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Posts posted by Lorekeeper

  1. Hi. So, I have a question that bothered me enough to sign in instead of being my usual lurker self.


    Where do you find Walt in the third Ranger Mission???????


    Seriously. Am I missing something here? I have bonked into every single tree in the Legend Dairy. Multiple times. In different episodes. I've even pressed 'A' on all of them. Is there something else I have to do? Because I'm actually kind of frustrated now.


    Other then that, this is shaping up to be a fun little game. Definitely a nice break from Reborn, Rejuv and Desolation's constant depressing atmosphere.

    • Upvote 1
  2. Yeah, I got a Scraggy before I even got close to Shade, I think (hail that Play Rough Azumarill!)

    Just... make sure you have the 'mon to be several lv. 50ish Pangoro in a row (unless the event changed from E14.5). Like I said, Azumarill+Revives is godly.

  3. Hey, guys, just got back from a crazy day (wherein two cars broke down with me in them)

    On the subject of music, we could possibly us .ogg format, which apparently takes up even less space then mp3s. Of course, there is one problem with them: they don't actually loop well in the program we're using.

    However, we could ask ChaoticInfinity (the guys behind Touhoumon Faith & Prayer), who have managed to fix that problem, how to fix it. (And if that opens up a line of communication between them and us, making them add in useful features like Quick Save... well. I won't complain.)

    Sadly, I'm really not going to be good for much, today. This utter !*$ of a day has left me drained liek whoa, and I'm probably gonna conk out within the next hour. So... 'night, if I don't post any more.

  4. Eh, like I said, it's a cliche. And if we wanted, we could nerf them a bit, letting them gain stats over certain points (per gym badge?), or something.

    The problem with, say, Ralts, is that its stats are ATROCIOUS until the Garde/Galle (Kirlia is basically level with Kakuna, stat-wise.)

    And, uh, for the "one of each type", thing... some types don't really have options for starter-ish 'mon.

    Like, Ice, which is usually late game. We've got, what, Vanilite and Swinub for choices? Swinub can't even fully evolve without breeding or move tutoring! And Dark. Which is literally Sandile or Deino, per 3 stage evos. Also Ghost, which has OP for every 3 stage choice (Gastly, Litwick, Honedge).

  5. As a girl, I'd be offended... but mostly? I'm just sad. Sad that the media is skewing people's minds into thinking like a romance novel.

    Short answer: That kind of romance pretty much doesn't exist, and girls are all attracted to WILDLY different personalities.

    I mean, I'd prefer a person who talks to me honestly, enjoys the same things I do, and doesn't necessarily have to be "perfect". They don't even have to be OMG HAWT. Hell, I'd rather they weren't. Some other girls probably couldn't care less about that. Some probably want something entirely different.

    Just... I don't know, try to find a girl who has similar interest as you. Odds are, she'd feel the same way you do, only about guys.

    Uh... don't sweat it, I guess? And don't set some sort of unattainable requirements. Not all girls are drop dead gorgeous. But the ones that aren't are just as worth of consideration as those who are.

    Or something. I don't know. All I can say is, don't look at tv for your relationship guide.

  6. Aaaaaaaand that's gonna be difficult, I think. V. difficult.

    Uuuuuuh. I got nothing. Cain is my <3 (besides Radomus)

    ...And wait, does this mean the not!Cain will become evil???? Or can we not have a betrayer-rival, or a rival being blackmailed or something?

    And who is our Prof. Tree? (Can they be female? We need more then just Juniper Jr!)

    Edit: Commander, that's GENIUS! I <3 u just for that idea. I nominate Melissa.

    Aaaaand, by "Harvey" do you mean "Harley" the ambiguously gay cacturne cosplayer who hates May because of cookies?

  7. Why don't we work on actually forming some sort of coherent plot out our morass of ideas before we start planning demos and such? Don't want to put the cart before the horse, or whatever.

    Actually, do we even know how the story's going to begin? Do we even have a Professor? Or a starter selection?

    Do we have a dad????

    And, rivals! Okay!

    ...Can the kind one be our Prof.'s junior assistant, who started her/his/xyr journey to help learn more about the Region?

    Should they be Male, Female and Non-binary?

  8. Hehe, sorry guys, I'm pretty much avoiding everything but the V7 update thread like the plague, at least until I finish up Faith and Prayer, Aegis, Tohen and Ethereal, at least.

    (And F&P is taking forever, due to my love of all the Touhou gals, plus my Reborn-induced rotational teambuilding tic)

    And oh! I'll beta test! I LOVE beta testing!

  9. So basically, Mew of the Movies and stuff? That could be interesting.

    And yeah, I don't care if you keep time travel to a minimum. Like I said, I inadvertently make plots as complicated as physically possible on that front. I' mostly just throwing out ideas for you guys to chew on right now. Don't take anything I say uber seriously, about 60% at least is half-joking, half-"but what do YOU think we could do with this?" randomness.

