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Posts posted by Verbaltag

  1. I already play like a bitch and those two games (and those like them) don't help, though

    EDIT: and if I have one more TP/smite top laner (I hate this enough) take chilling smite instead of challenging smite (ESPECIALLY ON AN AUTO-ATTACKER LIKE FIORA) I'm going to rip my hair out

    disclaimer: I am very upset by having to deal with 3-4 tanks in one game and my current attitude reflects this

    Your problem to begin with is someone taking TP/smite on fiora. She doesn't make good use of the cinderhulk and the other items really don't suit her at all. One could argue maybe warrior but ghostblade is still the better option.

    I really do love the tank meta though ban trundle and vayne(nobody in my elo knows how to peel for a kogmaw) and nasus and all my main threats are gone essentially. Nasus not really being a threat to me as much as the rest of my team considering i like to play for late game.

  2. Man am I the only one loving this tank meta? I love playing tanks and cinderhulk is my favorite item in the game when I play sion. Not to mention even further buffs to tanks with the new black cleaver.

  3. TFW your vayne rushes IE and blames the team for the loss when you outdamage her as full tank sion. I had 5.5K health just stacking it on there being a tank. Our vayne didn't even hit 20k damage to champs.

  4. TFW you go on a 17 game losing streak, dropping from Silver 1 to Silver 5 0 LP, and then start to get on a 7 game win streak, and still counting.

    Happened to me a while ago, but TFW you lose your job and drop from S2 to B1 in a day Because you intentionally lose the game anytime someone does the slightest thing to irritate you. TFW you climb back of out bronze the very next day easily but your elo still isn't the same and lose double the LP you gain.

  5. Haven't played on the new patch yet. Was too sleepy. However the new bc might not be that good on them considering the new phage passive

    that's what makes it good. They're tanks who like to keep up with their victims. Garens E procs rage by the way. More tankiness, more movespeed, and shreds armor.

  6. Honestly, if the leblanc is good enough and knows what she's doing then she's almost impossible to beat in lane. Luckily most don't at silver elo. I used to just take viegar against her and click to win, but they're taking that aspect away with a lot of champs. The best option I see at the moment for dealing with leblanc is to use katarina and rush an abyssal scepter. Try to read into when shes' going to W and Q before. As soon as she Ws press your W. Or if you can outjuke and dodge her W wait until she burns it, stand near her mark and E,Q,W her. Kat seems to be the easiest considering everything she uses is lockon and AOE on her. You could also take kassadin/viktor and time your Qs. If you're good at skillshots use ezreal.

  7. So, just FYI, I went down the NA summoners list and sent friend requests to everyone I've ever spoken to for more than five minutes at a time and didn't already have

    I'm apparently still not on that list even though I made the post :/

  8. Tip for everyone who likes the shiny pokemon. Go to your game files. Go to graphics then battlers. Switch the filenames of shiny and normal pokemon(or jst the back ones if you want to feel special) and it will appear as if you have a shiny. I did this with my rapidash because I really like the shiny sprite but didn't feel like resetting for the shiny.

  9. Hey! I'm Silver D:<

    And don't worry, I was just derping around in custom games. I thought, "Lots of CC for ganks. He might clear okay with his passive, but probably not. His mobility is low, but mobo boots can take care of that... This is not going to go well but #YOLO" But his cooldowns are just so friggin low, you never get to proc his passive so he literally takes ten minutes to clear the jungle once. His ganks aren't very good either, because he's super easy to run away from (his stupid E throws them away from you >_>) But hey, the mobo boots helped with his lack of mobility. Oh, and did I mention he has absolutely no sustain? Pre-Machete, you have to back every two camps

    TL;DR I was bored and thought it'd be fun to try (which it was, purely because it was so bad)

    Silver might as well be bronze. (I'm silver so I know it well)

  10. As a support main myself there's nothing you can do to adjust when your ADC has the intelligence of a brain damaged brick. I was playing leowndya earlier today and my adc was afk at first. I was doing fine soloing bot lane. I wasn't outfarming the ADC or anything but I had a 36 armor rune page and would constantly bait the enemy into missing CS by trying to poke me down and then having them take creep aggro. My ADC finally comes. It looks like she's hitting her keyboard randomly with a hammer with these skillshots i'm seeing and when amumu ganks I immediately E,W,Q the adc to make sure my adc can escape. I run away after doing this and she walks right back into the center of amumu, nautilus, and jayce and tries to fight them all solo. Needless to say I lost that game.

    Also I'd definitely be open to messing around in normals :)

  11. Really getting fed up with the people who have no clue what they're doing in solo queue. It's hard to carry when 4/5 members of your team are always arguing instead of focusing on the game. This is why I'd prefer to have my friend the jungle main back because he truly is amazing.

    Not sure what rank you are but this happens in every elo from diamond to bronze. You will never escape it in competitive gaming if you play with randoms.

  12. I'm not down with his Q becoming a skillshot. High mobility already gives Ryze quite a bit of trouble, and now you can forget having that Q as reliable damage against champs with decent mobility. It does add a bit of counter play beyond hard CC and death for Ryze, though, so there's that. But removing a big damage source, especially in a meta where mobility is everything could really harm Ryze.

