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Posts posted by pokezack101

  1. 6 minutes ago, wcv said:

    Yeah, but if you're willing to do it in the first place you clearly had nothing better to do. That is to say, literally anything at all. 😛

    If you know anything about computer science it takes 2 mins max to make a script like this 

  2. I just hope that if we chose Nova the story will actually change and we will join Crescent and become their allies. Too may hack I've played advertise the feature of joining their respective evil team as an option, but fall through on this aspect.

    Oh, and don't worry about not increasing the level cap in episode 4. Don't let this problem allow you to dampen your ambition and shorten the game's length. After all, you can always increase the level cap to exceed 100, so that's not an issue.

    Other than these problems you're doing a great job on delivering on your ambitious game. Especially for a first time like yourself, you clearly have talent.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I find it a bit strange that there is no Agate City on that list. So, are we just going to the Circus part of Agate, or is there just no pokemon to catch in the city part of Agate?

  4. So, for that a̶n̶n̶o̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶r̶o̶l̶l̶ ̶, I mean joke on April fools, wanna make it up to us by show a screenshot of the REAL episode 12? :)

  5. So there is one thing that I don't really get about the story. We all know Elias and team Meteor is after those four keys, El even takes Emerald back from Luna. However, I don't really get when he has the player locked up in the cell, he also doesn't try to take back Ruby? He knows for a fact that he has ruby, as show by when the ditto-gardevoir tries to also take Ruby, but only takes Amethyst due to Cain. I am pretty sure the his own pokemon would tell him that he still has Ruby. So, why doesn't Elias try to take Ruby when they have the player all caught? Ame, I would like an explanation lol

  6. Ame recently said on the PMU podcast late March is her goal, but no official date. As soon as she can will always be the answer for these kinds of questions.

    She actually said early March was the goal, as I was listening too. You most likely just got it mixed up or it's me, but I doubt that....

  7. So is 16 the last episode or are you just there in terms in design I thought there would be at least 18.

    Edit: Something that really bothers me is that when in 10.5 whenever you take down a pokemon when the hp is going down you see a big black box showing how much hp is going to be depleted as it happens, it's starting to bother me a bit any chance it will be fixed for 11? Oh and will the trainer card be edited so it has slots for 18 badges in 11? I really want that aesthetic change and I think it will go a long way

  8. Hey folks I hope everyone is doing well, finally had some free time and got around to messing with 10.5 and about done with it and I have to say it was a really smooth transition to 6th gen did not get any end of the world bugs but there were some in previous versions from what I understand. Now which brings me to why I am posting have you started working on episode 11? If so I have two simple questions to be asked.

    1) How long is E11 going to be? If I remember right 10 and 11 were supposed to be one episode which makes me think E11 is going to be short, please if possible I don't want another E9 that was too short lol.

    2) I know nothing is set in stone but will 11 take you more time to push out than 10? From what I heard the reason why 10 took so long is because you had to design that ruin area from the ground up which delayed 10 release date by a lot I think, are there any instances like this in 11, or not? I would guess that no because I think 11 is gonna be short unless you prove me wrong with the answer you give. Thanks!

  9. I guess you guys are right the music that I was defending does give off a to happy vibe, but it also gives off a mysterious vibe which I think is important to keep considering it's one of meteor's main themes. One question are all 6th gen mechanics are in like new abilities etc or will those have to be scripted in at a later date? Also was looking at your obtainable list in progress and I saw that you've r̶e̶m̶o̶v̶e̶d̶ I mean nerfed shroomish a few days ago so that means you're are in ep7 or farther now am I correct really would like to know :)

  10. So where are you now just saw a lot of obtainable pokemon got updated so I think you made a bit of decent progress so I just wondering. Now to bring up a complaint about the audio files get changed around. So with a team meteor base I noticed you changed the music from the fast dubstep tempo music to the team rocket remix I . This I have no issue with but my main problem is the new team meteor theme the nice theme back from episode nine if you don't remember it here it is http://tinyurl.com/lpbtrjg. You replaced it with that fast dupstep tempo music from there. As a player I think this doesn't really fit their goals and stuff so I was wondering you can change it back or something. Also what was that name of the actual song I linked or did you make or glitchxcity did thanks!

  11. Hello again so it's been a week since I've last been here and I was just wondering Ame where are you in terms of game locations/episode releases are you now? Just curious. Also you said that weaker pokemon are going to be replacing the list of magby abra and others. Is it possible to get a list of all the guys you're removing? You said that these were be replaced with weaker pokemon what about for save files that have already gotten magby abra etc will we find those weaker pokemon in the better pokemons updated spots or is there another way you will tackle this? Also how big will the roster changes for gym leaders be? A little or big. I want to know! Thanks in advance

  12. Hey I'm back just a question for Amethyst. Are you done with all the sprite/defining stuff as I haven't seen any new topics in the development forum recently. So are you on to the re balancing part by adding in the 6th gen pokemon. If so how goes progress how much longer do you think this will take? After this is done is 10.5 all done. After you reassured me I am looking forward to it!

  13. First of all I've been a big fan of this game for awhile now waiting for each new episode to come out. Having just finished 10 I am very interested to learn more. So I decide to use my account I made awhile ago and find out about 10.5 and the development process and I would like to voice my concerns about this. Why are did you guys decided to do a 6th gen update when were only like 2 months in. Due to the rumours regarding that there will be a new region and most likely new pokemon wouldn't it be ideal to do it then. Second concern this could take literally a long time the thing is with group contribution. Let's say that the guy who is doing the scripts for fixing the abilities before 6th gen just leaves one day what are we to do then? We can't make any progress until another person who does the exact same function which could take a long time. So 10.5 gets delayed and the new content update doesn't come in a long time. Now on to my final point in regards to Amethyst you'd mentioned the reason why you're doing this is to save time and without this episode 11 coming out in January or February so this is just guessing but let's say that 10.5 gets wrapped up and ready to go by January and episode 11 takes a month to be made(I only think this as I theorize that 11 will be a short episode as it's only going to consist of the Meteor Elias ambush and going to Iolia valley and facing Luna) So it wouldn't take that long to be made so it gets released at February that doesn't save time at all being released in the same time frame that you'd estimated to save time it doesn't make a lot of sense. Oh, wait one more thing with these 6th gen pokemon won't you have to redesign the whole game to fit 6th pokemon into grass/trainers rosters unless that is planned for a future update. So in closing Ame if you read this and are working on episode 11 while the community works on 6th I ask of you if you finish it before 10.5 gets released to get 11 out and not be limitized by what I think the long time I think 10.5 to come out thanks for you're time!

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