imprisonned by Crescent in her dimension. This dimension was also accessed by Narcissa's duskclop.
    As she overheats her power, she transforms to stone and is thrown into lava by Geara. She is saved by Crescent who alters her memory cuts her hair and changes her name to Lorna, the "forsaken girl", the "girl who is alone".
    Krystal mentions that she used to not have a name.
    Damien says that she will bring the end of the world and is the cause of everything that is happening right now. She apparently can't be killed through normal methods and is responsible for the petrification incidents in GDC.
    She seems to have become a psychopath by then, she has some kind of strange suit and 4 purple shards. Convinced that her friends abandonned her by "her", she wants to kill Melia.

    She is able to turn people to stone and may have been used to turn Nora to stone.

    The name "Nim" could be taken for Nymieria's name, who Nim looks like.

    Strangely, "Lorna"'s meanings include Forsaken, but also Crowned and Victory.

    The sigil of the forsaken says : "hose who bear the sigil of the forsaken shall be forgotten and shall roam the land without ever being remembered by loved ones or companions. They eventually forget themselves and fall into insanity"

    Which could be related to Lorna's condition (similar to Dufaux).


    Blakeory Foundation


    Erina: Saki's housekeeper. Snob.

    Mr. Blakeory 1st : In the past, an extremly rich old guy who built Kugearen city near Theolia Mansion. Is ready to do anything to get richer even to destroy the life of the Theolia family. It is unknow if he survived Storm 9 or if another family member rebuilt the region.

    His family is responsible for most development in Aevium, notably Magnolia Library and the Blakeory Atheneum, which contain books on the Garufa, Shadow pokemon and Miera region.


    Thomas Blakeory : Stepbrother of Saki. A proud young man who looks at everyone poorer than him with contempt. He hates Saki for being the legitimate heir for Blakeory Foundation. He swears revenge on Lavender after she hits him in Magnolia Hall.


    Saki Blakeory : 17, niece of Mr. Blakeory. Direct heir to Blakeory foundation and responsible for the West Gearen Generator. Famous engineer and hacker and Steel gym leader. Condescending and self centered, she used to be friend with Venam and Amber and is friend to Valarie, Braixen and Adam. Other characteristics include love for movies, hyperactive, puntastic and a BIG HAMMER
    She disappeared after she went to GDC.

    Sakitron: Crazy robot originating from Saki's DNA (Robot with DNA? Wut?).


    Theolia Church


    Anathea : Vitus'wife. Some books on domestic abuse near Black Steep Castle seem to indicate that her husband used to be violent with her and possibly that they lived there for a while. The protagonist rescues her near Kugearen City when he/she travels to the Past.
    She gets killed by a Tangrowth because of the plot of Darkdevoir and she becomes prisoner of the Soul Stone. This gives her some abilities, such as briefly possessing the body of Darkdevoir.
    Her name could come from "anathema" which can mean a curse or a sacrifice (often to God) and in modern meaning, something that is loathed. Litterally Anathea could also mean "up to God" or even "against God". Her name fits her quite well indeed.

    Angie Theolia: The result of the fusion of the souls of Vitus and Anju. She later becomes the Ice Witch of Terajuma, about one month before the protagonist gets there. She is similar to Vitus but a lot more unstable and crazier. The maids of Vitus are now serving her. She is obsessed with the cult of Arceus and the need of redemption and gets even crazier when she doesn't succeed in using her powers on Melia.
    Although she traps herself in eternal ice, she is freed from it by her maid and swears to get her revenge. For that she calls a friend from another dimension.

    Cera: First maid of Angie, she is quite powerful and even manages to capture Groudon. Completly fiathful to her Church, she is the only person Angie listens to. Herself an Ice pokemon trainer.
    She follows the protagonist in GDC and can be met in an appartment.

    Darkdevoir: Self proclaimed Vitus assistant. A talking Gardevoir with a red and black colour theme. She manipulates the Theolia family in the past and shows you from the start her disdain for strangers. She considerer Anathea a hindrance but she wants Vitus to use his power in the land conflict with Blakeory. To encourage him, she convince a few policemen to arrest him and crush his spirit by destroying his mansion. With Vitus she created an orb to destroy Kugearen.
    When she attacks Vivian a bit later, she becomes green and purple because of Melia's shiny Mimikyu.


