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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by BryseF44

  1. Hello everyone, 


    Hopefully this is a decently appropriate place to write this. I have always been more of a lurker than an active member of this forum, so I'm not even sure, but I'll delete it later if need be.


    So I've been playing Reborn for years. I started somewhere around the release of episode 7. Since then, I've restarted the game around 4 times, as I've switched computers. And now, after all those years, I had finally achieved what I thought I never could: I got to the end point of where the game is currently. 


    Which is why it made it so much harder when, last night, I tripped and fell out of my bed, yanking my computer off, and destroying my hard drive in the process. All my work, all the hours of my life, all my beautiful pokemon that I've raised up and taken with me through the journey, gone forever. 


    SO, this is a post to commemorate Torty, Blair, Magneto, and all my other mons that are gone, and to commiserate my desperation over their loss. 


    Thank you for listening. 

    • Sad 6
  2. So hello! My name is Bryson, but I prefer to be called Bryse. As my title said, I've wanted to do this for awhile. I've been playing Reborn for awhile (I can't remember what episode but I know that the first time I played it only went as far as Aya.) But until now, I never tried to be active in the community. That's mostly because I'm not usually one for forums and communities and stuff. So I'm very new to all this.

    As for me, I enjoy gaming, reading, music, and generally wasting away in front of a computer screen. I love to discuss things and talk to people about all kinds of subjects. I decided to finally try and meet people on here because I recently started playing Reborn again (this is my third playthrough lol. Both past ones were on different computers which are no longer in commission.) I've always been a huge fan of the game, and it's still so much fun my third time playing it. And I really just wanted to talk to some other people about it, and maybe make a few friends, and explore the other things I can on here. :D

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