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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Fezzdog

  1. My Steam Deck arrived earlier yesterday and the first thing I set about doing was getting Pokemon Reborn working on it.


    At first I tried running it through Windows not realising Reborn has had a proper Linux release since I last downloaded the game in forever ago but directional inputs were very finicky, I suspect as a result of Windows also eating up inputs at the same time.


    This is being written for Reborn Ep 19.16, Rejuvenation V13.0.5 and SteamOS version 3.2 Build 20220526.1; I have ZERO experience with Linux and this stuff is going to be pretty easily placed together by a competent Steam Deck user but I'm not one of those and I didn't see any guides out there so I went ahead and wrote one for dummies like me. While a USB-C hub connected to a mouse + keyboard are convenient, they’re not necessary.



    1. Switch to Desktop Mode. Open up your web browser and download the Linux version of your game to a folder somewhere accessible and easy to remember.


    2. Extract your newly downloaded zip.

    For Reborn:
    Open the updater file, click install game. After finishing the download, it’ll give you a warning to extract the core-lnx.zip. Do so. I un-checked the extraction into subfolder option here. You can over-write any files it asks you to, but I found that all the new files are the same ones as the old ones anyways so it shouldn’t matter.

    For Rejuvenation:
    Nothing extra needs to be done.


    3. Still in Desktop Mode, open up Steam. Click on Add A Game -> ‘Add a Non-Steam Game...’ on the bottom OR Games -> Add a Non-Steam Game to My Library on the top row.

    For Reborn:
    Click browse and head to your installation folder. Change file type on the bottom to ‘All Files’ and click on Game.AppImage (NOT Game.exe) and then open. Add Game.AppImage as a selected program.

    For Rejuvenation:
    Click browse and head to your installation folder. For some reason I couldn’t see any of the files in here through Steam’s file browser so I had to manually type in mkxp-z.Appimage and then hit open. Add mkxp-z.Appimage as a selected program.

    OR you can also add anything as a Non-Steam Game for this step and then change its target to the file in the gear settings if you find that’s more convenient.


    4. Switch to Gaming Mode and if you head to your library you’ll see Game.AppImage or mkxp-z.Appimage in your Non-Steam games. Select it, open up its Settings with the gear icon -> Properties and you can change its name at the top from Game.AppImage to Pokemon Reborn or Rejuvenation.


    5. Game should be launchable at this moment. If it’s not, maybe try launching the Game.AppImage or mkxp-z.Appimage file up in Desktop Mode first and then launch it in Gaming Mode. Before we fiddle around with gamepad controls to make the game properly playable there are some things you will want to be aware of.


    I’ve only really tried out Reborn so far but these should all apply to Rejuvenation as well. So as of Reborn Ep 19.16:



    To input text for naming things you can open up the SteamOS virtual keyboard by pressing the STEAM button + X at the same time. If we were to follow Steam Deck Verified status conventions this would fall under:

    ! Entering some text requires manually invoking the on-screen keyboard !

    The ENTER key on the SteamOS virtual keyboard will not work when inputting text for names. I worked around this by changing one of my back grip buttons to Enter instead.
    EDIT: If your Steam + X is not opening up your virtual keyboard for whatever reason, you'll have to dedicate a button to opening up your keyboard. Cheers to u/ReadinBeforeMemin on Reddit for bringing this to my attention.

    Non-rebindable keys are M (or Alt) for Turbo and F12 for soft-resetting. You may want to set these to your back grip buttons. If you do set a button for soft-resetting you will also want to change it to a Long Press input and change the Long Press Time in its settings to something longer so you don’t accidentally tap it and soft-reset when you don’t want to.


    My current layout is L4 = M for Turbo, L5 (hold for 3000) = F12 for Soft-Reset, R4 = ENTER, and R5 = SHIFT. I think I’ve managed to share mine as a community layout so if you head to the top option that says something along the lines of ‘Gamepad with Joystick Trackpad’ and scroll over to community layouts you should be able to download it. (somebody verify this for me?)


