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King Potato

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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by King Potato

  1. Hey everybody, so recently I got a new PC therefore I went through the tedious process of transferring various things over from my older, shittier PC which included Pokemon Reborn. When I start up Reborn on my new PC it forces me to start a new game, even though my Game.rxdata is in the folder? Anyone have any ideas as to why this happens?

  2. SO, I just updated to Episode 14 and I'm already lost. You see, I saved in Calcenon but I need to go back to Agate Circus to get Dive. I've been backtracking through the mountain and I can't get back to Route 2 that leads to Agate. Directions would be much appreciated.

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