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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Captain

  1. Vendor Name : @Starry Knight

    Requested Pokemon : Ditto

    Specified Event Pokemon Y/N (if so leave other fields blank)

    Gender : 

    Form : 

    Ability : 

    Nature : 

    IV Spread : (31,31,31,31,31,31)

    EV Spread : 

    Pokerus : 

    Shininess (Normal or Shiny) : 

    Egg Moves : 

    Other Moves (Tutor moves ect) :

    Item : 

    Online ID & Time with timezone : Captn, EDT


    I know your services for a 6IV Ditto say to send something without an item that can be released but I'd be more than happy to part with something (assuming I have it of course).

    • Like 1
  2. I soft reset about 30 times with no luck. I definitely didn't expect Ralts or even Axew to be a option. I wonder how easy Axew makes the early game given that it learns Dragon Rage at level 10. I also wonder how quickly Axew falls off in terms of being good given that it doesn't evolve until level 38.

    I had no luck with the jackpot. Once again I chose Bulbasaur. I've always liked the grass starters and Bulbasaur has become my favorite of them all.

  3. Every time a new version of Reborn and Rejuvenation releases I get the overwhelming need to restart my playthrough. Even though I recently started playing version 5 from the beginning and I haven't finished it (Beat Crawli) I'll be restarting for version 6. Version 6 is downloading as I type this. I look forward to battling Narcissa again on hard more (I know it's not called hard more. I can't think of the actual name atm).

    After looking at the new screenshots in the version 6 download thread I'm already impressed by how great the game looks. That alone makes me want to start over from the beginning.

  4. Did anyone else see the cutcene where Ren is going to help Madame X?

    I saw this on my 2nd playthrough. As they were talking about the new Xen member I thought it was going to be Ren.

    The moomoo milk for an oran berry trade is so nice, anyone else not worried about healing items for a few episodes? ;)

    My Pokemon love Lemonade. Lemonade makes my throat hurt, but my Pokes haven't complained.

    Speaking of Madame X, how far have you guys/girls gotten against her team?

    I beat her Yuveltal my first time playing. I didn't notice that she had multiple Pokemon. I got excited when I beat her Yeveltal. I then lost horribly to her Volcarona. I didn't bother my 2nd time.

  5. I still can't find this damn Murkrow haha, like where exactly do you find it because the pokedex says its in Gearen City and Route 2 I just have no idea where

    Check the grass in front of the mansion/really expensive hotel. I found a few in that grass. Murkrow was a bit rare for me.

  6. Anyone know where to find a Murkrow in the newest version? I've been looking for one forever and I still can't find one

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure you can find Murkrow in the grass in front of the mansion/really expensive hotel in Gearen.

    I'm slowly working on an item guide. I've taken a short break, but I'll start up again today. I'm currently at the second town. I'll have to create an Imgur account or something so I can upload all these screenshots.

    And you can get Abra in Amethyst cave. You need to surf to gain access to the cave entrance just past the first set of stairs.

  7. The first boss that came to mind after reading the title was The Bed of Chaos from Dark Souls. The BoC is the only boss from Dark Souls I find cheap/dumb.

    I could name a few from Borderlands 2.

    Hyperius and his unavoidable nova blasts.

    Terramorphous slapping you off the edge. If the fight lasted long enough, Terramorphous' wormhole attack

    Veracidous. 'Nough said

    Piston's Badassasaurus.

    Most of the bosses from Borderlands 2 are much easier when using Salvador. Having the ability to dual wield with a Moxxie weapon works wonders.

  8. A few similar topics to this already, but you could play Zeta/Omicron or Rejuventation. Uranium has some potential but it uses a pretty buggy Essentials, the story is slow, and if youre not into tons of Fakemon you will be upset. Pokemon Island is good if you dont mind a nonexistant story and bad graphics but its redeemable in being purely about battling which makes it a niche game. Gray Topaz also has some potential but personally I couldnt get over the character sprites and quit the game before I even got a starter but may be worth checking out despite my personal bias.

    Theres a lot of other games that seem good but Im waiting for them to show signs of developed progress.

    For a bit of a twist there is Digimon Digital Dream which while not strictly a pokemon game it is built with essentials and incorporates pokemon mechanics. Its downside is it also uses a buggy version of Essentials.

    just noticed this one:


    Looks fairly impressive, Im actually gunna download and check it out myself right now.

    Hmm nevermind :/ it actually only has two gyms so far and the developer doesnt want to release an update till its *perfect* and prob wont be done till like december. Ugh, I much prefer rolling releases.

    I downloaded this.

    I get to choose Turtwig as my starter! I'm always down to choose Turtwig.