    6. For Performance settings it’s really up to you. I’m using Nearest as my Scaling Filter only because it’s giving me a longer battery life. Turning off the Framerate Limit lets you zoom around at full speed on Turbo but I also do like having it set at 60 for tighter movement. Might be worth wiggling about with the Screen Size in the game's Options menu as well.



    To find your previous save data they will be located at:
    Windows: C:/Users/[Your User Name]/Saved Games/Pokemon Reborn/Game.rxdata
    Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Pokemon Reborn/Game.rxdata
    Linux: ~/.local/share/Pokemon Reborn


    Using the ‘Open Save Folder’ option in-game will not open up your save folder on Steam Deck.
    You will probably need to type this address in to your file browser as the folders are hidden by default. Don't forget STEAM button + X = SteamOS Virtual Keyboard.

    The save folder will be at:
    /home/deck/.local/share/Pokemon Reborn
    /home/deck/.local/share/Pokemon Rejuvenation

    You will probably need to type this address in to your file browser as the folders are hidden by default. Writing this twice because someone will ask and have skipped past the first bolded message.

    If you changed your username from ‘deck’ in the User settings on your Steam Deck then change /deck/ to /[Your User Name]/.

    Copy and paste your save data into these folders.


    (OPTIONAL) Changing Artwork

    Non-Steam games will look pretty ugly in your library with a blank background. We can change some of that. This should work for any Non-Steam games you have although you're better off changing them through an automated tool if you're ever thinking of setting your Deck up as an emulation station.


    1. Find suitable pictures to put into Steam. You can download these from https://www.steamgriddb.com/ or find them yourself.

    2. In Desktop Mode, open up Steam and find your game in the Library. Right-click the banner above the green Play button and change your banner and logo here.

    3. You can also change the Icon by going to Properties -> Shortcut and tapping on the blank box next to the name of your game.

    4. Change your horizontal grid by opening up Steam in Desktop Mode after launching your game at least once. Under the Recently Played tab in your library you can right-click the image and then Manage -> Change Custom Artwork. Change your vertical grid the same way but launch a different game first so it pushes Reborn to the right in the Recently Played category.


    My setup finished!



  2. So am I the only one really hype for Darklords? I played Chaos Darklords back in the good ol days and seeing them get new support actually good support unlike D-heroes makes me super happy to pick them up again.

    I think they're looking great so far. I used to run Zerato and Superbia with the Dark Creator in Norleras Turbo. The one thing I have trouble with the new support is that they're really deep-draw dependent with Cards of Demise. I've only tried the deck before their Monster Reborn and the newer Darklord that is SSable from hand have come out on Devpro though so I think they're going to get like 10x more consistent with these two.

  3. I'd join but one thing we'd have to decide is with which format and what platform you'd be playing on. DN and YGOPro's been shut down so that leaves us with Devpro and Salvation server and the thing about automatic dueling systems is that they usually follow OCG rulings (not necessarily banlists but obscure little mechanics you don't see everyday). I've got both (Salvation usually gets new cards faster) so I'm down for either.

    OCG + TCG, OCG only and TCG only are really different formats too so that would be another thing to decide. I think like everyone would be more used to TCG banlist or OCG + TCG lists now seeing as most DNers have moved to Devpro.

  4. The type that I think has the best overall card art is probably the Fiends but I have to hand it over to the Ritual Beast Tamers just because they're all cutie patooties.




    Otherwise my favourite one-off card would likely be Grandsoil the Elemental Lord. "A Wild Monster Appears!" really shows off how majestic he is and when he gets played properly can turn over games just like that. It's just a shame I don't get to run it often. Damn Konami ruining muh Earth decks grumble grumble...


  5. Man I am really getting sick and tired of TCG. Someone help me move to Japan so I can play crappy Metalphosis hybrids please because goddamn do I hate Domain Monarchs running rampant in unranked Devpro.

    I've been trying out some Gusto variants recently because I grew a bit nostalgic. I have yet to revive Dragunity Gusto but Metalphosis Gusto and Kaiju Gusto Sphreez OTK loop have been fun so far. Metalphosis Gusto bricks to no end like most Metalphosis hybrids and Kaiju Gusto often don't have the resources to get to the actual loop but they can hold out until you get the E-tele and recruiter in hand just by being a Kaiju deck.

