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Zephyrus the Priestess

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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Zephyrus the Priestess

  1. mudkip is so mainstream though ok since i'm impatient af mudkip it is :U


    weather update:

    my boy band pokemon team consists thus far of a mudkip named Skipper, a poochyena named Argentum, and a wurmple named Kaiser


    they're all slow and have very weak attack for some hecking reason. we're doomed ladies and gents and other

  2. Any Rebornian folks from fair Portugal, or who've been there? I am too lazy to Google things was wondering what kind of places to visit or places to eat y'all would recommend. In particular, we'd be in Lisbon and Fatima, though visiting nearby cities is a possibility.


    i'm posting this at 2:50 in the morning so i'm sorry if it looks like i'm half-assing my posts but yeah portugal \o/

  3. 23 minutes ago, Azeria said:





    Also wb zeph ur cool <3 hi



    thanks az ur pretty cool too <3

    7 minutes ago, Sheep said:


    I'm okay with this. Very okay with this.

    our church will now be more


  4. Just now, Vinny said:


    I don't get it. And


    You also made me show up here again just to say hi to you.

    So wololohi zephy o7  ~



    wololohi to you too good brother of the faith :'D


    bill wurtz is now our official hymn composer

  5. 5 hours ago, Pμrple said:

    didn't see the topic , welcome back ! 

    yooo. thanks!

    5 hours ago, SHIA said:

    mah gurl is back yaasssss!!!! <3 <3 <3 missed you!!! 

    HOIII KAMUSTA BES <33 i missed you too aaaaa i hope you've been good and our local bullshit hasn't gotten u down aaaaa

    5 hours ago, Shadow Roxas said:

    hello friend!

    hello friendoooo! prepare ur cheetos

    2 hours ago, Jace Stormkirk said:

    welcome priestess. i am a bard who has taken up residence here spreading joy though the power of memes. i also help out with gym leaders and such (thou i am not a competitive player)

    if the song of harambe beeth not among the tunes thou playest, thou hast already lost mine favor


    jk keep it dankin up with the spiciest of memes, my good man


    43 minutes ago, mde2001 said:

    Welcome back!!!

    I was around last time you half came back but we never really got to know each other at all!

    That being said I've only heard good things about you from people who know you well so that's always good!

    Enjoy your return!

    hello yes, you're a familiar face! i believe i may've seen you around even before i left? (idk i might be wrong :') ) and thanks, it's good to be back \o/


    5 hours ago, Alphagar said:

    Welcome back!!


    4 hours ago, FairFamily said:

    Welcome back.


    40 minutes ago, LykosHand said:

    Welcome back :)

    hello hello thank u \o/

    4 hours ago, Paul25 said:

    Welcome back again! :D 

      Reveal hidden contents

    *Greets with a Bouquet of flowers*


    thank o/


    5 hours ago, ZEL said:

    Welcome back \o
    I was sort of there when you briefly hopped back onto showdown a few days (?) ago, and I've actually been here long enough to have gotten a wololoooo from you on my own intro, buuut you still disappeared before I really got a chance to know you, so this is basically a second "hi, nice to meet you" c: (I did change my username, but doubt 'Ama' is gonna ring any bells either, considering.)

    People always talked of you very positively, and a lot of em seem to have missed your presence, so I'm sure you're a cool person and hope to see ya around~

    on the contrary, Ama is a name i know! yes, indeed, i've even welcomed you back when you were a fresh convert to Reborn. xD i still remember the Espeon avi, at least. nice to see you still around and taking charge as a Meteor Admin :))) don't listen to them they're just a bunch of sentimental nerds


    3 hours ago, Fumble said:



    welcome back zephy o/

    never really talked to you before you disappeared forever so hope to get to meet you more

    ayyy hello there \o/ likewise, potential friend! nice Oreon avi btw ~

    55 minutes ago, Elanir said:

    Welcome back I guess! I don't know you because I'm new myself, but looking forward to speak with you. :)

    thanks! looking forward to seeing you around as well. also welcome! there is no escape from this hell

    2 hours ago, Sheep said:



    1 hour ago, Arkhi said:



    Holy whew, she's back. Hello again, we've missed you! You already know we'll be keeping in contact during your time here, but it is awesome to see an introduction from an old friend. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without



    Enjoy your time here! \o

    oh my goodness how i missed this so, even though you've regularly kept me sane with your musical gifts over Facebook c: thanks for the lovely welcome as always, Ark!

