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Posts posted by AltioAraza

  1. I agree with some of you on Simisear and Simipour. Like, why would you create something like Simipour? I can understand Simisage as it's..... okay I guess, but why Simipour? WHY?


    -Electrode is just annoying as all hell. Exploding motherfuckers asdfghjkl

    -Wurmple and its evolution line(s) are pokemon that have really started to annoy me over the years

    -Garbodor is the worst piece of trash (get it?) design I've EVER seen

    -Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus. Again, WHY?

    -Braixen and Delphox could've been so much cooler. Now we're stuck with ''LOOK AT MY WAND AND MY FLUFFY EARS AND MY DRESS I MAKEZ MAGIC'' Fennekin had so much potential....

    -90% of the legendaries from gen5. Three words: unneccesary, ugly, and uninteresting.

    -Chesnaught. That design, oh my lord... why does it have a beard

    And many more, I'm sure, but for now I'm done ranting :D

  2. I've recently started using a Walrein on one of my Y competitive teams, and while I have to say it certainly isn't the best tank out there, it definitely gets the job done.

    Have one with Hail, Toxic, Blizzard and Surf, with Ice body and Leftovers, and it can take hits like a champ while also dishing out some serious damage :)

    Maybe it's not the most effective tank, but it's a great amout of fun to use ;)

  3. Lin's unbridled power is paralelled by none, that much I can agree with. The only thing that I can say is that she's recognized. When you're in the Abra PULSE room, where you first meet Lin, Dr. Connoly is certain he's seen her somewhere before, though Lin dismisses the thought of them meeting before that very moment. This can mean a variety of things: Lin's being subjugated by some power-that-be, and her raw power as the Champion is seen as a means to an end. We've seen her Hydreigon, so we don't know if she has any particular typing for her team. This could also mean Lin was subject to Dr. Connoly's experiments prior to her mind being purged of weakness, and experiments that were performed on her were wiped from her memory.

    Since it was Saphira that saw Lin, and not Laura, this theory can only be supported whether or not the Elite Four (and the Champion) have a limited correspondence with Gym leaders, which is unlikely. It's no secret who the Elite Four are, but the Champion hasn't played any crucial role in the story to date.

    On the subject of Dr. Connal recognizing Lin, there are two possibilities that came into my head when I saw that scene.

    1: Lin was/is some important or known figure in the Reborn region, hence why Sigmund thinks he's seen her before. This could be a hint about her being the champion, or I could be totally wrong and it means something else or even nothing.

    2: Lin was in his care when she was younger. This was the first thing I thought of, but idk, it'd seem a bit weird if she was under his supervision until her 18th, but now not being remembered fully by the doctor.

    And yeah, I kinda didn't think about that, but it'd be odd as well if Saphira didn't recognize the champion of the region, but maybe it's indeed only the E4 who know who the champion is.

    Looking back on the whole thing, does anyone know if it's a fact that the gym leaders haven't got a clue as to the identity of the champ?

  4. Some nicknames I love and (almost) always use are:

    Skrillex - Whismur/Loudred/Exploud

    Cerberus - Houndoom

    DiggersbyTho - you can figure this one out by yourself ;)

    Mittens - basically any cat resembling pokemon, but I'm using it right now for my Meowstic

    MOON MOON - Lunatone

    GRIND ON ME - Klink/Klang/Klingklang

    Nicki - Smoochum/Jynx

    Paras Hilton - Paras

    Obamasnow - Abomasnow

    These are the ones that pop into my head at the moment. I'm sure I'v missed a lot of great ones, though, so I'll post again when I remember more :)

  5. For me it has to be my Skuntank, I never used one before as its movepool isn't that great until it learns Night Slash at 41, and because I struggled a lot with Stunky early-game I considered replacing it for another poison type.

    But since the PULSE battle with ZEL and Taka it has gotten me out of so many tricky situations with Screech, Toxic and Slash, and when it evolved into Skuntank it was able to win me the battle with Shelly and defeat the lv 57 Beartic (Skuntank being lv 37) single-handedly after some setting up of my other pokes that it has definitely earned a spot on my team :)

  6. While we're on the subject of Corey's pokemon, would any of you care to help me out a little? If I talk to the Croagunk the game says it doesn't respond to anything I do.

    At first I thought this was because I didn't have Pokesnax, but then I bought some and it's still showing me the same message. Am I missing something? :S

  7. Hey dudes and dudettes :)

    I'm AltioAraza, and after quite a while I decided to join the forums (been playing the game for some time now), because it looked fun and all ^_^

    About a year ago I started playing, but then I dropped it and kinda forgot I had it on my computer hehe, but about a week ago I restarted and now I'm at Shade's gym grinding and stuff.

