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Posts posted by ZoeticxTeikoku

  1. I really don't wanna drag this out, so I'll just finish this this and then not really respond. Remember, this is me personally! Feel free to have your own opinions you adorkable people you. I'm just putting down some facts and finishing with my thoughts! It's pretty long and kind rambly, so erm FEEL FREE TO SKIP IT.

    Books, movies, animes and mangas are not compairable to each other in my mind. Why? A book is varied in production time, depending on other muse and actual contract rate. (stephen king produced books like crazy, but some authors produce one book like every 2 years.) Movies are generally 2 hours to 3 hours of runtime, and production takes excessively long. mangas tend to be serial, and depending on the serial it's from one week to a month per 'chapter'. Books are generally compilation of chapters. (some manga aren't serial, I'm aware, but they still tend to function along that process.) and anime episodes are aproximately 22 minutes long per episode. Some are shorts, so those tend to be like 5-6 minutes. They are also serial themselves, and thus have to be made either ahead of time, or in the week that they have off.

    Now, considering they are different mediums, here's a few /key/ differences. A book writer writers the whole book, and then goes through an editor and publisher. A mangaka works on an issue, and then compaires notes with the rest of the team. Both of these methods are less human ressources involved, as generally it's one person's vision (or two if you have an artist/writer duo) and in the case of mangas, sometimes 2-3. Now, movies and animes requires much, MUCH more then that. Where as the previous two mediums are purely written or mostly written, they can still give out a wealth of detail that a purely visual/auditory medium cannot. Where as they might have a production time crunch, the consumer time-crunch is non-existant. It's not like a book will vanish if you don't read it in time. However, Animes and Movies have a lot more people working on them primarily and adaptations tend to be done with people other then the book/manga creator. Adaptations have to drop out details in order to present to you a visual and auditory experience. The experience has to last a certain amount of minutes, unlike a book/manga. Try reading 22 minutes of a book, and then putting it down. How much did you get? Due to all of the details, it would take forever if you read the book, once a week, for 22 minutes - and that's not even taking in reading speed. An adaptation has to take all of those details and materials, and then compress them into an interesting portrayal, and keep the main themes.

    With me so far? It's a bit lengthy but I'm getting there lol.

    Now due to the utterly different medium types, there's clearly a difference. In adaptations. it's safe to assume in all cases, that the source material has greater detail and impact. Simply because the medium that the original source material conveys that source material in the most appropriate manner for it. Anime only series that got a manga adaptation afterwards sometimes seem too rushed plot-wise to readers, but is in perfect balance anime wise. Or book-based animes seemed rushed and lack a lot of minor details. So on and so forth. What I find important, is to have the ability to seperate this - I've read the harry potter books, and then watched the movies. I wasn't going to spend those two-three hours bitching about how they forgot to actually show us certain details. I'd rather watch the movie for what they are - an adaptation, and look at what they did with it. Afterward, I can compare the two surely if I want to criticize, sure, but I could also just have enjoyed an alternate portrayal of something dear to me.

    For example: Dragonball Z movie? Remember that abomination? I disliked the movie itself, because it was shoddy and rushed, and just really didn't make sense. And then afterward, I realized how much they actually butchered from that series. Urg. But to finalize why I'm so staunch in this, it's mainly because to me, it shows a societical flaw. To use the expressions 'don't judge a book by it's cover' or the mentality of 'do not condemn the children for what their parents have done.' Because judging an adaptation as horrible compared to it's original source, is kind of beating the dead horse of common sense - yeah of course it wasn't going to be as good, and having all of the micro-details or small cues that you've come to expect off the original source. Also, judging a whole series on a component (LOOKING AT YOU TSUKIHIME ANIME) is just as dumb. I just feel like we should be less negative and more appreciative on the fact that it even exists. People launch complaints at creators all the time, and then that just stops them from making more. What if we get no more To Aru anime because people were complaining it didn't have novel level of detail? Us the people, cause a great effect on the creation of others even if we don't want to.

    I should totally make a thread about this. jeebus. I'm done now lol.

    also all kakines forever! idk I loved him despite only reading a wikipage lol

    and idk, I though the fillers worked well with each other in the series? For someone just watching the anime, the transition was pretty organic considering all the clues and hints through the anime itself. not like naruto where sasuke leaves the village and ten suddenly shows up for missions in episodes after? Like wtf was that shit.

