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Ungrien E.

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Posts posted by Ungrien E.

  1. Not yet, but I just took a look at some of the earlier posts about 7th street and the gang stuffs so I will get a move on with that. Thanks!

    Edit: The do is did. Thanks again! The 7th street music makes it all worth it, too.

  2. Hey guys,

    I recently finished my mighty chess battle with Radomus (gotta love that 2x Calm Mind) but now I'm very befuddled on where to go next. I've been putting around doing some sidequests like the finding the Yureyu key in hopes that I'll get a hint, but no dice. The Grand Hall help-guy says that I should be heading to Iolia valley, but I'm clueless as to how to get there.

    Any advice/guidance would be much appreciated!

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