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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by AutmnStorm

  1. [quote name='Dr.Hiro Lee' timestamp='1307742292' post='15773']
    Amethyst, Cant we talk about this? Im not Jack, or Karas, or whoever! Im Jake Salvatore Frato, Born February 17th, 1999, I stand in at 5'10 and I weight 167 lbs. Please. Im not Jack....Im not....Im just his brother....Lets talk about this.

    I wouldnt give out that info on the internet, ya never know. Peros these days.....
  2. Im shitfaced when it comes to drawin da Pokemon,

    So hurr are my drawings!~

    Autumn&Tubblez----> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/99aa9654.jpg

    Summer---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/cbccc0a7.jpg

    Spring---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/5573c8ea.jpg

    AutumnGettingSecondBadgeInKanto---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/b90eae1b.jpg

    Autumn&&Winter---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/d1cbfed4.jpg

    Autumn,Winter,&Dragonz---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/739fa8ed.jpg

    Autumn,Winter,&N---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/c98ba567.jpg

    Autumn&&Mashew---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/4469a35c.jpg

    ;;;Autumn&&N Drawings&&Edits

    AutumnCryingToN---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/ef1fa47a.jpg

    NWhisperingToAutumn---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/DONTLEAVEME.jpg

    Autumn&NArgument---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/BADROMANCE.jpg

    AutumnHuggingN---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/AutumnNHug.jpg

    NBeingNaughty.. >>--->http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/AutumnAndN.jpg

    NHuggingAutumn---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/NandAutumnCOPY.jpg

    Autumn&NHugging---> http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x375/SeasonalAutumn/230320_209483302405462_100000313811270_644942_5350707_n.jpg

  3. Any requests for me to draw? Considering I can't get my act together with +Infinitas right now...

    My Stuffz

    OC hanging over sharpedo tank



    OC giving May a piggyback ride

    Weavile holding a dagger

    Ninetales using Confuse Ray

    Open the door, get on the floor, everyone walk the PokéSaur! (Rampardos looking at a guy on the floor through an open door)

    Hark and a Flareon

    Ikaru and Mismagius

    Ashley on a Lapras

    Sleepy May

    Sleepy May 2.0

    My face when Bullet joins a server tournament

    May in starting trainer, intermediate trainer, and champion outfits

    OC looking at May with a disdainful look

    Silva (OC's Sceptile) being fancy

    Flamma (OC's Charizard) avoiding a Stone Edge

    Macto (OC's Infernape) being a pimp

    OC lifting up May's skirt while singing a jaunty tune

    May glomping Steven

    May imagining OC kneeling before her and admiting defeat.

    OC hugging May from behind

    OC and May telling scary stories around a campfire

    OC messing with May's hair

    OC and May at a hot spring with a bunch of monkey-style Pokémon

    May holding a Minncino

    My imagination of when I make a new +Infinitas page compared to reality

    Neku and Myles (Tink) a-troll'n

    Mewtwo and Lucario

    GG, Luna, Saya and Ikaru all having a tea party

    Silva (OC's Sceptile) after Unburden takes effect

    Amethyst and Radomus playing a game of chess

    Karen, Sidney and Grimsley

    A talking banana named Steve

    Mew, Celebi, Jirachi and Manaphy

    Dragonair and Dragonite

    May appearing worried about something inb4pregnancytest

    Mudkip after a long day


    Ashley hugging a Ninetales

    OC and May's Pokémon having a tea party

    Tyler (Ashley's brother) and his Spiritomb

    Aeirow and his Umbreon

    OC and May in Team Magma and Aqua outfits

    May drawn in a different style than usual

    Mashew and Ashley cuddlehugging with a Nidoking sleeping behind them

    Allan's true form

    May atop of Nazo (May's Flygon)

    Amor and Gladius


    Autumn&&N... >>


    I HATE when I give people respect and get disrespected. It bothers me shitless when guys only wanna fuck me. It grinds my gears when my friends talk shit behind my back and act fake to my face. I dislike how I am treated at time. It pisses me off when I mess up my hair.


    I LOVE Food~<321

    May 27, 8pm. Be there. Actually idk where it will be at...
    The wedding will be on a friday..
    Yes thats right...

