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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Sia

  1. '''Hey there! Just wanna ask if any of you guys grind in Pokemon Reborn? Because I'm about to start a new game & just wondering if you guys grind throughout the game. Feedback is highly appreciated! Thank you!'''

    (Also, is my post too short? I don't know if there should be maximums or minimums when making topics here. If it's too short, I'm sorry! & I'll just edit it.)

  2. 'Oh! Ep.12 was amazing! Terra's lines were just too much to handle. Despite the fact that the episode was short, it was understandable due to the many mechanics & fixes added to the game. Besides, seeing Terra was more than enough for me. *smile* I hope that the story would be much more longer in the next episode. Because I think that it will revolve mostly around the Meteors (finally!*evil laugh*). Really good job with the game, Ame! (ohmythatwouldhaveactuallyrhymed) Really pumped for the next episode. Good luck!'

  3. Both used to be gym leaders for the Pokemon Online league challenge; they were very real. The video and time I posted earlier lets you hear Ame talk about Corey, and another link I posted tells about Kiki's situation. Ame also commented on the matter.

    'OH NO! Oh no.... , I really feel sorry for both of them... Death is just a bit cruel sometimes. It might be too late now, but I deeply mourn for both of them. Wherever they are now, I hope that they're happy.'

  4. Don't worry, all of us are insane, deep inside. Some of us just don't realize it. I always think that I have multiple personality disorder. Though, I don't know if it's true. The voices have become much more quiet now. I think.

    Also, here are my results...

    Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 63%

    Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 61%

    Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 65%

    Antisocial |||||||||||||| 52%

    Borderline |||||||||||||| 59%

    Histrionic |||||||||||||| 55%

    Narcissistic |||||||||||||| 52%

    Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 65%

    Dependent |||||||||||||||| 62%

    Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 57%

  5. Oh wow! Thank you so much for your positive output guys! I really didn't expect to be replied with nice things. I was actually a bit scared of posting an introduction here due to my social anxiety. Thank you so much guys! *hugs everyone*

    btw, Ame, Umineko isn't technically related to Higurashi, It's a bit complicated, but they are in the same series. I hope you can prepare yourself for the emotions you'll feel. Have fun reading!

    Also, I really love ZEL as a character because he/she/xe (idk..) reminds me so much of myself. Really good of Ame to put him in the game. I hope I can see more of him/her/nem? in the future.

  6. Ahh.. I am one yet many. What sort of world am I in? Where will this new fate take us?

    It doesn't matter, as long as we have each other!

    Will I be blessed in this new world? We'll find out....

    "Dramatic acting aside, I am Sia, a new forum member, I am a huge fan of the visual novel series, Umineko, & it's predecessor, Higurashi. I also love Pokemon, thanks Captain Obvious, eating ice cream, sleeping, pretending I don't exist, & cute animals. I look forward to spending time here in the forums! Oh, & also, feel free to talk to me from time to time, especially when you ask for a bit of help. I'll do my best to talk to you & help you, finally, Sia isn't my real name. Well, that's all. Thank yoooouuuuuu ~ !"

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