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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by chimeratech

  1. There are trainers in the Grand Hall (the building where you got your starter), you can challenge them whenever you want, i think it's the fastest way to fast leveling and also earning money in the process or there is a clown in Agate Circus that gives you shards if defeated. 

  2. Hi, i found this post and i'm quite interested in playing a more challenging version of Reborn, but i have 2 questions: 

    1) Is it really more challenging than reborn (e.g. different pokémon for bosses and gym leaders) or just a reborn with the same pokémon with increased level?

    2) I may be interested in playing a monotype, so, does the debug function work? (The one with the script file)

  3. I read lot's of messages in which you specify singles, so i wonder where is the option to play double battles, it seem to me that you can only play sinlge online battle in reborn...

    By the way if you want a Challange like the one you get on Reborn, I'm here for you, rule: i'm a Gym Leader so I'll use a monotype but i'll also choose the field! If anyone want to battle let me know

  4. 6 hours ago, Lord Drakyle said:

    From what i understand, Protect isn't available in Pokemon Reborn yet except if it was a level up move to be taught by the move relearner or by simply leveling up


  5. 14 minutes ago, Mu7e said:



    Wow i was not expecting to receive all the four pokemon, thank you very much, i am Pirronz, this is my first trade, do not worry to hatch the eggs, i'll do it myself, if you are available we can do it now, i am currentli "waiting" online for the request to trade.

  6. Maybe mine could appear as an odd request but I know that Reborn is played by a lot of breeder, especially since online battles were introduced, and i was a breeder too a few years ago because i really enjoyed competitive games in the past. So i know that you must be full of imperfect pokèmon that you are not going to use in the main game, and it is why i'm going to ask you to trade a honedge or a gible for a vanillite! Feel free to tell me that i am a freeloader, i view myself as an old pokèmon fan (probably older than a vast majority of you) and i do not nowadays dedicate lots of time to Pokèmon games in search of someone kind enough to give me a present 🙂. My name in the game is Pirronz. I'm also interested in Beldum and larvesta

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