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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Updates posted by Captain

  1. Why is changing the FOV in Borderlands the most difficult thing in the history of ever? I just want to play B1 on PC.

  2. Nito was a piece of cake. A bit of trouble fighting Seethe. A clam followed me in and nearly killed me. Bed of Chaos and 4 Kings next time I play. Watching Cod champs atm.

    1. Vinny


      Poor Nito. Looks so awesome, and yet the biggest danger against him is the fall you take before the battle xD

      Also, you said 4 Kings? Welp, my prayers go with you. I suspect you'll need it.

      And before you ask, yes: I like Dark Souls :I

  3. I made some actual progress with Dark Souls last night. I turned on some music and finished farming 80 Souvenir of Reprisals. Got my Darkmoon Blade! I'm coming for you Nito!

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