    Maids: Loyal servants of Vitus and Angie. Most of them do not hesitate to sacrifice themselves for Vitus, but some hint that they are not fully satisfied with their state.

    Vitus "Indriad" Theolia: He used to be Anathea's husband. At the time, he was very protective towards his daughter and wife and seemed easily irritated. However he didn't seem yet unreasonable. He owns a huge mansion with a black and white theme and Gardevoir statues (symbol of the prophecy of light), with a sacrificial altar underground.. Apparently, he came to this land long before Kugearen was built but is seen as a problem by Mr. Blakeory, who wants to evict him.

    After his wife's death, he went back to being the leader of an Arceus Death Cult. Obsessed with trials and human sacrifice. He has many maids to serve him and which he doesn't hesitate to kill.

    His house was built over Garufa land and was probably transformed into the Chrysola Hotel in Gearen city, he used to be part of a cult before marrying Anathea.

    He remembers the protagonist when he meets him in the Chrysolia's mansion and he posses a strange suit.



    Government Officials and Police


    Amanda: League manager. She helps the protagonist get his/her first pokemon. A good friend of Zumi and Jan's sister. Responsible for the replacement of the gym leaders who quit which makes her life more and more difficult as the story progress. She somehow will get her revenge on the protagonist.

    Anabel: Member of the international Police. She leads the investigations on pokemon rifts and was implicated in the Alola events with Ultra Beasts, where she nearly got killed.

    Ayuda: President of Help Plaza. Seeks Zygarde cells. Married to Mel

    Junior Crawli "C" : Bug Gym leader and member of the International police. His mother died giving birth to him and his father wasn't present so he was educated by Holly, his aunt. He is blind and uses bug senses to see.

    Erick: Replacement Gym leader of West Gearen City. Best friend of Saki and Volta. Very good hacker. More in him that what it seems?

    Florin: High ranking official, brother of Flora. Worrywat and very polite. We apparently met him in the past, walked on his foot and called him a loser. Really trusts his sister and Cassandra

    Jan: League manager. Amanda's brother. He works on a project with Zumi and Amanda and is also responsible for most of the paperwork of the league

    Looker: Member of the international Police. She received a medallon from the protagonist so she could speak with Zetta.

    Zumi : Scholar in Magnolia library, friend with Jan and Amanda.


    Team Anti-Assist


    Kallista: Recurring grunt of T A-S

    Neville: Recurring grunt of T A-S


    Team Bladestar and supporters


    Flora: Grass gym leader who designed various colours of plants. In appearance soft and nice, she is manipulative and crafty. She is secretly a coleader of Bladestar. Her brother doesnt know it and she finds him overprotective. She plants devices spreading corruption and opposes the current leaders of GDC who are corrupt and greedy. Her favorite colours are in order Blue, Red, Magenta, Purple, Green. She is really afraid of Xenpurgis.
    All she does is to help the people of the Badlands.

    She was in Gearen city when the S.S. Oceania was attacked and she met with Professor Jenkel there.

    She is one of the suspect for the theft of huge quantities of Rift matter from Team Xen.

    Dylan: Powerful member of the Underground Grand Dream City, he hints that he used to be either a gym leader or an E8. He now acts as an ambassador. Although he works occasionnally with Bladestar, he isn't known to be an official member. He had a hard youth, became rich and gave his money to charity. Now, he only wants to help people.

    He stalks ANA


    Grunts: Rejects, they aren't very good. The dugtrio robot's grunt is even named "Abruti", which is a more nasty synonym for idiot. They oppose Cassandra's dictature and want to restore the Badlands. They serve notably, Flora and D.


    Unknown Affiliation


    Anastasia Bellarosa: Math pupil of Maria and her only friend. She is a genius but is very timid and pressured by her mother. She has purple hair like Nastasia and they might be the same person. She picked up a Deoxys as a kid, a recurring creature in Xen Organisation.


    Alisha: Buried in wispy tower.

