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Posts posted by Eliskae

  1. Hahaha, I find quiet types have the most to offer in terms of wisdom and insight on a lot of life decisions. Unfortunately, my head is in the clouds a lot of the time, so its that kind of person that complements me in a social situation.

    Maybe that explains my ghost/flying type...:P

  2. Hahaha, indeed Hazama is present within me. It's a pleasure to meet you all, and thank you for such the warm replies!

    I do have PO, however, just to make sure, Reborn currently doesn't support Gen 6, or is this a mistake on my part?

    And Merry Christmas to you all :)!

  3. Hi there!

    After some browsing through the site and playing Pokemon Reborn, I felt a desire to register on the forums and be a part of this community, which at first glance seems to be quite a friendly and helpful one.

    So, my name is Eliskae (not really), and while I am admittedly new to Pokemon Reborn, I am quite experienced on the competitive side of Pokemon. I started playing Pokemon about fifteen years ago when I was very young, and gradually began taking it seriously (or rather, as serious as you can playing Pokemon) about six years ago.

    I really look forward to hanging out with you guys on this forum, and I must say the developer and writer of the story for this game is quite talented and what got me to try it, so kudos to you Amethyst!


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