  7. 9 minutes ago, HongaarseBeer said:

    Well, welcome back I suppose :D 

    thanks \o/

    7 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

    You've been gone for quite a while it seems, let me recap what happened. some people staged a take over on the forsums, but were stopped dead in their tracks by ame. some of them left, some of them still remain here, now serving ame as she plans to take over the world

    sweet. thanks for the weather update o/

  8. BO7rmKK.jpg

    since i've been gone so long everybody's either new or using different usernames i might as well reintroblablablabla

    ANYWAY HI REBORN M'NAME'S ZEPH or zephyr, or zephy, or person, or that wololo lady

    For those who don't know or are for some reason vaguely interested, I dropped off the face of the forums to face the evil monster called many names: University, College/Student Life, and Papers. Been gone so long, in fact, that it took me a while to figure out how to attach the mandatory meme above before giving up and taking another 12543 years to look for it on Imgur instead, and had to review Cloud's How-To-Intro post just to obtain inspiration for my not witty remarks and stuff.


    anyway for the sake of the newbs ONTO THE INTRODUCTION PROPER.

    • Personal info: i have a mole on my scalp somewhere
    • Hobbies: contemplating how to make my country better without communism, courting but also avoiding political discussions, reading and listening to music and drawing, converting heathens to wololo
    • Life Goals: i think it'd be really cool to have a pet snake and a bunch of tarantulas along with maybe an owl and a cat


    and for those who were already my pals A PERSONAL UPDATE.

    • i think i grew a little taller i don't know


    tl;dr I've not really returned kind of for... well, I don't know??? The lulz, maybe. We will never know. i missed reborn and all my friends here College life is still a thing, as well as the dreaded IRL. Gonna be around a little bit more on the server is what I mean to say, so... hi???


    also props to u if u got the title reference


    polargeist is the only non-easy level i can complete QQ

    I've been here lurking about for months looking at all kinds of threads mainly those status update threads when I'm eager to see new episodes come out even though I'm not impatient. Being dragged out to go shopping a lot does that to you. I don't really have a reason why I've been so shy to show my face here, I even felt nervous when making this introduction, I guess it's just natural for me. I probably can't count for long enough about how many chances to make comments here as well as the many things I could have done in my life previously. I also hate messing up anything. I know that being pessimistic doesn't help but sometimes I just can't not think about some things.

    I try to not feel bad about myself. Gaming really helps with that even though I only play League of Legends and many awesome Pokemon fangames (including Reborn obviously). I also do play showdown BUT I'm so bad that I would be the mega evolution for the final evolution of Garbodor, like seriously

    most of us've been nervous about showing up as members here the first time, don't worry (or at least, i did) ~ o/

    and, don't fret about messing up. you've got the community rules as a how-to-basic manual around here, and a heckton of friendly mods, admin, ace, and fellow standard members around for help! c:

    you're also in luck, LoL's quite popular around here. alongside Reborn is another fangame called Rejuvenation, which is also pretty hot here too.

    we've also got some folks around here and the server that may be willing to help you practice battling on the server. i am still pretty bad learned most of what i know 'bout battling on the reborn server, and i think i can hold my own in a random battle and a monotype.

    anyhow, welcome to reborn! wololooooo \o/

  10. i ran out of upvotes to give for the whole day so i'm just gonna come back to where i left off tomorrow

    till then, time to record my reactions /crackles knuckles

    This is too different to be edited in with the previous thing, so I add it as its separate post. Mods don't hurt me pls.

    This follows a general 'Pursuit' theme, featuring some of the best users of that move. More steel types, of course, but...

    [insert Vinny magnet here]


    It's a pencil sketch this time. Of course, it's still more of a cartoony style, but rather more macabre. I also thought it would be a nice touch to add the silhouettes of the pre-evolutions behind them.


    All right, here we are again...sort of, not really.

    SO it rained yesterday. A very heavy and sudden summer shower, not uncommon but still refreshing. I like the rain very much, and as I stood watching the thunderstorm I thought back to a happier time when I used to play in the rain on the seaside and watch dolphins.

    Which irks me today to remember that there still isn't an actual Dolphin Pokemon. The closest thing we have to anything that can fit in the Delphinidae family is Kyogre. Granted, Orcas are technically dolphins ('killer whale' is a misleading name; it stems from 'whale killer' as they hunted large whales, and are themselves not really whales per se), the largest of the family, but you know what I mean -- we need a 'proper' dolphin of the Bottlenose kind.

    Cetaceans are not even remotely unknown, and it beats me why we only have a beachball whale and an admittedly magnificent Orca as representatives of such a varied group of mammals. If GF can make multiple dogs, cats, snakes, and even jellyfish, why can't they make a Dolphin, a Beluga or a Narwhal?

