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Shattered Gem

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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Shattered Gem

  1. Oh also, just because it starts in Kanto does not mean that the next region is Johto. Ok it does and Hoenn comes after that, but some of it will be out of order, and right before visiting Johto, you will go to an Island near Galar.


  2. Ok so I found some sort of timeline. I bet some of you have heard of King Infernal’s timeline… maybe. Anyways, the I am studying up on it to have something to work with.


    So I’m thinking that the game will start in what’s called year 30. Of course, it will go into many years in the future.


    I plan on working on this one region at a time, and yes, I am fully aware that this will be long and tedious

  3. So hi everyone. I’m pretty new here. This place looks kinda dead tbh tho. I’m going to join the discord soon tho. But after playing reborn, some of rejuvenation, and desolation in the near future, I wanted to make my own fangame. I think it’s a pretty good concept, but I want some input. Without further ado, I present to you the idea, Pokemon Generations

    So this takes place starting off in Kanto. The player will be able to travel through Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, Galar, and even Paldea. Now, here’s where things get interesting: there will be field effects in all the regions as well as references to the reborn region. Maybe even some appearances of characters if that’s alright with who ver is in charge here. Anyways, there will be a story line that spreads across all the regions. 


    Some features:

    every Pokémon (not counting legends and myths)

    Emerald graphics with that gen 5 vs screen

    field effects (new and old)

    all gimmicks, in their respective regions ( mega evolution is available in Kanto, thanks to the Let’s Go games. 
    new and canon characters

    a new evil team? ( not sure about this one)





    also, could someone explain to me the time line of Pokémon reborn and where it is in the canon time line? I would like this game to take place, say, when Wally from Hoenn is a young adult, for example



    well that’s it. I would really like some feedback. Thanks for reading.

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