    ANA: Android Autonomous Nanotech Amplifier. She takes the form of a girl with no face and is supposed to be the Key to a better future. Her true form resides in the nanodrive. Able to fly but has never seen the outside world before the events in GDC.

    She is very uneasy about the disappearance of the children. From Nurse Joy's reaction, she could have been responsible for them or just present when it happened.


    ANA's Grandma: Raised ANA. A strict beleiver in Arceus. She says that both nature and pokemon have ceased to exist, so she is probably from the Lost Future. She dreamed to become rich and famous when she was a child and she succeded. But the dream turned to nightmare.


    Anabella: Missing child


    Anastasia Bellarosa: Math pupil of Maria and her only friend. She is a genius but is very timid and pressured by her mother. She has purple hair like Nastasia and they might be the same person. She picked up a Deoxys as a kid, a recurring creature in Xen Organisation.


    Cameron: aquaintance of Eric

    Cas: Friend of Matthew who mysteriously survived the fire which destroyed their lab and half of Gearen City. (Cassandra?)

    Celesia Altair: Died at 7. Little lonesome girl being talked to by her doll. Live in the Darchlight mansion with her mother, father, grandparents and twin sister. She wasnt authorised to have a pokemon, but a pokemon inhabited the doll she was offered, she called it Light. Hiyoshi is mentionned in the journal of her Grandma. Thus it wasnt destroyed at this time, it must have been close to Darchlight forest and the house must have existed before Storm 9, there is an abndonned Manor West of Kugearen which could be Darchlight Manor.
    Her name shares a celestial meaning with a few characters, notably, Sirius, Comet, Cosmia and Crescent.


    Comet: Cosmia's brother. Disguises as the protagonist. Hates his job.


    Cosmia: Disguises as Nancy and host a show in Magnolia theater. She was the one who invited Talon to a trap. Probably related to Crescent. She is the one who kidnapped the man who wanted to tell the protagonist about Madame X in Kristilline.


    Deagan: Kenneth's older brother. He was angry at him for abandonning his family. He always thought of Keta as weak when he was small and followed his brother to Aevium.

    He was then again disappointed to see his brother left his job and fled again. He still stayed in Gearen where he eventually married Tesla and had a daughter with her, Amber. However, he left his family abit later to never come back.

    He gets manipulated by "Red-haired" to try to kill Kenneth but reconcile with him, however, he falls through broken ice and dies in Y29

    May have had a small alcohol problem.

    He was the Dark-type Gym leader for a small time before dying, and was never replaced. Which is funny, because that means that probably noone was ever able to get all badges of the Aevium League.


    Dufaux: An evil spirit which was trapped by Narcissa in the odd house. It was a demon which appeared in Goldenleaf forest a long time ago with destruction as its only purpose. Narcissa stopped it but her beloved chandelure died in the process.
    After the protagonist frees it, it goes to West gearen to suck energy from the generator. The protagonist stops it, but it escapes after swapping Narcissa with her child form, using time powers.
    It should be noted that it looks like the Seal of the Forgotten. He could thus have been someone who felt victim to it.
    His name is a common French name, litterally meaning "of the fake".


    Ellie: Buried in wispy tower.


    Franchesca: Small girl who has a hard time remembering her name. She is kept prisonner of the basement of the hospital by Iasha because of a "Special Disease". Probably Neved's daughter. Franchesca is strangely written but comes from "French"


    Frey "Freysomething": A red-haired (another one!) girl who helped Saki through the jungle and opened a legendary door. After defeating a legendary whale-like blue pokemon, she disappeared with it.

    Her name can mean "Supreme Lord", it is also the name of a Nordic God of weather.

    Katsu Bellarosa: A very intelligent woman and the mother of Anastasia. She works secretly with Mr. Blakeory to create an efficient and green source of energy. She is easily pissed and not a good parent. Nearly got killed by a meteorite while searching for her daughter but was saved by Vivian. Leads Rejuvenation Co. An organisation trying to restore Miera Region, so they can all leave Aevium
    Apparently, Miera region was devastated by a nuclear incident which is recorded nowhere in the history books of the present.
    Her name Bellarosa, shares the flower theme with Flora and she shares similar ambitions to restore her own region. Katsu means "Victory" in Japanese

    Kelvin: Guy in Oblitus Town. Feared by Lorna.

