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DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk

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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by DJ Mewdeon ft Dan Punk

  1. winter_wonderland-1.jpg

    credit to @Hycrox for this quality img post


    When it's starting to get cold outside and the bitter wind chills you to the bone ... 
    that's how you know it's time to warm up at the Reborn Winter Party!

    In spite of the disappointing news of the FCC's decision earlier today, we've decided to hold the Winter Party this upcoming weekend.
    As one bright star imparted upon us: "But being cheerful when it's least appropriate is when it's most necessary!"

    With that in mind, let's take a break from the looming internet doomsday comments to relax and enjoy the company of friends.


    Party date is this upcoming Sunday, December 17th starting at 12p EST
    It is planned to continue until 12a Monday to accommodate the global nature of the community!

    This party is going to take place on its own server over on discord.
    Join us now over at https://discord.gg/wYtqV5 !!


    Scheduled Events
    This year we're trying a different approach! Instead of setting the schedule in stone, we've planned time for a new event and a few mainstays but left the rest of the schedule open. this should enable us to be flexible and adjust on the fly for activities people would enjoy rather than being stuck to a set list. We'll likely post the times for these events on Sunday.

    Reborn Royalty
    A staple event to end another year on reborn is electing three new members to the ranks of reborn's royalty!
    Jack Frost, Snow Queen and the Polar Monarch are vacant positions once more. As before, anyone may be nominated per any role though they may win only one position. Be sure to make your nominations in the thread and it'll be updated accordingly.


    [Yankee Egg Swap]
    With the community release of the new episode arriving recently, it might incidentally be the best time to try this new event format out! For those unfamiliar with the term, Yankee Swap is a kind of holiday gift giving event where people bring gifts meant for exchange. The pool of gifts is picked from in a randomized order, with each participant being able to trade his selected gift with someone who picked a gift before him. The person who chose the first gift is allowed their trade after all the gifts have been claimed. Some versions then allow people to trade amongst themselves afterwards too.


    We're going to try a version of this that works like so:
    Participants will be assigned a number and their trading partner will be selected at random. After each pair has done their trade, everyone will be free to trade amongst themselves for the eggs at their leisure! So get out your Magcargo and your Ponyta and make some rad eggs for some egg swap action!


    Returning Events
    A flexible schedule allows for us to be able to run or not run games or events based on what the audience is interested in, but the recurring events are on the table - queen's and king's game, story time, cah, reborn hunger games, and more.
    Who knows what we'll end up running .. it is a mystery! ^^;

    Feel free to comment with feedback or suggestions for events you'd like to see return to the party.

    Keep an eye out for this thread as more details and updates as the party fast approaches!
    ... because I'm tired and need to sleep now goodnight.



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  2. Birthdays.


    It is a prevalent social custom in our society (a social construct, you could say) to share a wish of pleasant tidings onto those we care about on the day of their birth each year. It's a custom that I used to engage in more frequently earlier in life but as time went on and I left facebook things sort of shifted. It's there that I would frequently post birthday greetings to a large group of people, most of whom I don't really talk to on a day to day basis but felt the need and social pressure to answer the little notifications in the sidebar about Johnny's birthday despite not having seen him since before high school and so on. As time passed I sort of felt like it was worse to give such an empty wish to a person that I don't really talk to much outside of that. Thus, much like thank you cards and similar things, it started to feel like a cold, robotic formality rather than a warm, caring well-wishing.


    I eventually stopped honoring most of the birthdays for people that I know. I don't often write in birthday threads or even comment on birthdays as much anymore, even for people that I'm pretty close to. I feel somewhat bad for not trying to brighten up the days of people I care about with a simple little message, but I don't want to be fake about a part of their and my life that I don't invest much of myself into anymore. 


    So it's pretty strange for me to be a number of words into a birthday thread, then, right? 


    I can't really explain why I feel compelled to write this while I don't even post all that often on the forums to begin with. Maybe it's because I'm using your birthday as an excuse to write something soft and heartfelt. Maybe it's because I'm going all in on some community meme just to try and make you smile. Maybe I genuinely am one of those hopeless romantic types. Maybe you're really just that precious to me.


    Maybe none of those are important.


    Maybe it's because I recently got the chance to spend time with you and keep relishing in warm memories of the short but sweet time we spent together, even when we were doing nothing at all.


    I got to know a girl who was carefree but caring, nervous but excitable, a workaholic yet still just the right amount of bubbly fun.





    I don't mean to make a goofy caricature of you but I do think it's important to recognize the people who are special to you sometimes, when even your actions don't feel like enough to show someone how much they mean to you.


    Something you might hear me say once or twice is that we don't take enough time to tell the people we care about that we love them. In a whirlwind life experience where our time is short and we often take for granted those around us who mean so much to us, take time out of your lives to tell, show and live your love out loud for the people you care about.




    I love you, Amethyst Liddell. ♡♡



    Happy birthday. 


  3. hey did you remember that I was doing an active ama because oops it seems to have run away from me

    I'm trying to get to ame's questions today but my mother is intent on making me do anything else so this is all you get until I finish writing them

    it's going to take a while so don't hold your breath

    What is something nobody really pays much mind to, but should? One around Reborn, one about life in general.

    before anyone gets the bright idea from my last post that this question was the one that made me stop answering, that's not true!

    I did actually see it before making the last set but was hurrying to finish and needed time to think of a good answer but neglected to

    come back sooner for reasons I might explain in later answers but moving on!!

    honestly? I want to answer "each other" for both but as using the same answer twice is lame, I'll use this answer for reborn as it's more fitting.

    In the world of the internet it is always easy for the natural anonymity of using a handle rather than most personal information to lead to

    a very easy dehumanization of the individuals on the other side of their screens. Who cares about them they're just a 'random', who cares

    they're just someone you don't like, so what? It can be a dangerous mindset to so easily slip into and it's illustrated amusingly by a lot

    of the things in this piece about traffic:


    the short form of this is to say that thing I've been saying a lot lately: they're people too.

    those of you reading this, have you ever heard of something called sonder?

    here's a quick definition if you haven't

    the short form is that it's an understanding that all the people that you see in passing are living entire lives out with nothing to

    do with you, you're just a background extra in them. it's an interesting alternate perspective but I'm trying to use it to illustrate that

    these people that you're meeting even in brief are all trying to do what they can to be living their own lives just as you are, with their

    own problems and struggles and hopes and dreams and goals and it's important to take something like this into consideration when you're

    talking to others. everyone out there is people too. be kind and considerate, other people who you meet will appreciate you for it.

    as for the life in general I think I'll dive all the way into the deep end and say that your time is limited. it's more limited than

    you will truly ever know. treasure it while you have it because it won't last and don't let yourself become someone who has nothing but

    regrets when they mature. go out, adventure, do things, create stuff, make memories for yourself, for others. this community is great and

    vibrant at times and a petty dramastorm for others but there is so much more out there than what is contained here.

    find what you love (and who) and pour your time into them.