    Seeing as ryze was pretty much a counter to any non-ranged top laner by have 3 lockon skills I think this was needed. They gave him a clear buff to his passive and ult passive increasing his power a lot. The only thing is you now need to be able to hit a skillshot to use him. On the contrary the Q being a skillshot is actually better for him with his new passive. He can charge up his passive by just pressing Q randomly like vlad does with E. Also I think riot is really trying to change the game a lot. Many point and click mages got good buffs, while making them more difficult to use. Changing zileans bombs to skillshots but making them stun if double bombing, changing veigars Q to a skillshot, but allowing it to hit multiple targets so you can farm and poke at the same time, and now making ryzes Q a skillshot, but giving him a passive that needs to be charged up. All three champions clearly had those skills buffed, but the point and click to win aspect was taken away.

  13. My advice is pretty long, so i'm keeping it in a spoiler tab.

    - Mute your team if they say anything remotely negative without anything constructive to add. It will only put you in a bad mood and make you play worse.

    Don't argue, don't try to explain yourself, just mute.

    - Learn to last hit. I'd recommend not attacking creeps that are half health or less. A good way to learn would be to click on the creeps and watch their health. Creeps have no armor or magic resist, so none of your damage will be reduced. Left click creeps to see their health and if their health is equal or less than your AD attack it. Doing this will help you get a general idea of how low you need to get them because attacking. After you get used to it you won't need to check their health.

    - If facing AP champs don't run after they blow all their skills on you. You may instinctively want to back off after sustaining tons of damage, but with most AP champs you want to wait for them to burn their skills, try to dodge, then go all in them. Especially in the laning phase their cooldowns tend to be long. So if they get their skills off on you try to at least use yours on them before their cooldowns refresh.

    - Don't stand still. You should be constantly walking around even when auto attacking someone. Put out and auto attack, walk a bit, put out an auto attack, walk, and just repeat. You want to keep moving to ensure that you keep a good position in a fight, or change your position if you're in a bad one.

    - Put yourself in the mind of your enemy. If you're running away from someone and they keep throwing skillshots at you try to get an idea of the cooldown of the ability. Try to predict when you think they're going to use it, lead them one way and quickly sidestep when you believe they're going to use it, or when you see the animation. Vice versa when you're chasing an enemy and you think they're veering off right so they can step left last second to dodge try to predict their dodge with the skillshot. Try to think of their typical habits if you see them walk left typically to avoid a skillshot aim at the left side of them to outsmart their trickery.

    - Learn to farm under tower. It's better to just get as much gold as you can playing safe than to recklessly try to get kills. For melee creeps you want to left the tower attack them twice then attack them once. For the ranged creeps you want to attack them once, then let the tower attack them, then attack them once more to finish it off. Of course if you have a creep wave hitting the creeps under tower you will have to adjust your attack patterns, but this is just a basic way to get it done smoothly.

    - Don't aggro creeps. I'm not saying never get in the situation where a creep is going to hit you, but try not to fight in the middle of a huge creep wave because creeps hurt. I've lost fights I would've won from taking an extra 50 damage from creeps while fighting without mine being there.

    - Learn to be a good garen. The reason I say this is because garen is a very safe, always good pick. He's a tank that can dish out a fair amount of damage and has great passive regen. He's also insanely easy to use, no mechanics necessary, and everything about him comes down to decision making. It is literally impossible to be a bad garen as far as mechanics go. So if you play and do badly you can reflect on the match, and figure out what you did wrong and the mistakes you made and try to correct them. This will make you a better player in general.

    - After you learn to be a good garen learn to be a good vayne. To be a good vayne you will need patience, and it will help you with your mechanics a lot. To be a good vayne you not only need good decision making skills, you need to have good kiting, good positioning, and it's insanely hard to beat one if she has good mechanics. She will teach you a lot about how to play ranged champion.

    - Group. Just do it. Getting caught out will lose the game for you if it's late enough. Stay as 5 late game, and if you're really losing fights hard just stay as 5 in your base.

    - Have fun. Ignore the meta if you don't enjoy it, try out quirky builds and make sure you don't just play to win and rage at players doing worse than you.

    P.S. It's only worth if you say so in all chat.

    *edit - I didn't realize the date on this until I saw koshers comment, but I could've used this info 2 months in as well.

  14. I tried that, actually. It's really suboptimal. It's not like I'm totally stopping playing her, just not focusing on her anymore in favor of things that I'm naturally better at

    Ever tried AP/Tank shyv? It's a fun little build if you can mange to get ahead. Pretty much same as amumu. Liandrys, abyssal, zhonyas, sunfire, rylais

  15. Not technically true. It was made while the Manga was still being written... they outpaced the manga though and therefore... had to write their own storyline because they didn't have the rest of it.((this is why the beginning is pretty much Identical in both, and why most of the characters are the same but at a certain point the 2 story lines diverge like crazy.)). Brotherhood was made to follow the Manga's Storyline more closely. It was just a rather strange thing happened lol.

    FMA did a lot better than claymore did when they outpaced the manga. I actually enjoyed the original more.

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