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Posts posted by Kingd353

  1. If you post your save file here, someone could look into it.

    And i think i've seen that bug before... hmm.

    Post your save here while i go look for bugs that look like this one.

    how do i find what folder hte save data is in? i can get the save data easily through my windows search function but the problem is it doesn't say what folder the data resides in so even if it's fixed i can't return the fixed data to the right spot....

  2. i ran into quite a unique glitch during one of my episodes of my pokemon reborn lets play i thoguth maybe it would autimaticly fix itself once i download episode 13.... i was wrong.... so here's the glitch near the end of the video i'll be posting under this for no reason i start losing hte ability to jump onto the mini stone pillar platform things in the annoying crustle puzzle and needless to say i can't exactly get past without doing it

    help please x.x i don't want to start over! plus this is my only lets play that gets views >.>

  3. you know i was playing episode 12 today (yes i know i'm late) and terra is fucking awesome ^^ infact... most of the gym leaders are awesome! infact.... i wanna be friends with them! hey any gym leaders who see this (gossip gardevoir included) would you like to be my friends? also so that this isn't a useless thread to everyone else lets whee who everyone's favorite gym leader is ^^ post your favorites below so we can make the unpopular gym leaders cry ^^ except shelly if you guys make her cry i'll have to eat your souls ^^

  4. Ok... so this is my kingdom... interesting... anyway, Although it's probably too late for me to do so i guess i'll plead my case for why i want you guys to vote for me as your leader, since lets face it no one here knows me...First i'd like to start by saying i've been a competative battler since the middle of gen 5. I don't know if that's considured long or not but i do have some experiance and just to elaborate no i didnt' start playing in gen 5 i started playing back in gen 3. I just became competative in gen 5. I have a youtube channel if you want to evaluate my skill for yourself. Although i will admit it's not some of my best work on my channel i guess that's the only real proof i have of my skill level.. I'm also very experianced using the psychic and fairy types although i don't have much proof of that on my youtube channel x.x I'm gonna be frank with you guys i've always wanted to be seen as a leader i've always wanted a chance for people to trust in me and for me to be able to play a big role and i just feel with these whole pokenations and me fancying myself a king this is just a fitting place for me to try to be a leader so yeah.... I guess that's all i have to say so that's why i hope you'll vote for me to be our leader

  5. It's not a puzzle in the building. Once you beat Fern on Route 1, you go back to where Saphira was and go to the left, from there you jump some ledges and begin the most hellish Strength puzzle on Earth for a Solosis and the Yureyu key needed in Shade's gym for getting Rotom.

    EDIT: ninja'd...

    i see... i most likely won't do that until i get an editor since for it to be a professional how to video i have to show where i got the key to rotom in hte same episode that i show rotom and no i'm not gonna walk all the way from the puzzle to shade's gym in that hellish lag in a youtube vid

  6. Good luck with this, too far in the game unfortunately. I'm about to start a new run tho soon. Also, will you update the vids for encountering certain event pokes?

    Just remembered the Yureyu Puzzle. oh god.

    i haven't decided if i'm gonna do event pokes yet... maybe i will i say maybe because i don't like the hide and seek missions especially with reborns lag plus i don't know how to get all the event pokemon so is it safe to assume since you're starting over that you'll post your save file before some puzzles for me? also what yureyu puzzle? i don't recall there being a puzzle in the yureyu building

  7. Ok people, ok. Let's not get into stupid fights over what another person said. Y'all can take that shit to PM. I swear, some people are so damn sensitive... Some people can be sarcastic, no reason to hop on their throat for one small annoyance to you. The wording of the Arceus cult puzzles was easily misunderstood to be a possible insult. Pointing that out isn't a reason to snap either. Simple typos happen to all of us. Whether you want to take them as a personal threat or not is up to you even though it is highly ridiculous. Just calm down please.

    Anyway, the closest I am to a puzzle is the Logic puzzles at Citae Arc D'Astrae, but even then, I haven't even defeated Cain at Radomus' gym.

    awesome when you reach the puzzle remember to upload your file here for me buddy ^^

  8. To be fair Ark, I was being sarcastic, but the reason I can't take this guy seriously is that every post he makes looks a paragraph of texting. I'm sorry but it's aesthetically annoying bro, I can't help this minor OCD.

    If you want to make YouTube helpful videos, more power to you man.

    "shrugs" sorry if my typing bugs you bro but this is just how i type when i'm relaxed always has been always will be although you really shouldn't let how someone types alter how seriously you take what they say... you should take everyone seriously taking them less serious over typing or talking habbits is just rude... what if i was someone out of country? or if my punctuation keys were broken? just saying try not to do that man... it's not right... no offense

  9. Just how do you know he's being sarcastic?

    Don't attack Christians as an attempt to relate them to the Arceus Cult.

