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Posts posted by Variety

  1. (To Antex)

    Standing in front of the cafetaria looking for a place, Aron notices a classmate approaching. He seems to be shorter than him and wears a white jacket with black jeans and a red shirt.

    "Hey, alright, let me get some cafeteria food first, haven't brought my lunchbox with me today, guess I must have forgotten it on the kitchen table."

    As Antex looks for a place to sit, Aron is on his way back to the table.

    "They served lasagna today, looks really delicious."

    Aron puts his plate on the table, puts his schoolbag aside to him and sits down.

    "So what was your name again, Antex Versago right? Isn't the Versago family a family of all skilled duelists? So that means you must be skilled too." Aron concluded.

  2. After hearing the 5 minute speech of Miss Reinier, Aron couldn't wait to get out of the class and get a look at the cafeteria, the school was new to him as were having classmates. Some were weirder than others, "especially that weirdo who whistled through the class just to get everyones attention" Aron thought to himself. The death of this teacher seemed to be very tragic, but Aron never knew him, so it wasn't a big concern to him.

    Aron quickly took his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom, heading towards the cafeteria. First he would need to make some friends, then he'd need to know how the school works, which he could ask his 'friends'. These would be his main objectives for today. Aron always liked to make lists in his head of what to do, it would calm him and it would avoid being faced with unexpected situations.

    Arriving at the cafeteria Aron just stood there, observing others and looking for a place. Maybe he could find some classmates to eat lunch with...

  3. Only Numbers are limited. But geez, why so obsessed by Xyz monsters? They aren't the worst not the most spammed/abused mechanic out there... Besides, a quick look at the sheer amount of variety we have in this roleplay (decks completely different from one another, some aren't even Xyz-based) should reassure you...

    Sorry the matches I played on YGOPRO are still haunting me. People just spammed 3 xyz's in one turn while I stood there with my synchro deck, just watching how he was spamming the field full of it. Then, you couldn't destroy them 'cause of their special abilities. :(

  4. Hey I’m really new to the forum and to the roleplaying stuff. I did enjoy Yugioh a lot though, always liked to try out new decks, but when the zexal stuff came in I just gave up. The xyz summoning ruined it imo, i did enjoy the synchro summoning though. But let’s give it a new try. I'm also still figuring out what kind of deck i'll be using, My favorite decks were the Toon World themed deck/ the Destiny Heroes themed deck and the Black Garden themed deck. I'm looking for a new deck of that kind.

    Name: Aron Grayson

    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Is a bit tanned, has black hair, and very dark eyes, he’s always clothed in a preppy way. He has square shaped glasses, wears mostly chinos and a shirt with a pullover. He’s medium build (tends to a bit skinny) and he’s 5’ 8.

    Personality: Introvert, cunning, perfectionist and ambitious, arrogant, vain and can be a bit of a hothead, although he always tends to keep up a pokerface when he’s hurt or feels bad. He’s too vain to show others he’s hurt or in pain, partly also because he’s introvert.

    He duels with passion and always has the purpose to win a duel, "the main objective of dueling is winning, pleasure is just a side issue”.


    Aron grew up in a rich family, his parents own several factories and live in a great mansion. Aron was homeschooled until the age of 16, it was then that he decided he'd like to become a duelist after having had his first encounter with duel monsters (watching the nationals on television). His parents disliked the idea of their only son becoming a 'duelist', since especially his dad had other plans for him. His mother used to be a skilled duelist though, but she gave everything up so she could start a new life with her husband. Not feeling comprehended Aron ran away from home leaving his parents in great concern of what could happen to their only son. Aron came back home hoping his parents would've changed their mind as he persisted on becoming a duelist. They didn't and as a result Mr Grayson decided to ban Aron from their house, telling him to not come back unless he would change his mind. Therefore he also disinherited Aron provisionally, so he'd be certain Aron would change his mind.

    Aron sought shelter with his grandparents and joined the academy seeking to become a great duelist in order to win his dad's respect.

    Number Holder Y/N: N

    Deck of choice: Shark deck

    DN name: malgoverno

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