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Posts posted by Rhysery

  1. Okay so in the latest update of Reborn Ame has made my adventure x10 harder.

    She has made it so you HAVE to beat a level 80 Arceus with Judgement and to be honest my Pokemon cannot beat a god since they only get 1-hit KO'd plus highest they can get upto is level 60.. :unsure:

    No clue what to do at this point, will I have to start all over just to get a Infernape with Close combat? because that's how I'm feeling.

    P.s I do not know how to make a new thread so I'm asking here..

  2. I know I am late writing in this thread but Ame made the Serra battle harder. I like how it's no longer a double battle.

    Do not know if Lapris was recently added to Serra's party or not, but She keeps sweeping my whole team with Surf!

    My team is

    - Vulpix 31 \Droud/
    - Gardevoir 47
    - Blaziken 48
    - Mightyena 44
    - Drapion 43
    - Camerupt 48

    If anybody could help me out it would be very appreciated. ^_^

  3. Hey guys, I'm using the latest version and I am having the same problem.

    Pretty much I go upto the Ralts, doesn't want to be touched. Notices that the only option for Pokesnakz is to give to one of your pokemon

    or toss it.

    0 Badges have not fought Fern for the first time yet.

    Many thanks! ^_^ why not

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