    1st was "She kicked it in the air", 2nd one was "B's the daughter", 3rd one was "Roosters don't lay eggs", and 4th one was "He was walking".

    Ok these are my last questions then I'll leave you alone:

    How many times can you subtract 10 from 100?

    ah well I was 3/4 so I'll rapid fire the rest just for you

    this one is once; after subtracting 10 from 100 it is no longer 100, it is now 90

    If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?

    ... a red stone in a blue sea?? what else would it be hello

    If there are 6 apples and you take away 4, how many do you have?

    the 4 I took away

    If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall,how long would it take four men to build it?

    tfw the wall is already built :/

    I guess we'll never know.... because it wouldn't take any time to build an already-built wall

    A farmer has five haystacks in one field and four haystacks in another. How many haystacks would he have if he combined them all in one field?

    one supermassive haystack of destiny

    I missed you. I was worried.

    w-well.... I'm sorry. I sort of faded and then left without saying much and I realize that's definitely worrying but damn you are exceptionally good

    at hitting dead on at what I'm feeling recently so I think you probably get this much already. I missed you guys too.

    that's not a question though this is an ama gosh.... silly ama

    If you were planning a road trip that spanned two days and you could choose three types of savory snack foods, three types of sweet snack foods, two types of beverages, what you had for breakfast on the second day, what you had for lunch on both days, and what you had for dinner on both days, what would the ideal menu consist of?

    wow this is a LOT of food questions that I am surprised by

    I actually went on a road trip recently so as to the food I ate and stuff I drank + snacks from what I can remember offhand, it would be

    a bad egg and cheese croissant for breakfast with almost-stale fries from some fast food restaurant I don't care to remember, drank water

    for most of the way, meals were pretty much all tacos except for one bacon weave quiche that was a decent alternative.

    the only snacks I really remember having were jolly rancher candies if those count, pretzels and some kind of apple cinnamon danish on the way back.

    drank Arnold Palmer on the way back too.

    If I had to pick, lemme try and run through it real quick.

    same drinks is probably fine, water and arnold palmer is a good pairing as one is safe and the other is a 'fun', sweet alternate.

    guarana for honorary mention but only if it's antarctica, none of this 'kuat' business.

    I'm relatively lax about food options normally for dinner or lunch but if we were to go out to a restaurant or something where I imagine we might

    if I was away for awhile, I usually end up with some kind of burger as they're safe and usually good. I say 'safe' because I have a

    deathly shellfish allergy and some restaurants cook fish in the same oil as other things, so I end up with a limited menu. it's hard to answer

    in specific when I want to say something like "a local delicacy or regular meal" as I think it would be more fun to try something while I was there

    than to bring something like fried rice that I'd eat normally when home, y'know? so maybe we plan it like one of the days I hit up a local burger

    joint or restaurant and end up with a burger due to sadness about the menu, eating something light later in the day as I probably wouldn't be

    super hungry after the lunch. day two maybe we try to make something at home like a homemade pizza or something and end up with a fun mess but something

    light to eat and then go out later in the day for some more of what my mother might refer to as an 'actual meal', an entree at some different local place.

    that bauru sandwich I cited earlier is class for a breakfast but mine wildly vary so I might go for the safe option

    which is making two pieces of toast and putting peanut butter on one and jelly on the other and then lazily eating it like a sandwich.

    goodness this is so many snacks that I might run the gamut(?) of snacks that I eat on a regular basis and still have room for more.

    I didn't even bring any food with me to the road trip I went on so this is awkward.

    I'd probably bring a sleeve or two of biscoff because I down those cookies too much. I used to eat honey BBQ fritos twists on occasion so that's two.

    S'mores poptarts or ingredients for actual s'mores would be stellar. Maybe some snickers mini ice cream bars if I bring a cooler.

    Idk what else to bring, cheez-its?

    ... I feel like I'm clean out of ideas on what to take with me because I didn't really think to take anything before.

    Time to call for backup.

    Blind Guardian - Today at 8:14 PM

    also how do I pick snack foods

    Inuki - Today at 8:15 PM

    find the most interesting chip flavor you can

    Blind Guardian - Today at 8:15 PM

    I'm on it.

    I'm going to reach back in time to bring out two classic Doritos flavors that I enjoyed:

    Late Night Cheeseburger and Late Night Tacos Doritos. Good shit. that wraps this one up.

    If I were heterosexual would you want to date me :P

    yes :P

    I don't know if you are expecting a serious answer to this question or not but before my head fills with the what-if questions it tends to

    when I'm unsure of something I'll just throw it out there. The best answer I can give is that I would be open to the idea. I think you

    and I have been pretty close and I like spending time with you plus despite your incredibly poor history with secrets I feel like I can trust you.

    I don't know if it would work out between us because I am not someone with a lot of meaningful relationship self-confidence as you're

    probably already aware, but I would likely enjoy a chance at exploring that with you in this AU.

    why are u a lapras

    this one and this one too

    plus lapras is great like don't you want to be a lapras, they're majestic

    got any pets

    if yes send pics pls

    I have 0 pets -- my sis and I were moderately allergic to dogs and cats when younger so our parents resolved to never get any kind of pet ever.

    My mother does take care of the wild animals in the swampy area behind our house if that counts for anything.

    got any stashes of shibes with dunce caps

    I don't have any of these either but I kind of want one...

    can you help me find where i put my question mark

    here you go take one of mine: ???????????

    give me a good lays potato chip flavor

    there are flavors of lays potato chips????

    jk uh I haven't had many flavors of lays because my sister is a lamer but bbq was decent plus the bacon mac and cheese and chicken waffles ones were neat.

    beyond that I am probably ethnically required to mention that there is a picana flavor and that will probably be good

    where's the fuckin sauce


  4. round 3 wherein I skip ame's questions again because I got hungry sorry I'll get 'em next time


    my back is in a lot of pain rn but ty for the welcoming

    ame didn't lock you in a closet and make you program did she?

    absolutely not, she is not capable of such a feat for several reasons

    How do you feel about Drumpf?

