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Posts posted by LucLx

  1. So i´ve always liked ghostly related mysteries and i love these in the pokemon series.

    Once i discovered the ghost-type leader was well... a ghost like thing i got buffed up to find out more about him, so we know he inst a human but what can he actually be?. Anna once said Shade is a nice person, which probably means these two interacted before, he does prove to be a nice person since he turned on the power plant for the player even tough it would affect him. Even tough, most of you carry a bad thinking of Shade because of the scenes he displayed in his gym and that he is just a blood thirsty ghost, well right now here i was trying to get myself a nice and powerful shiny rotom at the power plant when everything pieced together in my mind, what about if Shade is actually a rotom? Rotom is known to be a tricky and playful pokemon which kinda supports the fact that Shade´s nice, but if he is actually a Rotom, he would be able to control the monitors at his will and show those images.

    But the question remains-Why did he show them? Well all them revered to a future tragic event (indeed all of them happened after beating Shade and some of them haven´t happened quite yet) could actually mean him trying to warn us of the tragic events bound to happen? I find it pretty plausible since Shade mentions a "unforgiving abyss" after beating him which could mean the dark fates of those who will perish. I had another theory which was kinda lost inside my head once i realized this one, still i find this one pretty good.

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