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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Darren

  1. Isn't Tara still on the bottom of the lake?

    Who knows....once we get dive we might be able to reach her at the bottom of the lake...maybe a prize, a gift of appreciation is waiting in the form of a a very rare pokemon or an item, once we deliver the news to Simon...damn...the future of reborn intrigues me...

  2. Its ame to decide but i don't think presenting our ideas is pointless as she would get something of matter to ponder upon and ultimately choose the best and plausible storylines to different quests...to better the game

    I too think magikarp should be available with an old rod at levels below 5 with a catch rate of something near 1

    The magikarp event can also be replaced with a feebas considering you can only get milotic once you get a prism scale which is only possible if you have a poke of 51+ level with pickup (i am talking about ep10 or earlier here) or in other notions towards end of episode

    I also find people talking about reserving strong pokemons for end game...if so do you want all the strong pokes introduced within 1-2 episodes towards end game...i certainly believe introducing a strong pokemon in a an upcoming episode if not 12 won't interrupt the storyline or for the matter of fact amethyst's stanistic designs

  3. I don't see any point in using mining kit to mine heart scales and red shards.....you could steal as many heart scales you want from wild luvdiscs whereas you can obtain shards of any kind everywhere around reborn and especially 7th street....i still have about 25 shards of each kind after using them to buy all the pokemons off the seller....use mining only to mine for fossils because once the sources dry up you won't be able to complete your fossil collection unless you have blast powder which you will be able to buy in 7th street obviously for high price

  4. I have been wanting to have a shiny beldum with good ability and stats and since i already caught a normal beldum the only way to get one is by breeding...so i put my beldum and ditto in the day care and got an egg and after running around for some time (i mean quite a long time) i saved the game maybe 200-300 steps before it should hatch....then i proceeded to hatch the egg but i got a normal beldum with light metal...i restarted from the point i last saved and again after covering 200-300 steps the egg hatched to reveal the same beldum with the same stats....i repeated the process numerous times to get the same fuckin beldum...so, is a pokemon's stats determined as soon as you recieve it from the day care man...ie. Will it stay constant regardless the number of times i reset from where i saved

  5. Good luck in the hunt.

    It was very tiring, but got 2 by the end of ep.9 (one that was recently used and the other for when Slowpoke appears.)

    so what level pokemon did you use to get it?

    EDIT: My happiness knows no bounds....FINALLY!!! :D


  6. Damn looking at black and white table..i have been trying to get it with a level 27 meowth.....lol...guess i will have to feed my level 82 meowth some common candies to degrade it to the required level....and hope you are correct with your estimates....thanks btw

  7. yup that's the highest possible...Ame doesn't want us to access the 7th floor any time soon...will keep you waiting till you die...

    BTW...did anyone get King's rock as a pickup item after a battle....if so, do you remember at what level your pokemon was?...i seriously need that king's rock

    EDIT: Well.....anyway, got it it with my level 27 Meowth :D

  8. Have been roaming around and battling wild pokemons with my level 20-25 Meowth in search of King's rock in Ep9.1....it has been three days since i started this quest....and not being able to get it by now makes me doubt its availability in the game....i would like to now whether its really available and am i using the right level to get King's rock....or is it unavailable in that episode and all my hard work till now has been for nothing....i already got a prism scale with another of my level 82 Meowth which i could use on a Feebas in the future and i guess the rarity of Prism Scale is same as that of King's rock....so why is it taking so much time?


  9. My suggestion might seem absurd but try interacting with all the stuffs available in the museum ie. All the fossils and items in display, the staff and the vanillite vending machine....maybe this might unlock the event

    Again, just a suggestion....does not garrantee a preferred outcome

  10. Well that's sad...as fossils are a very rare find...it took my ages to complete my fossil collection...except for aerodectyl (which isn't available in the game yet) and tirtouga (as you have to choose between it and archen)...btw next time you try something new, save and wait for the outcome

  11. If that's happening repeatedly...that's probably because you interacted with him once again before going out of the museum and coming back in....next time try not to talk to the guy again before going out....come back in...you should have your pokemon resurected

  12. The old man at the top right corner of the 1st floor who tells you the history of reborn isn't the curator...you can find the curator in the bottom left-hand corner of the same floor trapped by two meteor grunts...maybe those guys sneaked past your vision as you hurried upstairs...you might try and give it a check

  13. So, i have started playing episode 9.1 after the completion of ep11...just to get the pokemons i missed out such as lucario, gligar...etc....but i am unable to get magby and munchlax.....i have visited the opal bridge on a rainy day numerous times...but i cannot find magby. Is it because i already caught pansear in its corresponding event in ep11...also i have encountered about 50 pokemons by headbutting trees in wastelands....but none of them munchlax...is it very rare or is it due to a glitch...or is there any weather condition required?...have caught elekid though with 10 electirizers extracted from it before doing so with my level 10 umbreon's covet...

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