  6. I'm currently building a Blue Eyes deck and an Atlantean deck, but I haven't played either one so I don't know if they are any good yet. (Blue Eyes probably will be good though, especially because of the new Rise of the True Dragons deck)

    Blue Eyes used to top a lot in the OCG because their top deck was Pendulum, but it's given way now. Blue Eyes is still a really good deck though for being non-meta.

    *Cough* Magic cylinder *Cough*

    Welcome~ And you can also tell a lot from a person if they buy the strongest deck, those are normally the people who are WAYYY too into it to the point where they will want to win no matter what.... or they just really like the deck I don't know >->

    By the way how do you guys feel about people who literally look up decks and basically copy them and use them without editing them whatsoever?

    The meta decks have gotten pretty cheap with the new Gold packs afaik. Neither of Kozmo or Monarchs need to invest in a wallet-heavy extra deck so I can see why people are favouring them.

    Honestly I feel netdecking is fine; they're either putting them up for rate/fixing or for others to learn the archetype so either way you're going to be testing their build out.

  7. Have you heard SkiSonic's casting? He may play the game but my god is he wrong with just about every other thing that he says.

    lol okay that's fair, but Skisonic plays the game at least.

    Ultra Chen is my favorite caster pair for watching streams for SF and MvC, they've been doing it since before I came into the FGC scene back in 2010, Mike Ross is also good as a caster.

    Mike Ross' style is pretty different to UltraChen though. Mike Ross has always been the entertainment colour caster while UltraChen are usually the serious esports-type kind of commentating. If it was down to me, I'd probably go watch Combofiend if I had the choice because I'm less interested in the specifics and just looking for a good time with the FGC (and hot damn do I miss his Spencer). I think he did go for more of a serious approach with Evo this year which I feel is a bit of a shame though; his trash talk in MvC used to be real fun. FGC's growing up I guess. For the casual streams bring on drunk Floe any day of the week.

  8. Ultra David is also very much like these guys, but he opted to be part of the crowd during top 8 this year instead of casting (probably just missed the feeling). All of these guys have upped the quality of the games that I've watched and, to top it off, they actually play the game so they understand it.

    David casted MKXL Top 8 with Ares so I'd imagine that's why he wasn't doing Street Fighter. I have no idea which casters you've been watching in the past, all the casters in the FGC play the games they cast o.o Only disconnects I've seen in the FGC would be between the Anime, Smash and Traditional Fighters not knowing what the narratives are between communities.

  9. By the way, from what I watched of the Street Fighter evo: THEY NEED TO GET BETTER CASTERS GOD DAMN. All of the ones I watched were so shit. Quiet during the matches or talking about stupid jokes or memes and then in between matches promoting the living fuck out of chairs. But during matches? Nope can't commentate for shit.

    Seth Killian is usually the best hope for actual e-sports style casting, which is why he was on the ESPN stream. I didn't manage to check out the ESPN stream but I hear it went over pretty well. The thing that would put me off from the ESPN2 stream would be dumbing it down for the non-FGC audience. I don't remember if he casted pools or day 2, only people I remember being totally attentive to were Zhi & Skisonic. Zhi's usually okay but it felt like he was drunk this whole event or something. He probably went too ham on the drinks at BarFights lol

    Honestly, I thought Sajam and James Chen were pretty decent during Top 8.

  10. If you got that itch to spam synchros hard to go wrong with Dandywarrior Synchrons the O.G synchro spam

    I'm gonna disagree because when you're inexperienced with Synchrons things can go real wrong real fast haha. I've messed around with adapting the OCG Turbo builds where you make Trish and 3 Omega 1st turn a lot recently but I'd rather enjoy a game of Yu-Gi-Oh rather than let the opponent watch me play Synchro Solitaire with myself for 20 minutes. The only hand loop I enjoyed playing would be back when Gustkrake hand loop was in full force.

    Outside of the 3 Omega Turbo build I feel like Synchrons just fall flat once the things you've brought out are outed. You spend all these resources making a boss and once it's down you don't have anything left to work with seeing how they don't have the most decent grind game with Pot of Avarice gone and Jar of Avarice being a trap card (Konami pls have mercy on us).