    Isha: Creepy black-haired pale man, he is the head of the hospital of Hope. he thinks the protagonist give a strange feeling and asks him/her to come to her office. He is also associated to Cassandra, but disapprove of Team Xen. Only cares about his research, he bought an entire apprtment building in the district of Hope for some reason.
    Has a child prisonner in the depth of the hospital.


    J: Responsible with R for the escavations in Amethyst caves.


    Lenny: Venam's friend


    Luca: Venam's friend

    Maddie: Friend of Matthew who mysteriously survived the fire which destroyed their lab and half of Gearen City. (Madelis?)

    Magenta and Neon: Puppet master specialised in psychic pokemon. They have dolls of Pangoro, Zorua, Rowlet, Misdreavus and Liligant.


    Neveah: Buried in wispy tower.


    Nevvy: Buried in wispy tower.


    Nora: Child of Taelia and Keta, born in Y23. Officially dead in Y29. She had a pangoro and a zorua plush. It seems like she possessed at least some predictive powers as she was having bad dreams just before the attack on Sheridan. Following "Red-haired" she was turned to stone to destroy her soul and prevent her reincarnation. As she is able to alter memories, this may not have been what really happened. She doesn't have a grave in Amethyst graveyard.

    Her name can mean "Light" or "Honor"

    Peony: Fortune Teller from UG GDC. He gives the protagonist the following prophecy (not exact retranscription). "You will be on a tall castle different from any precedent castle. A battle starts for the future of every person. Golden lights surrond us and our friends are nearby. 3 of them. One with a soul as gold as Arceus. One with the resolve to lead. One who fights for a lost loved one. They stand before a female who wants to bring the world to her knees. She wants to destroy all and everything and makes sure that nothing of this world passes on"

    Puppet master: Man with a mask who freed Karen, Allen and Alice from the 8bit-world. He calls the protagonist the Interceptor who inhabits someone else's body. Warns you about Xenpurgis
    He seems to know about Miera region and sends the group a series of historical books concerning it, borrowed from the Blakeory Atheneum by Rune.


    R: Responsible with J for the escavations in Amethyst caves.

    Risa Rider: High Class actor and great engineer. Sister of Texen, she seems to know the protagonist from somewhere. She also fights Team Xen and gave the protagonist the name of T-Xen Destroyer (either for Team Xen or for destroying her brother Texen). She apparently has a sister in Gearen city.

    Rune: Red-haired girl not unlike Madelis. Friend of Lavender and Rhodesa and Huey's sister. She has been missing for several weeks and was a childhood friend of Flora. Is said to be awesome.
    Apparently, she was doing research on the Miera Region


    Serah: Buried in wispy tower.

    Talon: Flying gym leader turned to stone in GDC. Quite a gamer.

    Tania: First suspect in the stone crimes. Got stoned. Diminutive for Titania?


    Texen: Probably Risa's brother. Fighting gym leader replacement. He is weak, vain, mysogenous and narcissist and studies in Axis University.
    He likes to read tabloids about Titania.


    Timothy: Missing child

    Unknown girl in Magnolia Library (Erin?): A Girl in Magnolia library who really looks like Erin with a different hair color. She also has an Absol (the one from Goldenleaf) and is a real pain to the clerk. As she does not find the books that she is looking for in Gearen, she departs for the Atheneum in GDC. It seems like the books she is looking for have been borrowed by Rune.


    Unknown guy with black hair and futuristic mask: He gives the protagonist the emotion powder in Valor Mountain. He wears a similar costume to the one of Red-haired with a futuristic Mask. He probably comes from the same organisation.

    Unknown guy with a hood: The Bisharp who killed Taelia and apparently tried to kill Aelita multiple times. He actually seemed more interested in killing Nora than Taelia, strangely.