    W h


    1. Do you have a tumblr?

    I own two and use neither. One is a personal one from an age long past and the other is a game design one that went nowhere quickly.

    2. Which current auth member do you feel should be promoted?

    honestly, after being away for awhile I feel like I don't have a good context for this question plus it's probably not proper for me to be disclosing that in this manner to begin with so ....

    I pick me. I haven't gotten a promotion in awhile. Let's promote me again.

    3. What was the last YouTube video you watched prior to reading this post?

    4. Are you liberal or conservative?

    I don't really know tbh! I don't think I understand well enough what baggage either term brings with it.

    5. What game genre interests you the most?

    Probably adventure? I enjoy storied games and tend to try to appreciate games or works of media as they are rather than how they could be more often than not. RPGs of many forms are kind of my lifeblood.

    6. Same but with movie genre.

    Mmmm, I'm gonna go with action films as that's the most likely to be truth. I enjoy a variety of movies similarly to games but if an action movie doesn't fuck all the fight scenes with shaky cam (why is this a thing tbh) then I'll probably get pumped watching it.

    7. Which user have you found yourself disagreeing with the most, and why?

    If I wrote someone's name here that wasn't Jericho I feel like it'd be disingenuous as some of his methods really grind my metaphorical gears.

    8. Are you religious in any way?

    At present, I tend to not consider the question of if there is or isn't a higher power at all so I suppose that is a no.

    9. What is your Myer-Briggs personality?

    uuuhhh ... I have no idea brb

    I tried to do this quickly on a whim and it says I'm a CAMPAIGNER (ENFP-T). I don't know how accurate that is but there you go.

    10. What is your favourite Pokemon?

    Answered above: I tend to default to deoxys or mew or zygarde for this question, because I don't really have a favorite Pokemon, I just think a lot of them are cool and it tends to be in flux depending on the media. as a general rule I usually like strong Pokemon because I feel like that's the kind that coolguy main character me would use or something, idk.

    11. Do you have/have you had any pets?

    Also answered above: Never had any pets since growing up I had lousy allergies to cats and dogs. despite having taken many, many shots for those and the allergies being much less apparent now I never got a pet anyway. seems like an awkward time in my life to get one right now tbh.

    12. Do you smoke?

    I don't smoke or drink or do drugs unless prescribed.

    13. Coffee or Tea?

    Probably tea but I don't mind coffee. I've had some with my parents on occasion.

    14. Is there any part of how Reborn auth deal with rules/punishments you disagree with?

    Probably lots of parts that I'm not entirely keen on disclosing in this manner. I'm trying to work on communication in terms of the way I feel about things instead of just venting to ikaru and ame and trying to rationalize my feelings but then not doing anything with that. In my future works I should be able to better express those feelings and I hope to improve the quality of the auth work in this way.

    15. Is there any non-staff member you feel should be promoted?

    So I don't think people outside the auth circle are as aware of this but I have more or less become the defacto person people look to for reasons why we shouldn't promote this or that person, so naturally I'm meant to answer this question in such a way -- I don't think we will promote another auth unless such a need arises. There are a few potential candidates in the pool as there usually is, but none are a stark standout and even if there were, it's unwise to disclose that sort of information in this form.

    16. What is your favourite colour?

    Another favorites question .... so the thing with me and favorites is that one of the biggest issues with my picking favorites is that I always feel like I'm going to let someone down regardless of what I pick and that especially bothers me. It can make me really indecisive because I have some built-in desire to please everyone and make everyone happy and all of that jazz. With picking favorites it's really easy for me to feel like anyone who doesn't have the same favorite as me will be sad or something so .. that's part of the reason I have a hard time choosing them, aside from topics where I genuinely don't have a stand-out favorite and I just like a lot of things relatively equally, like with Pokemon.

    Considering the above I end up saying something like "I don't really have a favorite color.." and then listing stuff like red, green, blue, black, white, gold, blah blah blah. In the interest of giving an actual answer though, there's a particular shade of electric blue that I rather enjoy.

    17. Boxers or briefs?

    I own both and don't really have a preference for one of the other.

    18. What do you think of memes?

    I think the social impact of low effort jokes becoming repeated is sort of an unfortunate stain on the creative power of comedy in gene-- oh who am I kidding memes are great. I like memes. They're fast, they're fun! They're MEMES. What's not to love.

    19. Do you follow any celebrities?

    ... does Ame count as a celeb?

    Uh I don't pay too much attention to individuals like that unless they're in my life tbh. I've made some efforts to try and follow some people I've liked or see a bunch of their content but stuff like that always slips outside my reach because I don't pay enough attention to it.

    20. Do you read any webcomics?

    Back in high school I saw Secret of Mana Theater over someone's shoulder and adored it. Started finding web comics from there on but I haven't read many of them in some time. I think the last one I read in its entirety was 8bit Theater but I've also read a ton of others. You'll have to forgive me, I don't remember most of them offhand.

    21. What about anime?

    I'll probably watch more after the next time I see acqui and she pours recommendations on me again but I have this sort of weird aversion to watching anime by itself as if I'm being time-wasteful, so I end up watching anime while I grinded reborn runs or otherwise was doing something else. Watching it with others tends to escape that feeling somehow so idk how that works but I've seen a decent amount of anime though I don't have an active MAL and couldn't tell you what I've seen offhand. Oops.

    22. Would you consider yourself an "SJW"?

    Not likely. Some of the extremist views in that camp are a major turn-off.

    23. Do you prefer girls, boys, both, or does it not matter?

    In terms of relationships it's probably fair to say that I prefer girls but outside of that context it doesn't matter at all.

    24. Where would you like to go on holiday?

    Am I allowed to answer "anywhere else tbh"

    ... honestly right now I kind of want to take alex to the house we have on Martha's Vineyard for a weekend or something because I think she'd really like that (she's super a beach person) and I'd enjoy being able to spend time with her.

    25. What is your favourite meal?

    Again with the favorites .... these are going to be the death of me.

    I'll go with the chicken fried rice for 200, alice.

    26. What do you look for in a friend?

    Someone with a pulse who isn't a dick that has something unique or interesting about them, generally.