    I did some experimenting with Houkai today and have been trouble getting it to work in hybrid. Duja eating up your normal summon hurts when I've been trying them with Symphonics and Resonators, and D/D/D Turbo OTKs faster than the hybrid does. Pure Houkai Crimson Nova Turbo has been fun (especially vs Blue Eyes players) but you do clog on some of the Emperors and Traps.

    I also tried updating my Symphonic Zefra deck now that Chicken Game + Upstart Hoban are gone and I have mixed feelings about it. My hands have been surprisingly workable but the same problems I used to have with the deck (so friggin weak to spell disruption) have gotten even worse without the consistency the Chicken Game draw engine gave. I've had to stuff in 3 Zefraniu and 2 more Micss which I'm inevitably going to brick with one day.

  11. need a synchro fix? I get mine playing D/D/D Houkai/Cubics

    I do have a D/D/D turbo deck but I actually have no idea how Houkai works. I've seen a Crystron Cubic hybrid once and it looked like you use Cubic Combination to float your monsters like a Reborn Tengu would? I'll have to check them out some time; the one thing that would put me off a little would be not getting any more support for them since the movie's been released.

  12. It does not. wynaut just use pot of greed I don't think you'd be drawing too much with this deck the draw power is non-existent but there is a spell that searches resonators so that's not bad and there's also a decent card you can use to synchro with

    Yeah, searchability was a big reason for why I used to run Resonators in the past. I haven't seen Red Rising Dragon before though and it doesn't look like it's out on Devpro yet so I have that to look forward to. It's a shame it can't make Crystal Wing, but Hot Red Dragon Archiend Abyss might make a decent substitute.

  13. I did buster blue-eyes synchro, the majority of both archetypes use level 1 light tuners which works really well together.


    I haven't actually used the red dragon archfiend support myself either but you can't deny how powerful the synchros are it's not even funny, they from what I understand utilize resonators to get out their synchros and it has an archetype specific draw card red dragon vase I think?

    I did run a pure Blue-Eyes deck for a bit but seeing them top consistently in OCG gave me the shivers (idk why I'm so averse to playing meta decks).

    Red Dragon Vase doesn't look too great of a card tbh.

    If you control a "Red Dragon Archfiend": Draw 2 cards. You cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters the turn you activate this card, and until the end of your opponent's turn after this card is activated.

    Condition makes it win-more and the restrictions hurt it way too much. I'd rather use Pot of Avidity over this 10/10 times.

    I did use resonators a lot in the past but I haven't found good synchro materials to use them with recently.

  14. The only synchro archetype I think I've used is Blackwings which are extremely fun in my opinion, they're also good for spamming rank 4's which is always good. I do however have a buster blader deck that's mostly synchro centric getting out king calamity is always fun it literally stops your opponent from playing, there is also a LOT of red dragon archfiend support including the recently announced red rising dragon which can get out abyss fairly easily or you could probably try and make a quasar deck, that's something I've always wanted to do but I have no idea where to start except the obvious quick synchron, level eater, junk warrior, formula synchron etc.

    Blackwings aren't turbo enough for me tbh, I've played the 2016 version with Raikiri and friends but they just don't go balls to the wall fast enough for me. I've tried Buster Blader too but that deck doesn't seem consistent enough for me either. It was an odd version though that used Mystic Piper and Last Strix. I honestly haven't tried Red Dragon Archfiend stuff outside of Resonators and quasar decks usually sacrifice too much to go into quasar who has sub-par protection. What would you suggest for the Red Dragon Archfiend stuff?

    EDIT: Guess I'll deck profile that odd Buster Strix deck.


    Looks like I did try a Dragunity Buster deck too but that didn't impress me much either.


    Also yeah, I really did love Chicken Game + Upstart Hoban combo T-T

  15. I've been trying to look for an archetype that fills my synchro vomit itch since the Dragon Ruler banlist. I ran with an Iron Chain D.D.R. deck at the time and I'm still trying to find ways to make it decent. The thing is that it needs to mill Iron Chain Coil first turn otherwise the deck just doesn't go off. Ever since Lavalval Chain got sent to the locker the deck hasn't been the same. Beatrice just isn't easy to make in a Level 7 synchro/xyz spam deck and 1 foolish just isn't enough. Scrap Recycler is another way to mill it but I've been stuck for options since the Nekroz era. I haven't found a deck that I've loved so much since.