    Unknown person with red mail: Very formal person who sent a mail to Keta warning him to kill the maiden of reincarnation (not knowing if it was Taelia or Aelita), which he calls a monster and that he will kill people dear to him if he does not. He has already taken killed his mother to prove he is serious. He is also the probable culprit of the grand fire of Gearen. More or less at the same time the wispy tower went into flame because of an explosion on the 24th floor on the day Nora's class visited floor and later Sheridan village was attacked and Nora and Taelia killed. In all of these cases, Yvetal appeared. Other confirmed owners of Yvetal are Madame X and Melanie.


    ???: The key to his/her lab was dropped by Darkevoir. Someone who studied shadow pokemon and who came across the pinacle of shadowification which he calls dimensionnal rift pokemon. You only reads his journal in the past which explains how to save rift pokemon. The journal explains then that the author is in a temporal loop and cannot prevent something (that will destroy humanity)no matter how many times he tries. He has seen the darkness that is coming and only an unknown person can stop it. He says an old fool has created the catalyst to end the world as we know it. The author has seen the horror that is coming and will do whatever to stop it, even if it cost him/her or his/her friends their lives.
    As you read his journal, Madame X appears and snatches it. You also find Shadow pokemon machines in the lab. The machine in the center of the lab is similar to the one Anastasia is working on. Big number of chairs around a table.

    The phrase "Meet existentialists whom hearten" is also present on a stone in Ruby Museum and is hinted to be an anagram.

    V: A TV star of UG GDC. Not much is known about her except she financially helps the UG and isn't part of Bladestar.

    She is the one for whom the Bladestar grunt chase ANA and her nanodrive.

    Volta: Electric gym leader and Reporter. Friend of Risa


    Will: Buried in wispy tower.


    Xenpurgis: Scary. Probably the one who purges team Xen or the Purger for team Xen.

    This could also be an event referring to the Walpurgis, a festival for the return of Spring, later turned by the Church to a witch Sabat.


    Characters exclusive to "Where love lies"


    Claus: Fat man and "Bro" of Keta on Four Island. He likes to mess around but gets in trouble when someone named "Nana" finds out. (Same Nana as near Evergreen forest?)


    Don Carto: Boss of the Ruffians of Sheridan in Y14. He gets defeated by Kenneth after kidnapping Taelia and he comes back 15 years later to defy Taelia to see if she has become stronger. At this time, he wears a black coat and hat with a red circle on the coat. He apparently has already founded a family somewhere else.


    Elizabeth: Woman talking to Keith on the phone in Y14. She can't be seen with him in his office.


    Gerard: Old man on Four Island. "Grandpa" of Kenneth. Gave him an egg from a Lapras on Four Islands


    Jenny: Girl from Four Island and friend of Kenneth and Claus.


    Kai'ya: Oracle of Carrotos, dark skinned girl with long black hair attached to the tree on top of Carotos, Celebi is her companion and she helped seal Aelita's Hyper Soul. She is apparently linked to earth and able to see everything. However, either she still doesn't know anything about the important events of Sheridan or she doesn't want to say. If her hair are cut, she will lose her powers.
    When Keta attacks her, she send him flying with the intent to kill. Later, she accepts to separate his emotions from his body


    Keta's father: Man who loved to help people and went out of his way to save even the smallest pokemon. He died


    Keith: Manager of the construction project for Gearen city. An anthipathic guy and a nasty boss. Wants to raze Sheridan and build a resort


    Luis: Timid kid, close to Keta, from Four Island


    Matia: Kenneth's mother, she lives on Four Island. Loves him very much and very proud of him, but is very sad to see him leaving. Killed by someone in Y29, an Yvetal was seen on the scene.


    Red-Haired: Clad in futuristic clothes with some kind of mask and very red hair. Her signature pokemon is Beheeyem who she uses to alter people's memories and manipulate them. She also owns an Ultra-beast (who apparently appeared durin Storm 9), Naganadel. Her other powers include being able to teleport and to manipulate time.
    She manipulated Kenneth and Taelia to make them fall in love and open the hidden cove. After that, she tried to convince Kenneth to kill Taelia and then to make him suffer to make him kill himself.
    She participated to Taelia's death, but wasn't the one who killed her. Her affiliation is currently unknown. She didn't send the Red letter to Kenneth and doesn't seem to be related to Yvetal.
    She could have been lying on everything though.