    Sometimes I just click with people and I don't really know how to explain that.

    27. What do you think makes for good qualities in a leader?

    Someone calm and collected in times of crisis.

    Someone who can lead by example and practice what they preach.

    Someone whom is observant enough to see problems even if others overlook them and with enough initiative to try and do something about it.

    Someone who seeks first to understand, and then be understood.

    Driven, disciplined, courageous, compassionate, who understands the importance of their position and does their best to use it to impact positive change upon their environment and those within it, just to name a few of which there are many more good qualities.

    28. Are you a superstitious person?

    In moment probably, but it's more of wondering superstition than actual belief in stuff.

    29. Is there anyone you feel should be demoted?

    I usually have a shortlist for this question but it's in poor taste to answer and I generally prefer to have people improve and get off the list that way. I'm not going to sit here and pretend the auth team is perfect but it's a constant work in fluctuating progress. You guys have to remember, we're people too. If you have some sort of problem with any of the cast, you're welcome to come talk to me about it but please, please, treat them with the respect each site member is due even if you don't like them.

    30. Do you play anything competitively?

    I had been playing League of Legends competitively but I haven't played in a few weeks so idk if that really counts.

    31. What does "love" mean to you?

    32. Where would you like to live?

    If I don't answer "with ame" I think she'll be upset with me.

    I don't have a better answer though because it's a big question mark in my life atm. Suburban lifestyle is probably good for me though, it's got a good relative mix of not too many people/cars/noise/whatever (urban) and not too few (rural). Who knows though, I might appreciate something different more after trying it. It's hard to say.

    33. What kind of job would you like to do?

    This is probably the same as the dream job answer tbh because I can't think of anything better:

    mmmm, I don't know. I struggle with far future things because I used to see myself in a house with kids and doing some generic 'computer job' living a happy family life but I wonder if that's truly fulfilling. the more I experience things though, the less certain I am about what my future is going to be like. I think that a job I might consider a dream job ends up being something vague like a job that I can do well and feel fulfilled in doing that makes me happy/that I'm happy to do. I used to think that would be game design but I would need to get past a lot of personal problems for that to have any chance at reality. sort of roundabout but hopefully that's a sufficient answer.

    34. Which tier do you play the most?

    Probably OU of competitive or randbats/cc1v1 otherwise, though I don't really play mons all that much anymore.

    35. Is there any Mega Evolution you'd like to see most?

    give mega-deoxys, destroyer of worlds

    ... not really. I have enjoyed seeing a lot of the mega fanart for mons that don't have one atm though. There's a lot of cool mega-typhlosion art that I appreciate.

    36. If you had to describe yourself with a League champion, which one would it be and why?

    Fuck, I don't know. Can I be Bard, the wandering memer who zooms around the map trying his best to keep the cosmos in order and not falling apart? I'd like that.

    37. Is there anything you'd like to see added or re-added to the Reborn shop?

    ... people still use the Reborn shop? Shit, I tend to forget that stuff exists because of how much I don't bother with it so I don't think there's anything I could offer this question offhand ...

    38. What question would you like to ask me?

    Do you throw this question set at people just because it's a big list or because you're particularly interested in its answers?

    Do you often think about the impact that the impulses you indulge in might have on yourself or the people around you?

    Do you ever lie down and consider where you are in the world and where you want to be, while trying to connect the dots in between?

    Do you realize that you are far more capable than you know, despite how anxiety may sometimes control your mood or day or cloud your worldview?

    Do you know that you are loved, regardless of what's happening in your home life, how you feel about yourself, or how you perceive your relationships with others to be?

    Just some food for thought.

    39. What do you think is your most redeeming quality?

    Haha, I feel like I'd be quick to answer that I don't have one normally but it's important to try and find an actual answer instead of knee-jerk self-depreciation. I don't really know though. Perhaps my ability to show empathy to others and help them through their problems??

    40. What is your favourite type?

    ... how many favorite X questions exist tbh.

    Uh, I don't know. I like dragons because they're (mostly) cool and strong I guess.

    41. Who on Reborn do you look up to most?

    At first I considered answering "no one" to this question, not because I don't think there are people on Reborn better at me on this or that thing or what have you but because I genuinely don't sit around thinking "man I wish I could be more like ... [insert Rebornian]" much at all really. However, it's probably fair to say that Kurotsune has a lot of skills that I wish I had but am either too set in my own ways to pick up or aren't putting enough effort in for whatever reasons to acquire.

    42. Do you feel any game has been overhyped this year?

    Oh absolutely, E3 is rife with this shit. Companies show a pre-rendered game demo and then the game comes out later on in the year(s) and it is bug riddled and nothing like the fun experience they portrayed to you in their adverts. Advertising is crazy effective like that. I don't think any game could be more overhyped than Mighty No.9 which was a real letdown.

    43. Which Pokémon do you think is overrated?

    I don't want to inadvertently spoil the new generation for people that choose to go in blind, but some of these new ones seem exceptionally silly to me.

    Outside of that scope though, I think I'd have to pick something like Hoopa, which people went completely bonkers over after it came out. It's just okay guys, it's not going to rewrite the entire metagame, trust.

    44. What is your favourite emoticon?

    .... is that a serious question?

     :]:]:]     :]:]:]
     :]:]:]     :]:]:]
     :]:]:]     :]:]:]
     :]:]:]     :]:]:]
     :]:]:]     :]:]:]
     :]:]:]     :]:]:]

    45. What are your thoughts on religion?

    I don't think much about it anymore to be frank.

    I appreciate that it can give some people solace or can encourage others to be compassionate and kind but it's spectrum of general impact is vast and varied. It has produced some of the best and worst things I've experienced and sometimes wonder if it's better to live without it than be troubled with it.

    46. What thing do you dislike about me the most?

    presently it's gotta be this question. why you gotta do me like this.

    naw, mostly it's that you say sorry all the time even when it's not neEDED LIKE LITERALLY JUST NOW WHEN YOU APOLOGIZED FOR THESE QUESTIONS I SWEAR

    chill out chica not everything is your fault it will be ok

    47. Would your rather be extreme left or extreme right?

    I have a difficult time feeling like I could successfully embrace either extreme and am going to stay here in my probably centerist Independent seat instead.

    48. How much money would it take for you to make out with a guy? I need to know for uh... reasons :3

    .... >>;

    That's ... an oddly specific question compared to many of the generic ones posited above.

