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Posts posted by Lagunn

  1. Link from Majora's Mask. Imagine being able to play as Darmani, Mikau and the Deku butler's son. To top it off Fierce Deity Link would be soup as a Final Smash. I don't care how they would implement so much stuff on screen or in just one pcs/pac, but pls just do it. (Sakurai abuse stamp earned).

    Banjo and Kazooie joining the fight is my freaking dream, and it seems closer. :feelsgd:

    Also, a Mario Party dlc stage would be appreciated.

  2. Look up the Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix and 358/2 Days (I personally hate the battle against Sephiroth in KH 1). Also the classic Megaman games (I'm looking at you... Quick Man and Yellow Devil). Whitney is a common trend, though I don't think her battle is that bullcrap. Some bosses from the Final Fantasy and Seiken Densetsu series have a f*ckload amount of HP. No More Heroes 1 and 2 and the Metal Gear Solid franchise got some of the most akward and some of the most awesome boss fights. The final boss (Third Form) from FF XIII is just...




  3. Before I move onto talking about my videogame OTP(s), I would like to ask the OP for more info about these two games:

    Particularly the second because, as big of a fan of the Megaman franchise (well, the Battle Network sub-franchise anyway) as I am, I cannot recognize which game that is.

    With this being said, I proceed onto my own pairings: I will b using spoilers to prevent this post from becoming a wall of text. I won't include pics because I am a lazy bum.

    Some of the game I'll mention might be kinda obscure to most people here, sorry about that.

    #5 Bianca and Player Character, gender be damned (Pokemon Black/White)

    Because if that scene in Nimbasa didn't make you wish you could hug her and protect her, you are a heartless son of a gun. Oh and there is the scene at the bridge after Icirrus too (the mood was soooo right there...)

    #4 Lita and Klein (Atelier Iris)

    Well this is actually canon, the plot of the entire game is basically designed to build up to the moment when thy realize their feelings for one another... But well, this is exactly why I like the couple: the whole thing was done right. The development of their relationship is naturally integrated in the overall progression of the plot, and when Veola, a shopkeeper who is dead set on stealing Klein from Lita, enters the scene, some of the funnist scenes in the game (and in games in general) take place, including this gem:

    Veola: Lita, I synthetized this medicine for you!

    Klein: I have a bad feeling about this...

    Veola: It is a very powerful medicine: it is designed to solve all of your love problems! You take one, you go to sleep, and you will never wake up again: this way, not only you will stop sufering from your love problems, you will also stop suffering from any other problem in your life!

    Lita: ... So it's poison?

    Veola: You might say that.

    #3 Artina and Valvatorez (Disgaea 4)

    Because of those postlude skits, Val has been shipped with pretty much every other character of the game, but this pairing is still the one I like the most. If nothing else, I think that the way the plot is arranged points decidedly towards this pairing being the canon one. Artina used to be the walking embodiment of perfection from any posible point of view: caring, generous, selfless, sincere, and incredibly beautiful... Untill the deconstruction of her character began: because of her own perfection she got herself killed, she accidentally ruined Val's life, and she broke a random soldier so badly he went batshit crazy and became the Big Bad of the story. Having reincarnated as an angel, she worked for 400 years (FOUR HUNDRED YEARS!) to try and fix the mess she had caused, which more often than not involved accepting degrading and/or ridiculously difficult missions no other angel would have never accepted. If she hasn't earned her happy ending after all that, who has?

    Oh and... Did I mention that she died a virgin? So yeah, after all the crap she has been through and after 400 years of hard work as an angel, I think she deserves to get laid at least once...

    #2 Arcueid and Shiki (Tsukihime)

    This was a hard decision to make, because the other love interests in the game (mainly Ciel and Aki) are very interesting characters as well. But Arc takes the cake because of the added bonus of, well, the ability to shock friends at social gatherings.

    Friend: How did you met each other?

    Shiki: Uh... Well... I randomly came across her walking down the street one day and... I suddenly felt a surge of murderous intent within me, so I slit her throat with my knife and then I proceeded to gruesomely tear her into 17 pieces.

    Arcueid: Yup yup! It was a lot of fun! *giggle*

    #1 Mir and Croix (Ar Tonelico 2)

    First thing first, I want something to be very clear: I am not shipping the redimed villain with the main character because I hate the two heroines of the game. And the fact that Mir is the one character who single-handedly makes the game enjoyable has little to do with it either. The reason why I ship Mir with Croix is that he is a genuinely gentle, loving, caring individual, who understand the feelings of his girls and is willing to do anything to help them overcome their fears and their psychological blocks. And Mir friggin' deserves to be with a guy like this.

    I mean come on, this girl has been through some serious crap: created to be the perfect, emotionless living weapon, she developed feelings on her own, and was berated, secluded and tortured for that; her first song was criticized, her first love was killed, and when she had enough and started a rebellion, she was branded an enemy of humanity and the entire world waged war on her. Then when she won, massacring 70% of living creatures on the face of the planet in the process, the survivors started to see her as some sort of crazy goddess of death, and her best friend performed a ritual to seal her in a tower, at the cost of another friend's life. It took centuries of prison, another confrontation with her best friend that nearly ended with both of them erased from existence, and a battle with a ragtag bunch of disfunctional heroes before she could finally reabilitate herself.