    Edit: Yeah, 's why I added them. Those three get basically no love from games, I've noticed. So having them play a "NOT captured, actually USEFUL" part in the plot for once would be awesome.

  10. Yeeeeah, I have an... odd, complicated lore about... waaaay too many game'verse, especially Pokemon. Hence the name, actually.

    You know it's bad when you start synthesizing other 'verse ideas into your work. (Din! Farore! Nayru! Stop making me have you create everything!)

    And dude, it's fine, I was just teasing. (Srsly, tho, no spoilers, if you possibly can? Edit: I spoil myself enough for it to be a sport, I don't need help on that front... but no worries, I won't get mad if you accidentally do it.)

  11. Nuuuuuuuuu, my Majora's mask ref... well, actually. It could be a two-way sort of thing. Like, originally, the "Day One: ---" stuff could be about the Cult's activities, but once the shit hits the fan, Celebi sends you back to try and undermine their plans (ie, awakening the Lake Trio), culminating in a sort of paradoxical thing where the past!MC disappears, and the Cult gloats, only for present!MC to appear, ready to kick ass with the Plot-solving MacGuffins.

    Or something. I always make time travel plots as complicated as possible. Accidentally.

    And then I look back, and go "dear god. wut?"

    Also, dude! Stahp! I haven't even started Rejuv yet! I'm trying to go through the shorter games first! Plz no spoilers?

  12. Well yes. Knowing her, she'd pass it off as a "Shiny Carbink" or something, lol.

    Also, having leaders in a position to "defend" their area's Legend would be an interesting way to involve them further in the plot.

    Also, question: should we involve the Lake Trio (Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf) as the way to summon Arceus? Considering they're essentially the Dragon Trio's counterparts, it could make sense. Somehow. Like, they're the "Safety Lock" on tina's prison, and, once awoken by the MC (or someone else, like the Rivals?), join together to basically go "Daaaaaaaad, 'tina left his time out spoooooot!!!!" and call Arceus down like the exasperated father he prolly is.

    (I see Arceus as the "watchmaker" sort of creator... if that meant he became some sort of shut-in Otaku who breaks the fifth wall to play games from other series and stuff. He's like the irritable dad who doesn't really want to be bothered, and left the older kids and his wife [Mew, because lulz] to take care of the younger ones.)


  13. Heyyy, popped back in after a crazy day, and looked over some of the posts. Looking good so far!

    Commander, isn't a Blue Moon actually the second full moon in a month?

    As for the "Fairy" Legends, if we're going the "Darkrai+Cresselia unlocks Giratina" route, would it be possible that gathering all five of the fae summons the pair somehow? Possibly in defense of them?

    (Lol, it occurs to me that Giratina is essentially Nightmare Moon, going by this.)

    As to Celebi and the forests... well, as Seren's gym is essentially going to be a garden/greenhouse, could it be she's secretly sheltering 'bi (due to the SUPREME Weezing poisoning the forest), and her siblings are kidnapped by Ultima/November to blackmail her into giving up the 'mon? Not that we have to do that, it's just an idea that fits with her personality (and allows a potential team up with the MC).

    As for the "Elements", could we just go with the obvious, which, when combined, allows Giratina to be summoned?

    Manaphy: Transferring/Heart

    Victini: Victory

    Jirachi: Wishes

    Celebi: Time

    Hoopa: Space

    Mew: Life

    Example: Celebi and Hoopa warp Time-Space, a Wish on Jirachi pulls Giratina to that warp, while Manaphy transfers something (Darkrai and Cressy?) to take it's place, while Mew grants itt he ability to survive outside the Distortion Word, and Victini guarantees the plan's victory? IDEK, that's what I came up with...

    Edit: Oh, hey, and with Diancie as the Embodiment of Mega-Evolutions, it could create the Griseous Orb to empower 'tina, while Shaymin... uh... creates the area necessary for the entire plan to work? IDK.

    Edit 2: And to stop the world from getting destroyed, you have to go and retrieve whatever replaced 'tina in the Distortion Realm after you defeat it, possibly with help from the fae, to make up for what they were forced to do. Or something.

  14. Welp, here it is, finally. Using a Revolution-type submission, if you don't mind (I'm a bit more used to it, y'know).

    I hope you don't mind, but I decided to do a gym leader pair, a la Liza and Tate, since we really don't have many of those

    Name(s): Marzipan & Eclair (Marcie Torte and Claire Leivos)
    Age: 16-20ish
    Badge: Majou/Magica

    Gym: If possible, I'd like the gym to double as a bakery


    Bio: So, I was going to only do one character, but then I remembered the Pretty Cure Series, and decided to make a pair of (ambiguously romantic) Lovely Angels, if only because double battles are fun, and so is friendship.

    So yeah.

    Marci Torte and Claire Leivos are best friends, and secretly the Magical Girl Gym Leaders Marzipan and Eclair! Assisted by their Weasel Mascot Kyubey Miel the (talking?) Sylveon, who granted them their transformation trinkets (and powers, by extension). Together, they use the power of candy/sweets and friendship to fight crime!