    Unfortunately I don't really have a quality answer for you. I imagine it wouldn't be an obscene amount but I'd be both uncomfortable by taking money for something like this and probably the act itself unless I was really into whomever it was which is probably unlikely.

    I'm going to ask the only question you need to answer Dan: Who would win in a fight from the people you met in Michigan?

    [8:54:18 PM] Ricki Ravary: Dan, take a break and answer my question

    [8:57:47 PM] Ðan: wh-

    [8:58:04 PM] Ricki Ravary: in the ama

    [8:58:06 PM] Ðan: ricki pls

    [8:58:13 PM] Ricki Ravary: it's one question dan

    [8:58:17 PM] Ricki Ravary: it's simple

    [8:58:35 PM] Ricki Ravary: just remember, who knows where you live

    [9:00:16 PM] Ðan: idk probably that roommate dude of yours has the most muscle?? maybe you could outplay him but otherwise it'd be him??? idk

    [9:00:28 PM] Ricki Ravary: fair

    Is there a very specific noise or sound you absolutely love to hear in songs?

    Aw man this question is so very difficult because there are so many little things I like about songs, especially how a lot of things play together. If I had to pick a singular specific noise/sound I'm really about drums, especially when used to keep a fast beat or when used to build up to something.
  5. answer squad round 2

    yes 3 of ame's answers just say "fuck you", I'll edit those later sue me this is taking forever and I want to post something while I write more answers

    • You've gotten stuck in the Reborn region. Where do you want to make a home?
    why do I have to be stuck other than your obsession with closed circles....

    the cop out answer is "in the grand hall, where you obviously live"

    the deflection answer is "why do I have to make a home when as a presumed Pokemon trainer, I live a very nomadic lifestyle anyway??"

    as for an actual answer, I'm not sure I've ever thought of the Reborn region as a place I'd be interested in residing especially in its current state where everything is just sort of gone to shit. Nomadic lifestyle aside, I would eventually try to settle down in whatever place I enjoyed spending time at the most. Assuming it's possible to get everywhere in a short timeframe due to Pokemon's mechanics though it ... almost seems like it wouldn't matter? My best guess would be in Onyx while in school, probably taking some time to train in Apophyll, and then eventually settling somewhere in the Obsidia Ward as it's somewhat central to the region as a whole and when it's less on crack it's largely possible that it will be where a lot of good jobs may be located.

    • What video game or anime character would you most like to spontaneously come into existence and have to live with you?
    wh- 'have' to live with me like I'm rejecting their reality and substituting my own? that's pretty messed up. I'm not sure I feel keen on doing that to anything, but in the interest of answering... nothing's really coming to me. It would probably have to be either someone with a lot of utility, with a wide, talented skillset who would be willing to assist me with things or someone whom I deeply cared about and wished to protect from the world they inhabited before mine. I feel like this answer might surprise you but in trying to come up with a viable answer the first name to come to mind was Jibril of NGNL as she is someone with magic and potentially immeasurable intellect, though I don't have a library large enough to sate her so she'd probably hate me forever. Maybe Jessica Drew of Ultimate Spiderman's Clone Saga, she'd be pretty cool to hang out with. I'm also partial to Skyrim's Serena. There are probably countless interesting others I can't think of offhand.

    but really this seems like a question with no good answer as the character you're intending to have live with you is presumably being pulled out of their universe where they have all of their friends, family, loved ones, enemies, anything they know or care about where here they know no one and have no relationship with me personally so it sounds like it would be a miserable experience at start and containing an enduring homesickness that I have no power to cure.

    • What habit of yours do you most want to break? What's keeping you from doing so?
    I'm sure there's a lot of depressing answers that I could posit to answer this question, but lemme try a different approach because it's a habit I quite like that has an unfortunate tendency to make things difficult for me.

    I have an unfortunate habit of imagining conversations with individuals I have conflicts with when I am stressed or feeling emotionally charged about them. I yell at them if I'm angry or try to imagine what they'd yell at me or otherwise try to hash out the issue on my mind with this imagined persona. This tends to leave me destressed or calmed after doing so (which is the thing keeping me from breaking it) but it uh .... obviously does not resolve any of the actual conflict. It leaves me in an awkward position where I am no longer upset or interested in pursuing the conflict -and- I'm missing all of the arguments I had for or against said thing because I yelled them at myself in my head and promptly forgot them. It works wonders for relieving stress... and horrors for problem-solving.

    • A passing spirit offers you a choice: You may sacrifice any skill you have (in which case you may never do it again) in return for becoming equally good at a different skill. Would you take the deal, and what would you trade?
    this seems really abusable by taking a skill that I'm good at that has no utility value and trading in for something that is vastly more applicable but why am I trusting a random spirit that will probably screw me with the deal like some kind of djinn would tbh.

    you probably need a good definition of skill to make this question work because right now I'd probably answer by trading in my ability to be self-defeating in order to obtain the ability to motivate myself to do anything, even things I don't like doing or don't want to do. That seems awfully cheaty but I can't really think of a better answer ... I don't really know how best to assess what "skills" I currently possess, but trading one to be able to have the drive I'm missing might solve a lot of my issues.

    • The dimensions have collapsed and you are the sole human survivor. You can freely choose what kind of world you live out your days alone in. What do you want your new planet home to be like?
    oh boy. I really don't think I would last very long in this manner. I feel like I would probably try to create various gorgeous landscapes -- beautiful clear water beaches with brilliant sunsets, rolling hilly meadows with a few trees with comfortable view of stars above, things like that -- and try to enjoy the freedom and beauty until the inability to share it with anyone makes the peak loneliness break me and I perish.

    • A drug is made publically available that, without adverse effects, lets people feel happy and content at all times as they go about their daily lives. It is highly addictive, but people are still functional on it. Do you take it? How frequently?
    ... goodness no, I am more likely to steer clear of something so addicting even if it means that I have to put up with all of these awful emotions. Addiction is, in and of itself, a rather adverse effect. I don't think I want to have to rely on a drug to be able to live happily.

    • What single emotion would you most like to never have to feel again?

    I am not sure I need to elaborate further on this answer.

