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Posts posted by Reese

  1. Pretty solid counters with the Ludicolo and the Darmanitan. I prefer stone edge over u-turn but I guess it's preference. A banded garchomp will be outsped by many ice types, so be wary of a weavile with ice punch or anything with ice beam, like the occasional dragonite. You have plenty of bulky physical defense walls, but your Sp. Def is lacking, mostly through Garchomp and Gliscor's 4x weakness to ice. Forretress doesn't have any recovery other than held items, so I would presume left overs > berries, but overall pretty good Sun.

  2. Never thought about a Heatran with a grass gem, flash fire on a fire team is rarely going to be used, but is useful in a way. If you could draw out a fire attack it would be better, but compared to flame body, and if put against a physical fighting attacker ~may~ have a chance to burn him and cripple him for the future

  3. Hey, my name's Reese and I've been playing PO in Reborn server for about two years now, but I'm just now making a forum post.

    My favorite game would have to be Platinum, as I enjoyed it to the fullest extent, while the game I had the most fun playing was Sapphire, as it was a challenge as a kid. I'm finally going to get around to challenging the Reborn league I guess. I love weather teams as well, sandstorm being my favorite!

    I don't use Excadrill though so it's okay

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