    I need people to be involved in this wedding,
    DJ, were to be held, preist, all that.
    So if you want to comment this stuff up~!
  6. Novalor (Charizard) (M) @Leftovers (Shiny)- Autumns Pokemon what she keeps after her father is murdered. Charizard always had a liking for Autumn since she was born. Charizard is tough and blunt, only caring about Autumn after she gets a hold of using him when she battles. Charizard will do anything to protect Autumn not wanting her to have the same faith as her dad. Charizard is VERY overprotective with Autumn and won't even let one person touch her. Hes hardy and dislikes everyone and pokemon around him, him growing trust in things is almost impossible with will not listen to anyone but Autumn making him a stubborn pokemon for anyone other then Autumn.

    And that is the only Pokemon that I will use... xD
  7. HELLO! HAI! So I FINALLY got my account to start working so I am now going to upload pages and such on here. So I think you all got the basic's of what this comic is about, just Pokemon.. Comment on this with any criticism, questions, remarks, ANYTHING! And if any of you guys wanna be in a part or two of the comic then just comment this and I'll be glad to put ya in! :3

    [i][b]ABOUT Moment4Life[/b][/i]
    Moment4Life, Mean in which to live each moment as if it for your last, as in saying just live life. Cause each and ever moment could be your last. Where does this "Moment4Life" come into this story about Pokemon? The main charter Autumn, goes by the saying "Leave each moment as if its your last, like this is your Moment for Life" As being so Autumn being her free spirited being, going by "Red Wave" For her red hair and when she runs its as it her hair waves along with her. Autumn is what people would call "Hot Headed" because her temper is so short, and she loses her temper the most when people call her "Fivehead" Or say remarks about her oversized forhead, but enough about Autumn.
    This is what you would call and non the less more mature version of Pokemon. For there is blood and bad language in this story. It is about a team of three people traveling together; Autumn, Rodaku, and N. Autumn we already explained, Rodaku would be what people called "Too cool for school" He seems to be cool and calm in most the story, almost the complete opposite of his sister Autumn. Who Autumn always has a problem with hating how he acts like hes always better then her. While, N is, well, nothing people call him but "Mysterious" And this is what attracts Autumn to him the most, seeing as she finds herself always wanting to figure this boy out. While N, sees himself liking Autumn for the way she cares for her Pokemon and treats them, nothing like hes ever seen. And the way Autumn isin't afraid of anything in her path. And each and every time they are alone N sees himself liking Autumn more and admitting to it while Autumn, being stubborn as she is, refuses to admit her feelings toward N.
    So this story here is about Love, Friendship, and just life in general. And what more can I say?


    [i][b]PAGE ONE[/b][/i]

    [i][b]PAGE TWO[/b][/i]

    [i][b]PAGE THREE[/b][/i]

    [i][b]PAGE FOUR[/b][/i]

    [i][b]PAGE FIVE[/b][/i]

    [Sorry for HORRIBLE quality!]
    SO WHOS THIS GIRL YOU MUST SAY?!?! Why that is Autumn, now older and in a new swag! :3 Moral to this, its reuniting it up. SPOILER ALERT!;;; Autumn leaves around the world cause Professor Birch cause he needs her help since him and her are related, for he is her Uncle. Doing so, leaving behind her lovely older brother and mister mystery N behind for a few years. CRAZY STUFF, I know. Well, while Autumn is gone, Rodaku and N become distant and no longer speak since she leaves and Autumn herself and N lose contact in each other making the whole group go their separate ways[Sadface] and after years go by Autumn seems its time to go back home, being all stronger now and ready to beat her big brother in a pokemon battle[Since she never won in a battle with him] Doing so, she hears word on streets that N goes CRAZY on wanting to separating pokemon and humankind and Autumn, well, uhm, she don't like that. So in Autumn's will she wants to stop this and have her old best friend back. Doing so its this long FUN treveling time for her and her brother to find N and stop him. And then finding him they all battle and blah, blah, blah.... THEN AUTUMN AND N REUNITE, then BOOM this AWESOME embrace happens. The end. :3


    [[Drawn and Photoshopped by me! I just love this pic tho<321]]
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