    • A trolley speeds down a rail with a human tied on the track. You have access only to a lever which shifts the trolley to a second rail which you have been told has 0, 1 or 2 people tied onto it. Do you pull the lever?
    Assuming each of the 3 events on the second rail have the same probability, I pull the lever. On the first rail the person perishing to the trolley is almost certainly guaranteed, but on the second the majority of probable outcomes are the same or fewer people dying though I do risk losing more people to the trolley. I'd obviously prefer if no one perished, but the greater good is likely served by pulling the lever.

    • Your biological cousin is madly in love with you and has confessed 3,909 times. What is it going to take for you to finally start thinking about them romantically?
    A quick glance over the biological female cousins I know I have tells me that the youngest is too young, the middle ones are all taken (most are married now!) and the eldest is a ... a real piece of work, shall we say. Gets sort of confusing with second and beyond cousins so I'll just toss out that sample for simplicity's sake.

    but ... naturally your question is interested in none of that, so I'll just say if she were really cute I might consider it but really I'd be pretty uncomfortable with the idea on paper so there's not much she can do... assuming it's a girl. If it's a bloke then nty cy@ nerd.

    • Which anime or game would you most like to be trapped in?
    I'll probably catch flak for this but if I had to pick one it would most likely be something similar to the first season of SAO's environment. I'm a sucker for adventure and it gives a singular, clear objective. Become stronger or perish. I might die from doing something stupid or might grow to hate it from how much I may have to be living on the edge to survive which is stressful and scary, but a world that gives me a clear goal that is the epitome of hands on doing things coupled with incredible adventure may be something I greatly enjoy. Plus I like swords. Sort of skimming the surface on this one but not sure if I'm keen on saying more without embarrassing myself.

    • After being trapped in a building for a much longer amount of time than you expected, you step outside only to find out the apocalypse occurred while you were trapped. There are still scattered human survivors but the world is now largely toxic and dangerous. What will you do now?
    Keep goals short and simple:

    - secure personal survival

    -> renewable food and water, clothing, shelter.

    - search for other survivors and attempt to bring them to safety

    -> accrue more resources as necessary relative to number of survivors

    - attempt to resolve larger problems as my survivor count goes up

    -> fix world??? end of zombieland rule 17.

    attempting to stay calm in the crisis and keep my wits about me is the best move.

    having clear cut achievable goals keeps me going with purpose.

    hopefully this allows me to survive as long as possible while helping as many others as I can along the way.

    • Why did you sort of poof for a while?
    fuck you for this one tbh

    • What are you most looking forward to about moving here?
    If I said freedom from my mother the apache tiger mother helicopter would anyone judge me

    but really I think that there's this sense of the world opening up to me after I leave this place that I feel trapped within. Being done with college and being able to put it behind me will be the most amazing feeling and this is icing on a delicious cake that no one better have lied to me about.

    • What are you least looking forward to about move here?
    I'm going to use the thing I was going to answer this with at first for the similar question down below. This one's a tossup between how difficult it will be to leave alex here considering how much more close we've gotten (and probably most of the people I care about over here let's be fair) and the nightmare driving 36h(?) to your house will be.

    • Will you make me miso soup every morning for breakfast?
    I'd love to. <3

    • where are the cherry tomatoes dan
    probably wherever your question marks went

    (or maybe just at a different store)

    • why are there no cherry tomatoes
    It's possible that they are on the decline and are too expensive for your nearest store to continue to be able to stock them, or maybe production costs went up and their overall quantity has decreased. I don't know the answer to this one, ame.

    • How do you feel about the community lately?
    fuck you for this one too tbh.

    • When can we expect newbot?
    when she's ready.

    • Would you be fine if I never wanted cuddle or be touched literally ever?
    I .. guess? I figure that I would probably be in a similar scenario to living at home before I was hanging out with alex but my house doesn't have pets so it may not be as lonely or sad. I'm not going to hold it against you (obviously because you don't want to be touched, haha!) but I think that I've come to learn that ... while there is probably no non-creepy way to comment on it, touch is sort of important to me. I like hugs and stuff, they make me happy. Little things like that are something I appreciate more than I can really understand. So I might be sad or something but I'll live probably.

    • What would it take to get you more active here again?
    fuck you for this one three tbh.

    • If I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed what kind of food would you want?
    Mmm.. I'm not really sure to be honest with you, the only thing I've ever had for breakfast in bed was a rare Sunday morning pancake breakfast my mother made and brought on a whim like when I recovering from surgery wounds, for example.

    There was a breakfast food I had in Brasil called a bauru which was an appreciable morning bite while I was on the road to Rio a long time ago. It's a relatively simple dish -- freshly made bread + ham + cheese + tomato + cooked on a hot plate, served with coffee or some other hot drink -- but it was something I really enjoyed starting the day with. How about that?

    • Do you mind if that doesn't actually happen until like 5 in the evening?
    I am ... not sure how much of a surprpise that would be or if I'm even in bed at 5 in the evening but I think it would still appreciate you doing something like that for me regardless. I might poke fun at you for it though. <3

    • Is breakfast the meal in the morning, or the meal after you wake up?
    If you ask my mother she'd tell you it's the meal in the morning because that's when you're supposed to have breakfast but taken literally it is the meal in which you 'break' the 'fast' usually undertaken by resting, so it is by definition the latter.

    Eat breakfast kids. It's good for you.

    • Now that I think about it, doesn't aquawaffle have breakfast in bed every morning?
    ... god dammit ame.

    • Is this too many questions?
    if you wanted thorough answers within a reasonable timeframe, probably.

    otherwise I don't think they're too many questions ... though that you're having to ask if it's too many questions means you might be running out of creative steam so who knows, it could be.

    • What do you think would bother me most about living with you?
    As much as I'd love to pour out self-depreciating comments into this question's answer, it's probably fairest to say that if I ever downswing far enough that dealing with my depression becoming a chore would probably become something that you resent me for.

    • What do you think will bother you most about living with me?
    I don't think it would be the case because you seem to be doing better but I would be lying if I said something other than your forgetfulness reaching a point where it becomes grating to me. I suspect that would be the most prominent thing at a glance.

    • Will you judge me if I sound like a cat trouncing on a piano when I'm trying to learn new songs?
    I'll judge you quietly but outwardly continue to be supportive and see if there's some way I can help with what you're doing probably.