    Is your text speed slow? I have cheat engine speed hack at 3.0 and I've set the ingame text speed to fast.

  9. There's plenty. If you have a small monitor, you need to scroll across to read it.

    Who're you by the way? Don't believe we've met.

    Scroll away then. Or don't. The topic had been answered before your reply. If you clicked on this thread out of curiosity but saw that the questions had been answered, you could have simply messaged the creator and kindly asked him or her to make their font smaller because you happen to have a small monitor. Or not. Either way being an asshole, especially towards a newer member, was not needed.

    Clearly we haven't until now. You can read my username.

  10. I hope Jan listens. I would add any of these to my final team














    or any pseudo legendary lawl.

    I don't know about all of them, but Abra is available in 4.4. I'm not sure if you can evolve Kadabra yet.

  11. Not to mention the metric ton of water HMs :/ which usually means regardless of what I want, my team water type becomes a HM slave by default.

    I may write up on how to get that fennekin as it seems no one has gotten it. To be fair there is the small chance that the event line is broken and no ones noticed due to how crazy hard the sidequest is :P

    >My Gyarados towards the end of episode 14. My Gyarados was a water HM slave even after HMs became TMs. Bounce and Ice Fang are not TMs. Going in to the fight against Terra my Gyarados knew Waterfall, Dive and Surf. I don't remember the 4th move.

    I've taken a short break from Rejuvenation to watch Cod Champs and play Dark Souls. I left off shortly after entering the 2nd town. I did activate the Fennekin event. I've yet to finish the event in any other playthrough, but I plan on trying to find the Fennekin as I continue throughout my game. I know a couple of its locations.

  12. Oh rock smash? Need my slave then

    Rock Smash is a TM. I doubt where you're at in the game you're Pokemon's moves are set in stone.

    Personally, I hate having to use a slave just to progress. HMs wouldn't be so bad if most of them weren't horrible moves to use in a battle.

  13. You don't have to reset. You can't get passed the yellow web as of 4.4. That is not the direction to the 2nd gym. Why are people getting stuck here?

    To the right of the yellow web is some stairs. It gets pretty linear after you go up the stairs.

  14. Does anyone ever use the quick claw? it saved my skin in some battles, including against some dimensional rift pokemon

    Definitely. I slap it on my Torterra. Nothing better than setting up 6 curses and still attacking first.

  15. What level would you recommend the ampharos be at? And would you recommend the use of cotton spore?

    Sorry for the late reply. I went to sleep after my previous post.

    My Ampharos was level 50. That's the level cap after beating the final gym leader.

    Speaking of the level cap.

    Did anyone else notice that the trainer card shows the level cap as 55?

    Are we being serious about the EXP. Share? I've never seen a dropped item from the dimensional rift Galvantula.

  16. can you give me advice on two things. one where is the house key for the person with the pangoro, and two, (spoilers for a sidequest)

    How do i beat that dimensional rift chandelure that has protein and ghostly wail?!?

    Starting from her house, backtrack a bit and look for a fountain. The fountain is on the same route as her house. Just talk to the fountain.

    As for the 2nd one.

    Here's how i beat the Chandelure

    1. I soft reset until it missed a fireblast or my Ampharos survived a Ghostly Wail. Ampharos can actually survive a Ghostly Wail. I was surprised.

    2. I paralysed it with T-Wave.

    3. I just attacked it. It doesn't take hits very well.

  17. ikr, especially with shell armor. of course i had to protect stall on the gyarados. and the gengar isn't a big problem as long as i don't get poisoned. i wonder when do we get to buy revives and hyper potions because i could use them

    Lemonades are a great medium for the level cap that is 4.4. The jump in HP restoration from super potion to hyper potion has always been a weird one for me.

  18. did anyone know that you can return to goldenleaf forest to fight the dimensional rift gyarados again. i assume it's optional though. my torterra puts in work with leech seed. it also defeated narcrissa's gengar.

    I found that during my second playthrough while searching the lands for that Fennekin.

    Torterra puts in work against everything!

  19. I went through the list.. Not finding anything interesting.. I decided to keep infernape, pidgeot, graveller and meowstic.. Will get a sharpedo.. Need one more.. Any suggestions??

    Also where is route 11?? The place where the guide thing says carvanha is...

    Go back to Route 2 and catch a Hoppip.


    Go to the forest where the Xen first attacked and catch a Spewpa

  20. It is indeed very good, single handely beat the water gym leader and ghost Nancy!

    With Quiver Dance I expect Vivillon to do well against the water gym leader. Vivillon appeals to me because it has a good ability and moveset.

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