    But yay, more To Aru things! I'll throw this question out there: Science or Magic?

  2. oh damn, I didn't get this hard of a welcome last time D: -shakes fist at the past- SLACKERS!

    @arkhidon: /breaks down that door too.

    @dark_stalker: awww, thank you hun, I hope you have fun here too!

    @TRH: DOORS ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN. Like buildings. Or People :D don't worry, you can just reparo it lol <3 ty for the welcome!

    @SkyRunner: hmmm pie. Wait did you say it's toxic!? I guess it's a deadly addiction hahahah/shot

    @Ikaru: /waves wand Reparo. There. /waits till they turn away and then breaks it down again. :D

    @deathoftheflamme: Thank you <3

    @mde2001: Thank you too <3

    @Sinikuro013: ahaha you too, thank you for the welcome /hands cookie


    @aquawaffle: ikr? next time I'll get a better door to replace it.

    @Ice Cream Sand Witch: oh lordie dat pun plz. Marry me for that. also don't tempt me I'm already craving ice cream D:

    @PBX5: NO U DAH BUTT /default setting. And Yes, yes it is. Debating on changing it, but I forgot what a wonderful gif this is.


    @InnocentBoy: shh, I put back a new - oh wait I broke it again DARN IT.

    @ExLink32: oh.... well here cookies? /shoves cookies at

    @Jacobliberator: HAHA TO SPACE!

    @Spark: can I get a refund on sanity so I can check it out again?

    Jeebus, didn't expect that many of you Arceus' flying butt! BUT THANK YOU BABUS now hopefully we all get to play around or something and erm erm...

    /turns everyone into magical girls/boys/non-binaries AWAY!

  3. #kakineftw

    I like 99% of the characters in to aru, so I can't really pick favourites. If I had to it'd proably be like Last order > Accelerator > Kanzaki Kaori > Mugino Shizuru > Kuroko > Touma. But even that's shaky lol.

    I've been out of the loop since the circles I run in don't like To Aru for some reason so sorry if I have outdated info probably orz

    And I could honestly talk for hours about how books, movies, anime and manga are honestly different and just it's a rant for another topic. Just to sumerize, I don't compaire the sources to each other because that's pretty much useless. Where as in a novel you get to have every described to you in words, an anime has to take those words and draw them. That and an anime is on a time crunch to be drawn, whilst a novel isn't on a time crunch to be read. /leaves that nugget there.

    I really, REALLY hope they do another season because it'd be nice to have a series with tons of seasons that isn't shit like naruto or bleach or one piece or a great big shounen. I like how, to stave off putting in fillers, they just do one of the side arcs - that's wicked. I hope they keep that model b/c that's how anime /should/ be done imo.

  4. Oh dear lord, I have too many op songs that I love to the point that I ended up just following a few bands. Examples of this are Naitomea/Nightmare (Death Note, Majin Tentei Nougami Neuro, CLaymore) Yousei Teikoku (Mirai Nikki, Ga-Rei: Zero) and Ali Project (Rozen Maiden, Linebarrels of Iron). Then again, I like my darkness a little bit? So warning, I'll probably have more heavy/loud openings in this post!

    Anime openings, imo, tend to set the pace of the anime in it's own way. If you have a really, really dark anime, if the opening is as dark and gloomy, then it gets you into the mindset of the series. Some animes tend to play this for laughs (Dokuro-chan anyone?) and some openings are damn cool, but just disapoint you about the series' content.

    But for example

    which is Nobunagun's OP, is both fitting and unfitting. It's unfitting at first, but later it just... synchronizes super well with the entire series. I just love this op to death!

    Some really interesting openings are One Reason from Deadman Wonderland,
    from Phantom ~ Requiem for the Phantom ~, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni by the same titled series and a classic, Lilium from elfen lied. Each of these openings are powerful in their own way, and if not a bit mind bending once you realize what the series is about.

    I know there's so many more openings that I am skipping but jeez, there's just so many! I should compile a really big list, but these are the ones that just come off the top of my head because they mean so much to me and just connected me to the series so much that I loved it.

    As for EDs, I generally don't like many. Some are by the bands I've named above and those I tend to watch but... eeeeh. EDs tend to bore me 90% of the time. Although, speaking of emotionally tangling EDs, anyone that gets feels from Key (Angel Beats, Air, CLANNAD, Rewrite) will probably curse me right about now. Because always remember the Dangon Daikazoku!
  5. if I remember right, Accelerator was getting his own spin-off? I can't remember if it was anime or manga, but I doubt they'll let the To Aru mark drop since I recall it did pretty darn well sell wise. Although, it might have been put on a bit of hiatus due to how more popular slice of life was at the time / still currently is but you never know. Maybe they'll make III and then watch the fans explode.

