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Posts posted by Link14

  1. OOoooo, so thats the girl who sent me that friend request, I should go hiiIIIIIAAYYEEE!!! X_X *falls from a tree and faceplants* O-ouchies... ohh imma feel that for the rest of forever... okay ummm.. what did I fall down for again? *tick tick tick tick tick tick ding* Oh right!

    Hi hi lucy~ welcome to the site and thanks for the friend request XD Hope you enjoy it here and enjoy the game :o

    The game is so awesome, music, story, finding a scared ralts Q~Q oh that was the cutest XD... whoops off topic x-x soooo yea.. XD Viva Pokemon Reborn!

    Ja ne~

  2. Is this under the Reborn game? :o

    I have to say nice job. She gave me trouble... for the first turn. also this should probably fit under Reborn Game subforum, but hey, I can see how you could see it here.

    Honestly, I never would have thought of Fury Cutter. Not that I had it, but hey, props to you.

    oh yea this is from Pokemon reborn and I put this in the wrong spot huh... *facepokeball* Darnit!.. is it possible to move this?

  3. Woot! Just got my 2nd gym badge, thanks to T-raz and the game letting me know she used Grass type pokemon and T-raz telling me that even having a fire type would be bad sooooooo, I looked over at my Kricketune and begin to form my evil plan of success~ and it worked! XD

    First I put her first pokemon to sleep then I kept attacking wit fury cutter, at first I thought it wouldn't work cause the first fury cutter missed

    (NOOOOO I'M DOOMED!!!! D: D: D:) but then the second one hit and it was still sleeping (YAY!) then HP got low and she healed with super potion (OH GOD DA-) and it was still sleeping... (QUIT MOCKING ME!) then it fainted from the next fury cutter, they all kept hitting, OHKOing all her other pokemon, except that breloom, but I forgot what it did to me if it did anything at all,

    (I'm gonna win~ I'm gonna win~) and theeennnn~ I got the badge :3 (Do a little dance~, woot woot 2nd badge, oh yea, who da man! I'm da man!) So yea, thought I'd share that XD

    Link Out!~

  4. I am... insanely late here, but welcome. Your thoughts seem like a train wreck... perfect.

    Train wreck, like in the game when the train went BOOM! nice XD dunno if you intended to do that but nice either way! lolz

    No need to be nervous, all of us here have our own social problems ups and downs. Nice to meet a friendly new face!

    Don't bother with that rowdy ruffian, Amethyst. I hear she's bad news. Hope you feel welcomed here!

    Thank you very much and she is? *puts on fake glasses and fixes them* oh my :o

  5. Come on, come on you read the how 2 thread.. once.. so you got this, you got this.. breathe.. okay..

    First things first introduction.. okay.. Link14 my hi name is everyone!... -facepalm- that made absolutely no sense -_- lets try that again... Hello everyone, my name is Link14 and its a pleasure to be here~ (Nailed it~) Right now on to the next part.. which was.. hobbies? Happiness?.. this is harder then I thought.. wonder when do we break for cake? Oh wait still saying hi right, focus!

    Mmmm, well this is about pokemon, so I should start there.. okay Ahem!.. Mmmm, first game I played was yellow version, the very pokemon game I owned was silver version though, and through every game I've chosen the fire starter pokemon until I reached black/white, went with the grass type. (Yes yesss YES! I CAN DO IT, I AM AWESOME! I CAN WIIINNN!)

    I enjoy playing many MMO games, and console games. I'm an Otaku4life (thug life~) have seen alot of animes, not too much into watching mainstream ones though (One Piece, Naruto, Bleach *gets lost in thought).......... *snaps back* Ah and my good bub T-Raz got me here.. sent me the game first Via Skype and man... I played it just for a little bit and feel in love.. with the music.. and the dialouge.. oh my god the dialouge *laughs in head*

    Mmmmm, my fav types of pokemon.. well I recently found out something about myself, I really like cute pokemon.. and by cute I mean like eevee, Leafeon, Espeon, Mawile, Ralts - Gardevoir annnd more that I cannot think of right now, dunno where my brain is right now (mawile, mawile mawile mawile~)

    Anyway, umm.. uhh... yea... (you idiot! you forgot to think of a closer, now your finished, you messed up, game over man.. game over, you're so done i-) Hey a "Post New Topic button.. wonder it does *clicks*

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