    ...anyway, to get to the point, here is a concept I drew of a Dolphin Pokemon. I rather imagine it to be fast and powerful, with a wide movepool. It's something I did quite a while ago, to be frank, but as I have nothing new to show for now you may as well take a gander at this:


    Obviously it is a water/steel type.

    This drawing is in felt pens, and is supposed to be a mix of a bottlenose dolphin and a narwhal, another unique mammal GF missed out on. I rather imagine it to be the male counterpart of a split evolution line, a bit like the Ralts line, with the female counterpart being something modeled after the more graceful Beluga whale, which is again also technically a dolphin (damned Englishmen can't name things right for beans) and not a whale.

    I like this concept so much that in future I will do a detailed art of them both, perhaps with an explanation. Here's to hoping GF gives us a good and strong dolphin in Gen7!

    Until next time!

    i'd like to see s'more of this! perhaps a complete evolution line and a pokedex entry? inb4 you already made all this some pages ago and i just haven't seen it yet

    Lazy Viri strikes back!

    This is the result of me getting bored in college, and makng the best of a black pen and paper. Of course, it's nothing more than a filled-in doodle, so don't expect too much importance given to perspective or angles and whatnot.


    nope. nothing here.

    all the black ink used up on this though

    but still


    Oh yeah, as promised earlier: The finished version of that earlier steel team. This is unfortunately the last thing I can do for now, but for what it's worth:

    WARNING: CONTAINS BURD (more vivid than before but still eh)




    Five days, it has been, since I last put pencil to paper for anything other than accounts. Granted, I deal in figures, but even I can't go five days without the other kind of figures! Exams or no exams, I had to draw, if only for my peace of mind, so here I am again, for now and halloween is probably going to kid me to death.

    Anyway, not too much for now, just simple lineart of our beloved Hydra of Lernea. Maybe I'll turn this into a full sketch in a few days, when I have an easier exam that I don't really need to study much for, or when I can't stand this art-abstinence anymore.


    It's a bad day to be a raichu.

    Flux I swear to Giratina...


    Ahh, Economics is one exam for which I didn't have to study too much, leaving me with enough time to indulge my weakness again. Granted, it's only a pen sketch, but I liked the idea; it is an experiment in a new design. Maybe I will turn it into digital art/full colour later.

    What do you do when you face a God?


    Oh, I can't wait for Gen4 remakes, and to see the Distortion World again...IN GLORIOUS CEL SHADED 3D!

    EDIT: Yes, I know it's supposed to be in Origin Forme if it's in the Distortion World, but I didn't want to draw a serpentine figure again, okay? Assume it's the portal in Turnback Cave if you're a sticker for canon details.

    Tina says Hi...or maybe it's trying to stomp you underfoot. Same thing, really.


    (i know you already showed this to me before but still, tina's my favorite legendary so)

    /zephy used explosion

    • Upvote 1
  11. bus.jpg

    You stroll along the once-bustling highway of dead, rusting cars and trucks with a blue-ringed Umbreon and a Houndoom, who constantly sniffs the air, tailing you closely.

    There is no noise; only deafening silence.

    Until a low, guttural sound breaks the dead air- you realize it’s Cerberus’ snarling.

    The empty, upturned bus beside you rattles violently.

    What resembles to be a rotting man with a torn coat and loose, baggy pants stumbles out.

    He catches sight of you.

    He grins maliciously from ear to ear.

    The world flashes black and white.

    Wild highway man sent out Graveler and Nidoqueen!

    The waste is watching...

    The Nidoqueen appears rather ragged and scared; it is practically quaking in fear. There appear to be bruises and lacerations all over its body.

    You take note of this and thank Arceus your face is completely covered by a modified airsoft mask, made so that it filtered the toxic fumes of this post-apocalyptic wonderland so absurd it often made you laugh.

    You have never liked to give anything away about yourself.

    Go, Chaos and Cerberus!

    The hellhound advanced without awaiting an order; he already knew what to do.

    Cerberus used Iron Tail! It's super effective!

    The Graveler reeled, but recovered to take advantage of his proximity.

    The foe's Graveler used Rock Tomb!

    Chaos intervened with Protect!

    The foe's Nidoqueen disobeyed orders!

    The man yowled at the Poison-Ground type in rage, spouting profanities and threats, something involving hot water...

    For a brief moment both Dark-types share eye contact with you. You swiftly draw a finger across your neck.

    And the meta broke.

