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Posts posted by Bullet

  1. Sivir_Splash_6.jpg

    I'm in love.

    For some reason I thought this was an Ahri skin. That made me kind of happy. And then when I found out what it actually was my reaction was "ew Sivir". Then I realized I don't have Popstar Ahri either. I'm going to go cry now.

  2. My thoughts as a former Morgana main(it was quite a while ago, but she really hasn't changed significantly in terms of her abilities)

    I'm not sure I see the problem with her passive. If a champion has high innate sustain, then they will be difficult to wear down with damage over the course of a lane; but is that a reason to not design champions with high innate sustain? The fact that she can only do significant damage by either using her bind or walking up and ulting means that most mage champions can simply make favorable trades taking out say 20% or so of her health repeatedly essentially for free as long as they dodge the bind; if she takes the initiative to use a bind and misses, she also opens up an opportunity to be punished. As a result, she typically cannot do much except farm until she feels the need to all-in or hit a lucky bind. While i dislike the centralization of her gameplay around landing a bind, I feel it's fine where it is now.

    In my opinion the truly large flaw in her design as a whole is her ultimate; it really needs to trigger the second portion on at least a person or two for her to be effective late game, but it really just lends itself to people saving their flashes or built in dashes/blinks and basically invalidating her ultimate as just a single use nuke. This problem is also a huge contributor to her reliance on her Dark Binding later in the game to function at an acceptable efficiency. The most recent tweak to her that gave her Tormented Soil % damage is a good step to reducing her need to consistently hit bindings, which is good for making her it more balanced.

    I've personally found building AP very rewarding on her, though I do admit if you runt he numbers it's probably less efficient than many other mage champions. But I think that's really not an easy issue to address.

    For your passive proposition, I really like the flavor aspects you considered in making it. Considering my personal experiences with Morgana, I think while it would be nice for lower levels to allow her to fight and have more dynamic gameplay, it murders her laning phase at higher levels of play, where against a good 90% of players or so you will never land a bind on anyone who is not either under crowd control already or cannot see you and is reasonably close to you. As a result her laning, not considering the presence of junglers, is entirely dependent on farming with Tormented Soil and reaping the benefits of spell vamp simultaneously. Forcing her to trade with enemy champions adds damage to her all-in, but turns her into an all or nothing champion as she will not be able to trade damage favorably against most champions.

    tired have to get ready for thanksgiving things more thoughts later maybe kbye

  3. random first impressions as i read each thing

    Call me crazy, but those Corki changes look like a straight buff? Not that it even brings him to the level he was on before...

    RIP Gragas

    Various silly changes

    Nerfing AP ratios on supports is pretty disgusting

    Eh items I'm too lazy to read

    Jungle items are somewhat interesting... Wriggles might just be insane now. I don't like encouraging farm junglers though....

    Various other items I don't want to read through

    I have many thoughts on the vision changes. A very small percentage of them are actually in approval

    Blue Buff nerf makes me smile, though that's 100% personal and I doubt anyone will understand. Also, once again, farm junglers seem optimal, though I didn't read too closely here I'll admit

    I don't like buffs on dragon. I'd rather keep punishing people who overvalue dragon

    Turret changes I have mixed feelings about. I dislike the changes to how gold is distributed by destroying them. I feel like it's not a necessary nor helpful change. Oh well. Making last hitting more consistent irks me as well. I have a big internal rant about how it's bad to lower the skill level for things like this, because League if already a relatively low skill game compared to say, Dota 2, and taking out the rewards of being able to do small intricate things is not a good direction for the game to go. Basically, while that specific change is fine, it's signaling a possible mindset that is unhealthy for the game, especially if it wants to grow as a competitive e sport. Other changes I think are fine and justified.

    Again, reducing early death timers is what I feel a step in the wrong direction. Snowballing is a thing that people need to learn how to cope with. Trying to stoop down and make things easier for players of lower skill levels is not healthy for the game. Other anti-snowballing changes, same comment.

    Nerfing proxy is just dumb

    Masteries... no comment I'll mess with them when they go live

  4. Generally the most difficult to balance are high mobility asassins such as Kass, Katarina, etc. I'd say Katarina in general is the most difficult simply because her passive lends itself to either make her broken, or force the rest of her kit to be so weak she's just not viable. Rengar is also a big problem because there's so little you can do about him individually, as he'll either do well and slaughter people, or just end up too weak. Kassadin really just shouldn't exist.

    I think Shaco barely qualifies as being balanced just because the Korean really good players can do well throughout the game despite him being underpowered generally. I don't know, I think they could make him a little stronger and have him be fine.

    Tryndamere is another one of those really silly champions because individually his ablities seem balanced, but together he's just really not fun to play against and hard to deal with in soloq. If he gets nerfed though, it will probably be just to the point where he's unviable again.

    Fiddlesticks deserves to be removed from the game. Even more than Teemo. Fear is just stupid. Riot pls. The worst part is even if you buy Tenacity or QSS to counter his CC, he still has a gamebreaking ult. I don't know, I personally just detest him.

  5. You can beat Kassadin down as hard as you want. You can deny him farm and kill him. But it's not really possible to keep down a good Kassadin player forever unless you shut down his whole team. Even if he's really far behind he can just run around and pick up kills easily. This is very effective even up to Diamond. I speak from experience. He is just miserable to play against, and really deserves to be banned every game.

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