    One thing I have to mention about this playthrough is that I was really lucky with Florinia (beat her on my first try, in my last save file it took 9000+ tries) because I used a lv 15 Trubbish and a Hariyama, which made it so much easier for me

    Also, Shelly is a pain now, with the double battle and the field effect. Luckily I had a Growlithe who could burn the entire field and after 5 or so tries I beat her. It was a great fight tho!

    Julia and Corey were quite easy, but hey we can get a break sometimes, right?

    Anyways, greetings!

  8. Okay, am I the only one wondering or just too stupid to figure out who or what ZEL is? A he or a she (or a xe)? Is he/she/xe three separate people fused together? Is he/she/xe IT one person with a mental illess that causes it to hear people inside its head? And how come it rotates when it speaks? I could just be ignorant or stupid, but I really don't understand what's supposed to be going on with this character, although I think it is a cool character :P

  9. If the champion is going to follow the same formula as the rest of Reborn, I'd imagine the last fight is going to be an epic one. One of those fighting-over-an-active-volcano types. I don't think the champ-in-the-making guy would have a good mass appeal.

    There's been minimal, if any, mention of a champion in the Reborn region. Members of the Elite Four have an active role in the story thus far, but never a mention of a champion. Is it possible that the champion is shrouded in secrecy, even to the Elite Four?

    There's actually one mention of the champion in the game so far (if I remember correctly). In a house in the North Obsidia Ward (the Reborn Geography Club or something) one man says that a certain region is where the campion resides, so I think we can be pretty sure there is one. The trickier question, of course, is who it is. In my humble vision, there are a few possibilities:

    Fern: he's a possibility, but I think a very unlikely one, just because of the whole Gary/Blue plottwist in RBY.

    Lin: also, I think Lin's quite unlikely to be the champion, because it'd make a little too much sense with her (supposedly) being the main antagonist and all.. Although I'd love to see her as the champion, just because she's basically one of the most badass characters we have up until this point. ----Saphira: who are you? Lin: ...your end. *eliminates a level 75 mountain-sized Steelix in 1 blow*

    Anna: actuallly, I can very well see Anna being the champion, and the main hint for that is the scene in Sigmund's ''orphanage'' when Anna's telling the player about Charlotte and Noel being gym leaders, and before Noel can say anything about what she is, she cuts him off. Why is that? Because she doesn't want us to know she's the champion? Maybe she's embarassed that Sigmund was able to take her pokemon. It would explain why the champion hasn't interfered in TM's business as well, as she's locked in the orphanage. There's one issue I have with this, though, and that is the fact that Anna seems waaay too young to be the champion. But then again, Noel and Shelly are both pretty powerful gym leaders, so I guess nothing's impossible.

    Solaris: following laggless01's theory, this might not even be that far-fetched

    The champion works for team Meteor. Even if undercover (but why would you if you can obliterate everyone on your path?), this would make a great deal, for some even perfect, sense. But the thing is: if you're such a big threat, why didn't he/she/xe annihilate you when you had the chance? Choice: the champion works undercover, or he already tried, but failed. In the latter case, it's very likely it is Solaris, and he is now subjugated by Lin, which would explain his discomfort with the current path the Meteors follow.

    This would also explain why the champion hasn't done anything, and would explain why he's the second-in-command of Team Meteor, just under Lin. Sirius says: ''even Solaris answers to her!'' which makes it clear that it's very special that someone as powerful as Solaris answers to someone, maybe that is because he's the champion. Bun then a question would arise: is he working for her because of his own ideals, or because he was forced to? Although it'd make sense Lin is powerful enough to beat the champion.

    ???: maybe the most reliable option. The champion could be someone we haven't met yet. I mean, this isn't even unlikely. There are 5 more episodes coming out, another 3rd of the whole map we haven't even been to yet, and (I'm sure) lots of characters we still have to meet. It could very well be the case the champion will only reveal himself when we've beaten the E4, but the possibility of that being one of the characters introduced in episode 15-19 is certainly there. Or it could be someone we won't meet the whole game, but is just there at the end of the league. If the latter's the case, I do hope that it ties in with the story, and isn't one of those out-of-nowhere final bosses. But I'm sure Ame will find a way to not let that happen :D

    Either way, I don't think that characters like the Gym guide or the Ringmaster's dad are going to be the champion. They just don't have enough relevance to the story at all. But I'm sure that whoever it may be, Ame will make sure it's going to be an awesome finale!

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