    Lastly, please read over what you post. Typos happen to all of us, but leaving out punctuation, improper spelling, and generally difficult-to-understand sentences will turn most people away before they realize what you're implying in the thread.

    ok first of all i am christan -_- i'm not trying to insult anything ALL religions have extremest of some kind shape or for NO religion is flawless and arceus is pokemon god so since i'm a christan i like god to jehovah you have a problem with that then it sucks to be you >.>

    secondly i know he's being sarcastic because it's extremely obvious..... there is literally no reason to go "oh i'm sure you and him were real tight" unless you're being sarcastic about it and if he isn't being sarcastic about it i'm sure he's capable of telling me that himself

    finally if you have a problem with my typing i'm sorry but this isn't some english essay i want to relax while typing on the internet so i'm not gonna go rereading for periods if that bothers you.. well all i can really say is sorry ther

  10. KingD, what about the tile puzzles? Like the 4 in Agate Circus, the one in the flower shop, and the one in the candy shop?

    thanks for the reminder rose since those puzzles aren't time based i don't need seperate files for those so i'll make sure to make videos for them as well

    I'm sure you were real tight with Nickaboo lol. :rolleyes:

    if you're not here to help please go away the point of this post is for me to finish nickaboo's how to series not for you to make sarcastic remakrs about how i am or am not his friend

  11. today i learned how to make multiple game files in reborn and then i remembered a while back before going to mexico my friend nickaboo had asked that one of his friends continue the reborn coverage that he started while he was gone well now that i have recording software am lets playing reborn and know how to use multiple save files i'm gonna go ahead and finish his reborn how to series why am i posting this here? simple i'm not playing through this game a third time -_- so i wanted to ask if you guys could give me your save files right before certain puzzles so i can make videos on how to pass said puzzles

    off the top of my head the puzzles i need save files right before are

    radimus's chess puzzle

    pokemon cage puzzle

    poke-christian cult gate thingy

    if there are any other puzles that come to mind that i may have forgotten feel free to remind me of them keep in mind i'm only doijng the puzzles nickaboo hasnt' so please don't name off puzzles that nickaboo has already done videos on

  12. 1, whatever gastly you want (male or female) i can give it to you. Your choice.

    2, it's free. I got almost 75 powerful-breeded-perfect moveset-almost perfect IVs-flawless EV train-pokemons on my save file. So whatever you can give me, i'll take it :v :v :v (please, do not Sunkern, and that's fine)

    EDIT: oh yeah, my save file got almost 600 hours in-game, so....

    o.o damn...... remind me to bug you if i need more bred pokes lol anyway i'd like the female one name it kiki please (if you're wondering why it's because the gastly in game took the form of kiki so i think it's fitting

  13. ok cool but he says in his explination that we need to decide on the trade before contacting him and there are 2 thigns we havne't decided yet 1. witch gastly will you give me? and yes it does matter because i name all of the pokemon i get so i'll need you to name the gastly you give me and 2. what do you want for it exactly?

    Dark pulse??? have you ever see a moveset with both Dark Pulse and shadow ball?? both can super eff against Ghost and Psychic. so awful.

    Dban1 is the guy who can trade pokemons from one save file to another. You can read here. I can trade this Gastly for you through his process:

  14. yeah, totally agree with this :v :v :v

    i use Gengar with this moveset: Sludge Bomb and Shadow Ball for STAB, Thunderbolt for coverage, and Destiny bond :v

    after killing one or even 2 of gym leader's pokemons, he will drag another one with him to the grave with DB with ease (being too fast). That's how it role my mate :v. Without this moveset- stick with Gardevoir -_-

    EDIT: and Azery.... i'm not quite sure about that nick name you give me, but....ok i accept it anyway :)))))))

    EDIT 2: ok, when breeding my Gengar, i got 2 more Gastly with good IVs and Thunderbolt and Sludge Bomb already, if you don't want to waste time to breed, just contact Dban1 and i can trade one of these 2 to your save file for free -_- (like i said, i got one already). And they got Modest nature, the only thing you need is a link stone -_-)

    um.... 2 questions 1. who's dban1? 2. how can i trade you? last i checked reborn doesn't have a save system...

    I'm fairly sure that Gengar/Haunter learns Dark Pulse and Dream Eater upon levelling up?

    dark pulse has the same type coverage as shadowball and hypnosis is wildly inaccurate so i don't want to rely on it to be able to use dream eater

    Eh, when I got to the point that I could get it, I already had a Gardevoir who does everything that Gengar can do without having to breed for moves or drop a Link Stone on it. I mean, Gengar's faster and hits a little harder, but Gardevoir's fast enough after being EV trained, and can actually take some special hits as well.

    If you're willing to breed moves on it, Gengar can be more useful; but if you don't want to breed or use a Link Stone, just use Gardevoir

    i'm trying to use pokemon i havne't used to often and i use gardevoir ALOT!

    It's a Gengar. It's a ghost with levitate and high speed and special attack. Does it even need more use or am I missing something here?

    type coverage my friend....

    Gengar's got a ton of use, yo! He can still get Thunderbolt, Sludge Bomb, Destiny Bond, and a ton of other usable moves. You've just gotta not be a lazy shit and breed them onto him.

    did you really have to call me a lazy shit? was that really nessesary? >.>

  15. i just went thourght the most annoying series of battles ever to findally get the final member to my reborn team gastly only to find out that my gastly apparently can't learn sludge wave... and now my head hurts.... guys... please for the love of all that is holy.... please tell me i didnt' waste all that time on a pokemon who's only special attacking move is gonna be shadow ball >.> does gengar have any real use in reborn other then being your residental shadowballer?

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