    Nowadays I'm running a Mecha Phantom Karakuri Speedroid hybrid which on a good day ends up with a field of Crystal Wing and Hope Harbinger first turn. On a bad day I'm stuck with bad beaters with no protection. Chicken Game gone and Upstart being limited destroyed my Symphonic Zefra decks and I had hopes for Crystron before the spell/traps were announced, now I'm sitting here in synchro despair :C

    I have tried Metalphosis Yang Zings but it felt inconsistent and slow. Synchrons aren't really my flavour of deck either; just seems like they waste a lot of resources for not a lot of staying power. Superheavy Samurai were fun for a bit but the novelty wore off when I had no disruption. I tried a Sylvan deck which focused on searching Soul Charge with Left Arm Offering after using all your Lonefire but the Mecha Phantom Karakuri deck ended up being more consistent. Shiranui can't go off as hard as other synchro decks I've enjoyed; the grind game with Omega and Mezuki just doesn't appeal to me. The Synchro Fusionist Turbo wasn't something I was interested in either; I still want to play a game of yugioh lol

    I guess I'm just real picky with the decks I enjoy and Konami hasn't been fulfilling my wishes recently :C

    EDIT: This is what the Iron Chain deck looked like at its peak.


    Video just to highlight how it plays like (I do run some different techs though)

    This is what the Mecha Phantom Karakuri Speedroid mash looks like now


  16. Nice job all round

    Can I get the Grass theme with a side order of Whimsicott and Lilligant, and a Male Ace Trainer to go please:
    Shiny: No
    Icy Wind

    Shiny: No
    Wide Guard
    Ice Punch

    Shiny: No
    Draco Meteor
    Super Fang

    Shiny: No
    Giga Drain
    Ice Beam
    Fake Out

    Shiny: Yes
    Swords Dance
    Shadow Sneak
    Iron Head
    King's Shield

    Shiny: No
    Drain Punch
    Mach Punch
    Rock Slide
    Knock Off

  17. Lando-T is a point of reference

    It's not even a relevant frame of reference when you've given him a set based on checking a "threat" of which there is 0 possibility of seeing. Mega Sharp is a fair enough concern, but that might not even be a possibility either depending on bracket lists which afaik aren't released yet.

    You're looking way too much into what I'm saying. I'm not saying Lando-T will be a centralizing threat, nor am I saying that you shouldn't change the evs on the fly.

    That's fair enough, I'm sorry if I seemed hostile. What I'm saying is Lando-T isn't a threat at all.

  18. That's the absolute maximum speed that you need to stay relevant, hence why I suggested the change in the ev spread in the first place.

    That's not true though when Lando-T won't be seen at all during the League most likely. Actual threats you'd see to Volcarona I could imagine are Rock Polishers, Shell Smashers, and other Scarfers with Rock Slide. Nothing is as fast unboosted as the Scarf Lando-T in the monos that Volc would be able to outplay I don't think. Closest you'd get to Lando-T speed tier and relevancy-wise is likely a Scarf Primeape or Haxorus or Salamence with Rock Slide.

    What I'm saying is take each Leader at a time instead of slapping on an irrelevant EV set.

  19. For Volcarona, consider changing the EV spread to 72 HP / 252 SpA / 184 Spe, since this allows Volc to outspeed up to Scarfed Lando-T at +1 Spe while giving you a bit more bulk.

    You're not going to be facing Lando-T, only the Champion gets ONE legendary and I don't see it being Lando-T when the Ubers are accessible. Even in that case, EV spreads are changeable between leaders, so researching speed tiers and damage calcs within the monotypes as opposed to tiers would make more sense. Same with AV Serp, but I'm not too big a fan of AV Serp in general tbh.

    Absolutely agree with the Scizor pick-up and LO Drag being counter-intuitive though.

    I'd also maybe consider Heat Wave > Fiery Dance for the spread, but that +1 chance is nice too.

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