    • Would you look at your partner's phone if you suspected they were cheating on you (in a non-poly relationship)?
    ugh... I feel like I really wouldn't want to, I might occasionally glance at someone's phone when they're texting literally in front of me but I have a tendency to stray from using other people's phones at all unless it was back in grade school where I desperately needed to call my parents for a ride and even then it was take the phone, make the call, hand the phone back immediately. There would probably have to be a really serious point for me to take it that far and I might consider it if I felt like I was pushed to that extend though I would much prefer to hear the truth from the person I was involved with even if painful.

    • Dogs or cats?
    Damn, I like both of these tbh and for different reasons too :c

    I guess if I really had to pick one for myself I'd go for a well-behaved cat? If they mostly take care of themselves and act cute and can be played or cuddled with on occasion without shedding absolutely everywhere that would be ideal. As much as I adore huskies and would enjoy playing with and walking one, I feel like they're more prone to aggravating minor allergies via licking me than a cat would be? Hard to say for sure though but it's my best educated guess atm.

    • Chickens or squirrels?
    .... what kind of question... I don't ... know? I've been on a farm maybe a handful of times so chickens are ok. I'm not sure how I feel about your mom's squirrel fleet.

    • Parrots or... bats? Idk we dont really have bats anymore
    While in Brasil I actually did bond on some level with my aunt's parrot, Louro. I'd eat breakfast with him and the housekeeper daily in the very early hours of the morning. I occasionally enjoyed talking with him and petting him the few times he actually allowed it. He sings too, and on a few rare occasions I tried singing with him with mixed results. Not sure I'd actually get to somewhat hang out with the bat so I guess I'll take parrot on this question.

    • Do you care if i write on your cieling?
    that's not how you spell ceiling, pls do not write on ciel.

    I feel like it would largely depend on the contents of your writing but so long as that is acceptable I don't think I would take issue with you doing that, no. Can I write on yours?

    • Do you like scavenger hunts?
    I can appreciate scavenger hunts. I love adventure and hunts can be a fun way to enable that without it becoming life-threatening ... usually.

    Dan, I didnt even realize you were gone for a while lmao.

    don't worry that only moderately hurts my feelings

    How was this aforementioned trip you took btw?

    it was honestly amazing, I feel like I learned a lot from it and appreciate the experience it gave me.

    And are you going to answer my PM?

    I'll get to them, promise. Sorry it's taken me so long

    Welcome back btw :D


    how do you feel about missing my birthday >: (

    well I sure as hell feel like shit about it now ..... I thought I said happy birthday to you on the server :ccc

    I'll go look at the logs later if I get bored because I could have sworn I did ...

    A little girl kicks a soccer ball. It goes 10 feet and comes back to her. How is this possible?

    maybe she kicked it up an incline

    maybe she kicked it and it bounced off of something

    maybe she kicked it up into the air

    maybe she is from australia and this is some weird slang for boomerang I've never heard of

    maybe she kicked it a certain way such that it would have backspin and return to her

    maybe she's born with it

    maybe it's maybelline

    maybe I'm too tired for this shit

    A is the father of B. But B is not the son of A. Hows that possible?

    adoption? stepchild of divorced parents? some kind of sperm donor surrogate deal?

    .... B's the daughter isn't she.

    A rooster laid an egg on top of the barn roof. Which way did it roll?

    roosters .. don't lay eggs?

    A truck driver is going down a one way street the wrong way, and passes at least ten cops. Why is he not caught?

    uuuh maybe he's a ghoooooost truck driver


    .... idk man is it because the cops were all distracted by their donuts or something I don't got this one

  6. not very surprising.

    that's ... not a question also what do you mean not surprising???? I'm pretty surprised tbh

    Would you like to buy a shakeweight for five easy installments of $19.99?

    not even remotely, why am I paying almost 100$ for something I have no intention of using?

    How art thou?

    that is .... a difficult question to answer, honestly. I guess at present I'm doing sort of neutral since my mother's gone to sleep and the medicine I'm taking doesn't really bother me except I'm having that unfortunate circumstance where you can feel something in the back of your throat even though there's nothing there. so that sucks. no real immediate problems though. it's a quiet night with a cool breeze, so things are in a good place.

    Oh, hi Dan. Welcome back..I guess?


    Strangest thing to happen to you this year?

    uh well a cute girl I liked that I thought was a lesbian turned out to be much more -and- kissed me so I'll go with that.

    Dream Job?

    mmmm, I don't know. I struggle with far future things because I used to see myself in a house with kids and doing some generic 'computer job' living a happy family life but I wonder if that's truly fulfilling. the more I experience things though, the less certain I am about what my future is going to be like. I think that a job I might consider a dream job ends up being something vague like a job that I can do well and feel fulfilled in doing that makes me happy/that I'm happy to do. I used to think that would be game design but I would need to get past a lot of personal problems for that to have any chance at reality. sort of roundabout but hopefully that's a sufficient answer.

    Favorite Pokemon?

    I tend to default to deoxys or mew or zygarde for this question, because I don't really have a favorite Pokemon, I just think a lot of them are cool and it tends to be in flux depending on the media. as a general rule I usually like strong Pokemon because I feel like that's the kind that coolguy main character me would use or something, idk.

    Least Favorite Pokemon?

    huh. I don't really have a default answer for this because I don't really have a least favorite, similar to the above. I can't think of any Pokemon that I significantly dislike because I can recognize merits in many of them, but I think my future default will have something to do with the weird zygarde formes. why do the cells exist tbh.

    Favorite Animal?

    Continuing the above trend but this time with animals!

    I like white bengal tigers though, they're beautiful but also deadly. powerful yet graceful. plus they're also cats.


    Never had any pets since growing up I had lousy allergies to cats and dogs. despite having taken many, many shots for those and the allergies being much less apparent now I never got a pet anyway. seems like an awkward time in my life to get one right now tbh.

    Biggest Fear?

    Failure. that everything I've worked for crumbles, that everything I've done doesn't mean anything, that I'm not capable enough to conquer the problems in my life, that I'm not strong enough to protect those whom I care the most about.

    ._. sigh dan

    what :c

    it seemed like a good idea at the time.....

    What brought you into the community in the first place?

