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Posts posted by Kowdbuff

  1. So I was trying to get a certain pokemon, and during the strength puzzle I managed to get into this predicament:


    No Escape Ropes, no pokemon with abilties that teleport or the like, no TMs of those moves. No pokemon spawn in this room to let me faint on.

    None of the stones are now moveable (including the one just left and behind the pillar). I literally "strength'd" my way into a corner :P, and for some reason my first thought process was: "I'm stuck? better save".

    If I could get a hand that'd be great.

    Not sure if its possible to program something in to allow for a room reset or something, but I take full responsibility for my idiocy.

  2. My current favorite spot to EV train is just outside the Grand gate. Tauros for +1 atk and +1 speed, or bouffalant for +2 atk. They're lvl 52, so a little high, but you're guaranteed the pokemon you want. Once you've beat both that are just outside the gate, just go back through the gate and they're back again. Been using my spiritomb to kill them for my lower lvl pokemon, since tauros has no moves that can hit spiritomb.

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