    Rozita: Co-host of Sirius for the Wispy Radio. Described the start of the fire and accused Tesla right away.


    Teddy: Likes to sleep during the day


    Minor characters


    Alex: Ranger who guides you into the forest. She is later captured by Angie and freed by the protagonist.


    Andrew: Kugearen's Rock type Gym Leader, training in Sheridan.

    Augustus Briney: Captain of the SS OCEANA. He used to be a great trainer and quite a charmer.

    Ayune: Leader of the Kimono girls

    Beth: Girl holding Yui's Ranch. Sister is Melissa and mother is Yui.

    Chasity Vasile: Mother of Venam

    Chives: Risa's driver?

    Dale: Beth's Grandfather

    Dr. Jenkel: Mad scientist in Eastern Gearen. Created a machine to purify shadowmons and a machine to relive memories. Has a crush on Karen.

    Dr. Sykick: Psychologist in UG GDC

    Dylan: Buried in Amethyst Graveyard (He was n°1)

    Fartha: Nice girl who tries to have us escape from Angie.

    Gabriel: West Gearen Generator Responsible. Helps to track Dufaux.

    Henrietta: Presenter of Volta

    Holly: Aunt (on the mother side) and surrogate mother of Crawly. The ranger second in command. Although she is authoritary anf loud with the rangers usually, her personnality makes a complete switch when she gets in the arena. There, she becomes nice and girly.

    Jean: Friend of Risa, qualified for the tournament.

    Jeff: Volta's cameraman


    Patty: 19years old chatty girl. She is the pixelated proof that you shouldn't have children. After working for Angie for a while, she got a job as a barmaid in GDC. She collects figurines.

    Piano lady: A nice lady who helped you escape on SS Oceana and later in Blacksteeple Castle. She works in a café in GDC and her sister is named Karla. She wishes she could open a music school.


    Larissa: Mother of Manny, buried in Amethyst graveyard

    Lucien: Trainer qualified for the tournament

    Mable: Customs lady for Gearen city. Works with her sister.

    Maman: Owner of the orphanage. Very kind but very sick. She decided to take care of other after her mother died protecting her. (Maybe in the fire in Gearen?)

    Mars: First member of the Culvier clan. Master of Affinity

    Mary Ann: Trainer qualified for the tournament

    Mel: Ayuda's wife

    Melissa: Beth's sister


    Mercury: 4th member of the Culvier Clan. Master of Growing Strength. He is fighting invisible demons and is quite disliked by his neighbours.


    Mika: She owns a café in GDC and likes to let her pokemon go freely.

    Nana: old lady from Neverwinter with a house near Evergreen forest

    Novae: The Wanderer. Trainer from Alola asking for help training in the Help Center. Has 4 siblings in Avium. Shares a name linked to the stars like some other characters. Together they possess the 5 star shards.


    Ranna: Ren and Reina's mother

    Rosaria: Hairdresser in Gearen. She is supposed to work for Cassandra under contract, but she secretly cuts the hair of poor children, to her daughter's dismay.

    Rory "RorimB": Useless father of Crawli. Dance crazy.


    Sam: Ranger who guides you into the forest. He is later captured by Angie and freed by the protagonist.

    Sasha: Daughter of Rosaria. She is angry with her mother for leaving for days without notice.

    Sariah: Ghost girl of Goldenleaf town. Xenophobic at first but is ok when you meet her in GDC. Apparently, she wasn't born when Wispy Tower burnt.

    Spector: New Goldenleaf Gym Leader. Originary from GDC.

    Yui: Founder of the Ranch. Died



  9. Hey, I just retook the entire game because I didn't remember correctly the story.



    I have to say that this version was awesome, some parts such as the new Narcissa gym were genius and I really loved the events in Gran Dream City. I was kinda disapointed by Blacksteeple Castle (except for the part where you play EMMA) but everything else was a pleasure to play again.


    Edit : don't think anything is spoiled by the above part, but put between spoilers just in case

    As I was playing, I took notes to make a list of the many characters with infos on them in order to remember them for V10.

    Would it be against the rules to post it? It contains massive spoilers.



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