    ...Or they're just a pair of silly Otaku who like to cosplay when they're at their gym.

    Marcie/Marzipan is the cheerful, perky, odd one who likes to leap without looking, and zips around like a Sunflora next to Groudon. She has a love for justice and zany schemes, and can often be found emulating her heroine--Sailor Lunatone--in stopping crime, or even just bullying. Unlike Claire, she finds serving as a gym leader as more of a game then a responsibility, and is somewhat careless about actually doing "jobby things" ie. the baking stuff.

    Clair/Eclair is slightly more subdued, with a tendency for pensiveness and anxiety, though she still follows her best friend's crazy schemes with only mild trepidation. She's also the granddaughter of the former Fairy Leader, Pastila, who passed down the gym to her a few years ago. As such, she views it more seriously then her friend, and can often be seen overseeing the junior trainers/bakers as they make the sweets --- Gym is so famous for.

    Description: Marzipan's appearance is based heavily on that of Azumarill-- as in, she wears a blue dress with a white bubble pattern, and possibly has some Sailor Moon-style Meatball hair (in brown, however). Marcie doesn't necessarily need to have a custom sprite (a FRLG lass would actually probably work pretty well for her).

    Eclair, on the other hand, is based on Gardevoir/Kirlia, with a long white dress (or a tutu), featuring a red sash around the waist, with a blonde braid over one shoulder. Claire, again, shouldn't take much work, just being a blonde FRLG battle girl, or even just a beauty.

    And, of course, Commander's Questionaire:
    1. Is there anything your character likes to do outside of battling?
    *Marzipan: "I like to spread JUSTICE throughout [whatever city]! There's so much unhappiness around here lately, so Eclair and I like to try and make other people happy, you know?"
    *Eclair: "Well, I like helping Marzipan in her quest to spread happiness. Oh! And baking. I like to make cakes and candy, like my grandmother used to. It's why the gym is also a bakery, actually!"

    2. A trainer comes to challenge your gym with only a lv 1 Rattata. What do you do?
    *Marzipan: "Uhhhhh, you do realize this is a doubles gym, right? You're gonna have to come back with at least one more Pokemon before you can fight us."
    *Eclair: "Ahaha... like Marzipan said, to fight us Lovely Angels, you have to have two or more Pokemon. Sorry! But hey, would you like to buy anything, while you're here?"

    3. The same trainer challenges you and is beaten with ease. He seems kind of bummed out. How do you react?
    *Marzipan: "Awww! Well, you tried, ne? Come back again when you catch a few more Pokemon, and then we can have a real fight!"
    *Eclair: "...Like Marzipan said, at least you tried. Would you like some cake for the road? It's fresh from the oven, and you don't have to pay, I promise."

    4. A different trainer challenges you and he completely sweeps you with ease. After recieving a badge, he yells, "Wow, what a scrub. Glad the other gym leaders aren't as pathetic as you." (Eh...I tried. You get the point though right?)
    *Marzipan: "Sheesh! If I was allowed, I'd totally just wipe that smirk off your--wait. Did you just insult Eclair?! Get back here you little--"
    *Eclair: "...The point of Gym Leaders isn't to be an impossible obstacle, you know. And considering we KO'd fully half your team, I'd say-- hold on. Was that... did you just call Marzipan that? APOLOGIZE! NOW. Or ELSE."

    5. What is your favorite season/climate?
    *Marzipan: "Summer! It's so nice and hot! Perfect for just about anything, like swimming!"
    *Eclair: "Spring, actually! I love seeing the world come back into color after months of white and cold."

    6. Is there any type of music that's your favorite? (ie Rock, Rap, Metal)
    *Marzipan: "I like pop! Especially sugar-sweet pop. Man, such happy songs always get me excited!"
    *Eclair: "Hm... Well, I don't have any particular favorites. I guess... classic jazz, maybe? There's something about it that just makes me interested."

    7. What does strength mean to you?
    *Marzipan: "Beating the bad guys and winning the girl! What else could it possibly mean?"
    *Eclair: "I think strength might be less fighting and winning as it is getting up and doing what you believe in, no matter what the difficulties."

    8. There's a terrorist attack in your city. They have hostages trapped in a building and ask to give into their demand. What do you do?
    *Marzipan: "Grab Eclair and jump right into stopping it! That's what us Lovely Angels are for, after all!"
    *Eclair: "Er... go along and fight them off with Marzipan, I guess?"

    9. Is there any love interest in your life?
    *Marzipan: "Ehehe... would yo~ou like to know... ne, Claire~?"
    *Eclair: "Wh-wha..." *blushes furiously* "That's--! Um! That's just between me and Ma--I mean, that's private!"

    10. Would you care for a battle right now?
    *Marzipan: "Awww yeah! You offering?"
    *Eclair: "Uh, sure? I mean... Um, Yeah! Marzipan and I will totally beat you!"

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