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Posts posted by Bereft

  1. Alright, I've got it. You two have to get in a huge argument, start a battle, and end up killing each other in it. It's perfect. :P

    Sounds alright to me, but Squad 3 still isn't done beating the conclave mother, huh?

    And, by the way, I would like someone to take my Espeon, Pearl. I don't wanna kill HER off, just me.

  2. Squad 3

    Suddenly, a Crowd of Church of Dawn members gathered around us.

    "Ay, Pearl? You feel that, too?"

    Pearl yelped in confirmation. What did we feel? Passion, the fire that allowed us to fight at our best. Pearl's sphere began to glow, showing that she was ready to take on anyone who stepped forward.

    "Who's first?"

    A young girl stepped forward, seemed to be the youngest of the group.

    "I won't lose!" She threw her pokeball in the air and a white gleam shown from the capsule. "Vileplume. go!" The flowery petals shined as it let out it's cry. "Stun Spore!"

    I was confused. What was she doing?

    "You know you shouldn't do that..."

    Pearl's pelt began to glow and the powder began to solidify. Suddenly, it darted back at the Vileplume, crippling it on contact. "WHAT?!"

    "Ever fought against Magic Bounce? You've got a lot to learn, little girl..."

    She began to get angry, "You're WEAK! We'll destroy YOU! Vileplume, use Solarbeam!" The Vileplume began to charge it's attack. The air around the flower petals began to glisten and a white orb appeared within the the stigma. "NOW!" The vileplume pushed forward to fire the attack, but it fell to the ground." "NO WAY!" The Vileplume lay in agony.

    "Your Vileplume is paralyzed. May we put it out of it's misery?" I looked down at Pearl. "Psyshock." Purple particles appeared around Pearl, then quickly struck the Vileplume. One hit was enough to make it faint; However, multiple Psyshocks began to strike the Vileplume.

    "Pearl, what the hell are you doing? The thing is done." Pearl wasn't listening, however. She wanted the kill and nothing was going to stop her.

    "Please, stop." The young girl cried out. "You've won, just stop..."

    But I was no longer in control. The Vileplume would die, it was inevitable.

    "PLEASE! Why won't you guys help me?!"

    The crowd of Church Members just sat there, they didn't want to interfere. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. I could feel the fear emanating from them. None of them wanted their pokemon to experience the same fate.

    "Spare us, please..." She was now crying, begging for this nightmare to end. I couldn't allow someone to feel the same hurt I had felt.

    "Pearl, return." Whether she wanted to or not, I pulled her back into her ball. The damage she had done was enough.

    "Now, you children better run along..."

  3. To Bereft and Pokelord, please post sometime this week, I'd like to get a move on (i think we're the farthest behind of the groups) i dont wanna kill you guys yet.

    Well, the only problem with the "Working together" part is it is going to be a little weird to execute in posting. Reading everyone else's it seems that they are doing 1 on 1. If we are to do this, Pokelord has to be on. I'll post first, but I just wanted to let ya know

  4. Pokemon Amie is actually very helpful when you are still going through the story. Full hearts allows your pokemon to dodge attacks (Even swift) increases exp earned, Sometimes they can survive fatal attacks, status problems may disappear and critical hits are easier to come across. I made all of my starting 6 pokes have full affection and they were lvl 90 by the time I met Looker

  5. Squad 3

    I see, so everyone is gloating about their abilities overlooking Pearl's.

    "Listen, put me and Pearl on the front. Though she is a special attacker, she has access to the move Psyshock and her impressive ability Magic Bounce takes any type of status and entry hazard and throws it back at the enemy." Pearl waived her tail. I couldn't help but smile. "Not to mention she has an impressive moveset with great type coverage. We can take on anything, trust me." I looked at my teammates, awaiting their response...

    BTW, Mega-Evos allowed? Because Mega Gardevoir is a MONSTER!

  6. Squad 3

    I looked down at Pearl and she looked back at me. She was the only one who was there with me when it all happened. It was the day that she got those scars...

    "My Lady, mother of my child, Solara; she was a beautiful woman and an exceptional trainer. Her Gallade was an incredibly strong fighter, Pearl and I never won a battle against him and her. It's strength combined with her knowledge was an unrivaled combination. I didn't believe there was anyone who could best them.

    Until, until Dawn showed up.

    It was about a year ago-

    On the day that my daughter was born.

    Diamond. I always thought it was a beautiful name." My eyes began to gloss over, but I couldn't cry.

    "Dawn came for her. Alone. I thought she was crazy and I wished to take her on myself, but Solara was so confident in her abilities. As was I. We called our pokemon from their capsules and Dawn chuckled in amusement. Solara, however, wasn't amused. It was then that she showed a purple pokeball I had never seen, within, Arceus."

    Pearl cringed at the mention of the name.

    "Judgement. That attack lay waste to Gallade and the area around us. Solara became motionless. I had never seen such raw power and ruthlessness. It was then that Pearl and I retaliated, but we were no match alone." I stared at Pearl's many scars.

    "Judgement, she called once more, but this time aimed at Solara and I. After, I came to in a dying field alongside Pearl. She took so much from me that day and I-I was powerless to stop her." I clutched my fist.

    "I know they are alive. I just know." Pearl sensed my emotion and yelled.

    "As for Dawn, I will rip her apart with my own hands...PIECE BY PIECE!" I felt a rush of anger, but now wasn't the time to unleash it. I'll save it for Gardenia. She'll be the first...

  7. Welcome and don't feel too shy about asking questions here. We'll be glad to help you with any trouble you have during the game. After all, this is the most difficult Pokemon game I've ever played

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