    The sad reality is, it might not have sold enough for the studio's liking, which breaks my heart. To Aru is an excellent universe, and the anime is actually damn well produced in my opinion. Though, I haven't really compared it to the manga source as of yet, but still.

    also am I the only one excited for the thought of more accelerator and last order?

  6. So here's my take and if I repeat what others have said, sorry!

    Basically evangelion is an older anime, that's evident by the art style. I'd suggest subs, but the dub isn't that bad. In either case, it's a Gainax anime - and the one that kicked them off the back streets and into the stratosphere of anime studios. The main character, Shinji, is basically their protagonist archtype for everything. Ain't that fun facts?

    I found it quite interesting, but quite muddled - which I guess is the whole point. I was also the idiot that watched all 26 episodes of the tv series, and the 2 movies that summerize that series. If all of the remakes had been out, I'dve watched that too. And I watched all of those IN A ROW. Let's just say I didn't sleep and I deluded that miss cold was strangling me in my shower - was an interesting time.

    The anime will probably be confusing, even if you watch all of it, but I thought it was worth it. If you don't respond well to confusing animes and cowardly protags, then no, this isn't very good for you. But yeah /throws cents into topic and rolls off

  7. aww thank you for the welcome backs! /hands cookies.

    Also I may have tried to just @tag whoups. So one by one it is!

    Derpy: I will no worries! You're a sweetie pie have this cupcake. And remind me to raid the animu section lol.

    Omega: Sanity is overrated anyways. /pours maple syrup down shirt. I guess I just gotta stick around /hahhaahshot

    Mockingbird: I will break ur back for dat meme. on serious note, I'm a fan of wrestling too, it's been a bit since I watched it though, gotta get back into it x.x

    Vinny: -takes the pass- aw yiss a pass! internet legal hohoho!

    I also have teh weirdest sleep schedule, so my insanity is probably the fact that I've slept like 4 hours lol. It feels nice to be back though <3


    Idk what happened - in between moves, and losing my sites and cookies, I lost the site, the game, the everything. And I switched skypes too due to super drama llamas - why can't anyone be friendly alpacas srsly!? - so yeaaaah. SO just treat me as a new person despite the fact I have somehow 50 posts - how the heck, I don't remember making these - And schtuff.

    So hai hai, this is PFMei, known as a myriad of names here and there across the internet world! I play video games, I dabble in youtube, I roleplay, I dabble in html, I dabble in photoshop, I dabble into music - I'm a wide interested girl with a taste for culture, anime and mind-fucks. Ain't that fun!

    Other interesting notes: I am french-canadian, currently living near Ottawa. I'm of legal age you perverts, and my birthday is in about two, three weeks. I'm definitely female, I like my boobs ty, and I'm not bloody cute I s2g I will cut you.

    k I'm done /scuttles

  9. that feel when your mouse dies mid match and you're like >fuck

    The feel of never being able to know the others feels.

    And that feel when you keep trying a role you suck at because people are selfish and insta-lock.

  10. lsjdfsdk;f YES @PORYGON.



    And cap is cruise control m8. but thankies for the info, I'll let y'all know if I find the damn beastie.

  11. Anime-CatGun.gif

    That is my feels right there. Like Gaiz, I'm disapoint. Really? How can you even FEEL justified in such a way? I could rant, but I don't think we need that.

    Relatively; LEADER INTERVIEWS? OMIGOSH. I didn't know we could interact with them..... :C I feel all shy now; are my clothes okay? should I go naked? Kyaaaah! I'm so lost now! QQ Oh goshies, I can't believe we can > /shot

    K, so I shot the fangirl part. But sounds like fun; definitely @interviews. I'll see if I can conjure up some journalistic .... influences for the best questions!

    • Upvote 1
  12. Hi there! I don't know many mystogans, but I did know someone with the name a few years back. But I doubt you're one and the same to be fair. XD

    In any case, welcome to Reborn! <3 <3 @Gardevoir, one of my favourites too~

    I hope you have a lot of fun and such, and don't be afraid to poke people. X3 We're a pretty nice bunch.. I think. pft.

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