    I stumbled onto the game whilst playing a bunch of fangames and tooling around with rpgmaker xp during college classes instead of doing the responsible thing of, y'know, paying more attention. Over time I enjoyed the game and lurked the forums, but I noticed that Amethyst was constantly talking about how she was going to wait for "maruno" to fix things. I'm a computer science major with a little bit of programming experience from my classes and a little bit of experience with rpg maker from tooling around out of boredom, so I considered contacting her to see if I could help her with what had quickly become my favorite fangame. Unfortunately for me, when poking around the site, I accidentally changed my theme to the mobile theme and discovered I couldn't change it back .... so I had to contact ame about it. After she helped me sort that out I asked her about helping, showing her that I made a rudimentary NPC that could detail hidden power types. It took a bit of convincing but eventually she allowed me to help her with small things and so I became a part of the community. Many of you know the rest of that story.

    Favourite aspect of the community?

    I'm ... okay we did the thing about favorites but I've been sitting here staring at this question and I don't even know how to answer it so it's going to be really off the cuff. I guess the best thing I can think of is that it's heartwarming to see so many people who are willing to help others even if it doesn't benefit them. It takes more than just good intentions to successfully help others and sometimes those with good intentions can do a lot of harm without meaning to, but it's important to recognize the positive intentions of others because it is from these good intentions that sometimes good help can bloom.

    Can I get a raise?

    I'll consider it, you probably deserve one. I hear you've been doing well.

    gonna go ahead and post this because I'll probably spend the rest of the night on ame's list.... sigh

  7. i dont know what to write in this thread

    ame said i should post the thread like this though, idk

    i was going to write about how i sort of poofed for awhile

    and maybe give context or explain about me but now this is all you get i guess.

    ask me .... anything?

  8. As I kick back and relax during the summer months, I try to enjoy the warmth of the outside during good days though I've grown a bit light sensitive from all of my time sitting in front of my laptop within the cave that is my room, taking care of reborn-related things. I have a dozen or so sunglasses though, and I had a curious thought the other day.... what better way to share summery party cheer than by shoving a bunch of sunglasses into your faces???



    [please contain your excitement and enjoy responsibly]

    (sorry I got bored again)

    (I'll try to make it a regular occurence)

    The wintery hatfests seem to be repeatedly successful, so I figured with the onset of our summer party it's only fair to let you guys have some avatar fun for this part of the year too!! Shout out to Pocky for putting the idea in my head, show him some love.

    Okay! With that cat out of the bag, same rules as the wintery hat threads apply, spreading summer cheer is the mainstay so anyone who wants to participate is welcome to. Toss your avatar in the thread and let's get this summer party going!

  9. Almost a year ago now, I wrote a communique to the community regarding spoilers. Some of you might remember it, others less so and some of you might not even have been here yet when that was written!

    In that writeup, I made special mention of much of the media created by the community over the lifetime of the game -- sketches, sprites, fangames, you name it -- in terms of how amazed at the myriad of different works produced we were. With the fangames having their own home in the Exposé, it seemed that the previously mentioned media was missing its own permanent home, so in order to give it a place to stay and open the door to more member-created creative content, we've turned the creative writing forum into the creative works subforum!

    It'll take a bit of time to get the updates to the tagging system in place and adapt to it but I'm confident that the same members capable enough to make the incredible creative works to warrant the forum's change can manage. I'm eager to see what the community's continued creativity can craft so feel free to keep sharing your writing and welcome new pieces of community music, artwork or other forms of media!

    (I kept forgetting to post this oops)

    • Upvote 7
  10. ... I get that it's Survival and all, but we still need a way to get food and heal our Pokes.

    EDIT: We can't obtain or Heal our pokes, it's broken.

    Well that obviously shouldn't be like that so I'll look into it but I can't reproduce it. Works for me :x

    It's probably just spawn protection, so I'll move the spawn and that should fix it.

    edit: fixed.

  11. Greetings Reborn people who haven't yet ousted me for a lack of forum presence! (oops)

    I bring to you news of that thing you voted for sometime last month!

    Details are as follows:

    Generous gesture from a friend of the community has us on an available game server which we've setup to use the latest (at the time of this writing) Forge server and Pixelmon versions which has been paid for the year. It is just a basic Forge server with Pixelmon and 1 plugin (a neat haunted towers one) enabled at the moment with potentially more customizations to come in the future if it's desired.

    Getting started:
    Those of you who have never played Pixelmon before, you have 2 solid options for getting set up.

    The easier method is navigating over to the downloads section on the main Pixelmon site and check out the standalone Pixelmon launcher [there's a good post with closer details on installation over on the wiki site!].

    Those of you who don't want to use the Pixelmon launcher have to take a few more steps but I'll include this one because I don't really like the launcher yet myself:
    Download one of the Pixelmon cores from the downloads (don't run it though, just leave it as-is!) and be sure to get a copy of the Minecraft Forge installer for 1.8.9 over on their site [as a note, the Pixelmon launcher uses Forge version]. Run the Forge installer and choose the "client" option and then toss the Pixelmon core you downloaded earlier into the "mods" folder in your Minecraft install directory.

    Once you've done so you're all set to go!

    Start up Minecraft, go to multiplayer and connect to the new server @

    I'll put this page up alongside the other Minecraft server as this server is not replacing the current one but is going up alongside it. :D

    We hope you enjoy it!

    If you have any questions or comments (or are mad at me for lack of forum presence oops) or want me to elaborate on any confusion you might have in getting set up feel free to let me know! I'll be on the server tonight as always so you can let me know there or in this thread. Going to add this information onto the minecraft page on the main site as well in a bit, bear with me until then.

  12. On a cooold winter's morning, 353 days ago, one man sought to bring hats the the people out of sheer boredom and an enjoyment for spreading holiday spirit in a fun little way....

    Now, he returns.

    Ladies and gentlemen and persons of unspecified genders, I am proud to bring to Reborn.....


    [please contain your excitement and enjoy responsibly]

    This bad boy was so successful last year with a bunch of people posting in the thread and having a wonderful time celebrating the holidays so it only makes sense to start the winter hype train up again! This year we're bringing it back and I'm hoping to go bigger and better than ever. :)
    (As a note, I do still have almost of last year's hatted avatars that I worked on, they're still in a folder with me - if you really want one of those I might have yours so feel free to ask!)

    Anyone who wants to chime in and hat people is more than welcome to and I may add a small tutorial using free online tools and resources so that anyone can participate if they'd like to!! #NoHatLeftBehind -- have no fear if you're feeling left out, all are welcome in #THEHATTENING2015! Just post your avatar in this thread so someone can suit you up!

    ... may have gotten my toes stepped on a little bit by godot, but ....
    With all that stuff out of the way, let the #THEHATTENING2015 officially begin!

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