    Afterwards, she ventured to another continent and met this nice guy, who finally gave her her much deserved happy ending. Sorry Luca and Cloche, but your sad backstories of parental neglect and political intrigues just cannot measure up with the titanic amount of crap Mir has been through, also because you two originated in the second game, which means your backstories are strictly tied with the plot of the game and well, considering that the plot makes no sense, your backstories make little sense either. Mir, having originated in the solid background of the first game, has the upper hand.

    I just realised I mispelled the franchise name... It's actually "DEPONIA" not "DEPONA" (and I believe there's no way to edit the main post, oh well haha).

    Deponia is a Point and Click adventure. I said that for the big amount of puzzles and all the resulting events and story progress (Of course, some things he does brings prejudice to others, but his aim is noble) I'm sort of an airhead so I can't remember, but (SPOILER) just when he got the nearest possible from his happy ending, he had to make the "ultimate altruistic deed".

    And that game is Megaman Legends (PS1/N64/PC) it's Capcom's work of an Action RPG featuring the blue bomber. There's a sequel and a spin off (now only for PS1) named The Misadventures of Tron Bonne.

    Shanco: Shulk and Fiora (Xenoblade Chronicles)

    I haven't finished Xenoblade yet (since it's release, I'm such a Slowking) but I sensed a really fond relationship between Shulk and Fiora. I'm really looking forward to it =]


    Ryan. Which one is Shulk? I really can't tell.

    That's comprehensible even if you're not being sarcastic lol. He's the one on the left.

  4. (May contain spoilers)

    Okay, so I'm creating this thread to discuss about your favorite Videogame couples! Any couple counts, whether it's a hetero, gay, lesbian, hermaphrodite, canon or not (feel free to ship it), a love triangle, or even more than that (I also wanted to discover more awesome couples from you people, and feel free to argue back every nonsense I say, I'm not give too much mind to every details). Also go ahead if you want to joke and form the most unthinkable pairs just for the lol's. Starting with some I really admire:

    Aeron & Elena (Pandora's Tower)


    If you played at least until half of the game, little should I speech about them. Their love is really a bliss to the eyes. No matter how hard things get, they share an wondrous unbreakable bond that is shaped by the chains of hope of better days together.

    Rufus & Goal (Depona Trilogy)


    Who doesn't know that grumpy, narcissist, too realistic, mostly driven by the sign of Scorpio friend (or cousin, brother...)? Well what makes this couple blowing is how unbelievably far a guy like Rufus goes for someone other than himself (but he's a good guy deep down there). It would take days to define, or you could see for yourself the amount of sh*t he undergoes for his "Goal".

    Link & Cremia (TLoZ: Majora's Mask)


    Now that's what I call gratitude. Heck with that princess. (It's humor guys chill out haha)

    Kafei & Anju (TLoZ: Majora's Mask)


    No seriously...


    Before the world goes to f*ck, this one little fella (it's not pedophilia, look up the plot) didn't actually give up and ran away of his lover, but honorably fulfilled his promise with his sworn woman. Of course, he could do more than Link himself, but then the player wouldn't interact the same way with their story. (That could be settled in the manga, if it indeed is or not, I didn't read it '^^)

    Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey


    Of course, being the guardian angel of other people is Phoenix's job. But when tragedy befalls upon Maya, he really stretch the strings to the limit to protect her. Not to mention SPOILER ALERT he offered her a home, a family, when her sister passed away.

    Additional Attorney Couples:

    wegewg.png Miles Edgeworth and Kay Faraday.

    (Another spoiler) I wasn't too driven by these two, but a certain case in Ace Attorney Investigations 2 made me jawdrop at Maya's sudden and cute change of personality and how Miles does everything in his power to free her from accusation.

    901338.jpg Miles Edgeworth and Dick Gumshoe (For the girls, or guys. Incoming Dick jokes lol)

    2010-11-24-347553.jpegMiles Edgeworth & Franziska Von-Karma

    Delita & Ovelia


    The interesting bit about them is whether the love that Delita shows for Ovelia is real or if he was just using her. Some moments ingame displays traces of a worried man. Like when he took her under his wings when he could order anybody to do it.

    Megaman Volnutt & Ira


    Imagine what it feels like... to be in huge part responsible for recovering someone's walking abilities. I took this quest more seriously than defeating the final boss. Seeing Ira so cheery after the treatment made my heart melt like poop in the oven. She really deserves the best, if not the blue bomber himself.

    Your turn m8ts! :lol:

  5. The upcoming game No Man's Sky is amazingly promising. The Crew is an open world racing game, if you are interested in that genre. Well, Need for Speed Underground 2 kinda had that, although you didn't leave the car, I don't know if current installments also present this feature.

  6. Reborn, Trackmania 2, NES Megaman and fan mades, Megaman Legends 1 and 2, Ghost Trick, Dustforce, Chrono Cross, Guaccamelee!, Pokémon Shuffle and Yu Gi Oh! POC - Yuya The Entertaiment (god knows if I'll finish them all, especially Chrono lol {not counting TM and Yugi }) I already finished Megaman 1, 2, Unlimited, Revolution and Legends 1.

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