    With a growl, the shiny Umbreon leapt over the Houndoom towards the four-armed golem, with an umbral ring of energy pulsating forth, radiating menace and the blackest of auras; Cerberus, using the distraction, bound toward the offending would-be attacker, baring fangs licked by flames-

    Only to be slammed full-force by the Nidoqueen into the ground. You nearly crack, but reason with yourself that it wasn't the Nidoqueen's fault, it was forced by its bond to its Trainer- disgusting piece of scum and undeserving as he was- to retaliate and protect him...

    An insane amount of flames burst forth like a gigantic flower on fire right into the Drill Pokemon; Cerberus appeared to struggle to get up, but shook himself vigorously as the Nidoqueen yelped in pain.

    And the ground heaved as if it hadn't heaved enough on the day Arceus quit his day job and abandoned the world, leaving the Creation Trio to rampage-

    You stumble, holding onto the nearest vehicle for dear life, as your Pokemon, the Nidoqueen, and the highway man fall over, struggling to keep upright- especially your Houndoom and the Nidoqueen.

    The car's door pops open and a definitely rotting, decaying hand, the yellowed bones showing, the meat already slopping off like slimy slugs or overgrown maggots waves as if to grab hold of you.

    You slam the door shut, severing the damn thing before the zombie can scratch you. You make a mental note to have Cerberus cremate the entire highway when you're through with this nonsense.

    Turning back to the ensuing battle, you realize that the Dark-Fire type was already nearing exhaustion, still spewing flames at the hesitantly advancing overgrown blue rabbit-monster-thing; Chaos, having regained her balance, danced around the Graveler, which appeared to be stumbling over its feet, its eyes unfocused.

    The man was nowhere to be found.

    He wasn't quiet enough, though.

    You turn, quickly, and stop the knife from finding its way home into your chest or head- whichever it was didn't matter, you stopped it and you're still breathing, not necessarily alive, but whatever, onto the narrative- and knee the bastard in between the gut and sternum, making him crumple to the ground.

    You then proceed to kick the stuffing out of him, screaming nonsense and many things at once- execrating his very existence, calling him unworthy to even have been a registered Pokemon Trainer, expressing pity for his poor Nidoqueen so obviously abused in unspeakable manners, demanding the whereabouts of his base if he even had one, and many more, never giving him a chance to reply or breathe...

    The Pokemon all watch you, stunned.

    At least until the Graveler roars- rumbles?- in rage and leaps, curling up into a ball and rolling at you at top speed.

    Spurred on by adrenaline, both Chaos and Cerberus intercept; the former casting a protective barrier in front of you to negate the impact; the latter exhaling noxious clouds to further discombobulate the sentient boulder.

    Just before it can run your only friends over, it careens to the right, swerves to the left, towards you again, but off by a mere centimeter, and a horrible scream pierces the air, followed by an unpleasant crunching sound-

    The Graveler conveniently finishes itself off in addition by tumbling into an open fissure, possibly a result of a terrible cataclysmic battle that took place eons ago, and more recently, a year or less ago...

    ... leaving only the Nidoqueen, devastated and shocked.

    It began to scream and weep.

    What could you do?

    No. What have you done?

    The wailing continues on for minutes, hours- the cliches of time stretching into yawning infinities...

    And you can't take it anymore, neither can either of your Pokemon, who whimper and nudge you gently, and you pull out the pistol dangling from your thigh.

    With a silent BANG, you end the broken Pokemon's misery.

    You defeated the wild highway man.

    The cringe-inducing quiet filled the air again, after that.

    You shake your head slowly. It’s been almost a year of this sort of thing happening; you’ve almost completely grown so numb to it all.

    You’re just... so tired.

    The dry snout of Cerberus touches your leg. You look down into his liquid black-brown eyes; the gradual weight on your left foot tells you that Chaos has sat down on your foot in her strangely reassuring way.

    You kneel and hold them both so close to you.

    Where would you be now, without them? The only two remaining beings in the world whom you trusted completely, without whom you would have surely succumbed to madness and insanity and the bleak pointlessness of it all already, if you haven’t.

    The moments fly into a space unknown and the three of you continue to embrace.

    When you look up, the hazy starless smoky night has stretched overhead.

    It’s too dark to continue on, even with Cerberus’ flame and Chaos’ lovely glowing rings that pulsed with her every heartbeat, thrumming with the power of the moon.

    You opt, reluctantly, to return to the Base.

    No point in staying outside, although inside was just as bad, really. Just a little bit safer. Unless the building collapsed on itself.

    You stroll along the once-bustling highway of dead, rusting cars; it was alive again, for now. Now that it was all on fire. Couldn’t be too careful, nowadays.

    All in a day’s work.

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