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Posts posted by Noxva

  1. "Ye olde" something that really annoys me as Y was a symbol used for "th" so its not pronounced Ye old"e" it should be pronounced "the old" (relentlessly ranting at absolutly nothing as u can tell my sanity was left at the door :0)...... ://

    It's...Uhm...Weird. Hahah I'm sorry for your sanity xD


    Thanks Arkhidon :)

  2. First: Thank you all :)

    Second: I'm sorry if I wrote that Amethyst (right?) is a boy, was not my intention, I didn't know his gender so with "guy", I intended boy or girl. Now I know xD. Sorry Ame.

    I was born in Italy but raised in Canada since I was 1.

    Oh, really? A funny coincidence, where were you born exactly?

  3. Hi everyone, Giolbat is here, but you can call me Gio if you want. I'm not involved in many forums, this is only the third time I introduce myself and every time I dunno what say xD, so uhm, let me think..

    I found pokèmon reborn (the game), at random, one day on the net, and when I played I found it incredibly fantastic. For me, it is the best pokèmon game ever created, the guy (or guys) who created it is a genius. It is finally the definitive pokèmon game, with a plot appropriate for a public less childish, and even the mechanics and the events are great. I wanted to say "thank you" to this forum, cause every time i have a doubt, I come here for explanations, and in the end I decide to join it.

    Well, I like videogames in general, I play every pokèmon games since RED, looong time ago, and I like manga, anime and japan's things in general, as you see. If you have question, ask me :)

    Oh! Yes, I'm italian, so every time I'm writing in english I imagine to make many errors, and the people who'll read it, will think I'm stupid LOL so please don't kill me if I make mistakes :)

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